
April 14, 2010

April's Wind Outdoor Set by Simcredible Designs

Set includes: Dining table, chair, fruit bowls and tent pieces (more coming soon)

Download at Simcredible Designs


  1. Wow, this is really nice. I love the fruit and canopy.

  2. It's nice but those pictures make it look like it is made for The Sims 2 not 3.

  3. Lol, looks like Sims 3 for me..

  4. Is that a bad thing? I think they presented the downloads very well.

  5. It's definitely sims 3. Everything on that site is sims 3.

  6. I love the fruit bowls. The canopy looks quite nice, too.

  7. Awesome!!! But it's not complete the set.

  8. Beautiful set! I love Simcredible!

    What I like most about them is that when they upload sets, they upload parts individually so you only have to download what you want. I have always hated having to download an entire set on some other sites when I only really wanted a couple things in the set.

  9. Same here. I love that option so much. =) I can't wait to see the rest of the set.

  10. I would be nice to have a link to the full set, some people like to download it entirely, specially when it's worth. :D

  11. "I have always hated having to download an entire set on some other sites when I only really wanted a couple things in the set."
    Can you only imagine how much time creators take to make those things for you to download for free !!!
    The least YOU can do is sort out what you want from the pack !
    I am getting fed up of creating for anon who always complain.

  12. By the way, this is a beautiful set, as usual from Simcredible. Thanks so much for sharing for free !

  13. Anne, get over it. Nobody cares.

  14. Anne, get over it. Nobody cares.

  15. It's true. It is so irritating to see ungrateful downloaders complain about silly things like that when the creators have already put in so much time and effort to make them for free. It is SO EASY to open the .rar file and double click on any of the sims3pack files you want to install.
