
April 06, 2010

Cute Boy Jack by Claeric

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher


  1. That look of his face (you know that kind of look right before he brutally murders the entire family) it's kinda charming, in a psychopathic way.

  2. Not cute at all lol

  3. LOL, Claeric sure has a way of giving cartoonic charm to sims.

  4. He's supposed to be vaguely like Jack Frost, from the Rankin Bass stop motion christmas special. The face would be impossible, but that is why his eyes are big. The eyes are a lot of what makes a sim look the way they do, and for me, the eyes are enough to get him looking kinda like Jack Frost. :D

    That would be where that "Cartoonic Charm" comes from- I usually do use a bit bigger of eyes. Humans are instictively drawn to eyes that are big- it's why we like kittens and puppies and baby bunnies so much :P

  5. ...and octopussies and regular pussys.

  6. CUTE?! It looks scary to me!

  7. No matter what these resentful idiots say Claeric, I love you :)
    We needed someone like you here.
    Also I like your sim but his profile side makes me not want to download him.

  8. These are the type of guys you're attracted to Claeric?


  10. How often do you stare at a sim's profile? Most profiles are unpleasant, I think, but then I never look at them anyway. Thanks, though.

    And I think he's cute, yes. He has flaws to him and he's not some abercrombie model or anything. He's just a sweet, happy guy.

  11. "No matter what these resentful idiots say Claeric, I love you :)
    We needed someone like you here.
    Also I like your sim but his profile side makes me not want to download him."

    Get a room! Or better yet cyclonesue's new restroom.

  12. LOL the first pic is funny i thought his eyes were really liked that.

  13. Oh look, shallow jackasses who know how to use capslock and like to insult creators personally. I'm so surprised to see you here.

    He's not really my type (I don't like gigantic eyes, especially not on males), but I do like the nose shape.

  14. Well, no, I said it because I think he's cute.

  15. @katana

    Oh look, a pretentious air guitar player working at the local McDonalds (the sucky one) updating her status on Facebook "x days to friday!", who loves to "not insult" the insulting insulters insulting your insulted mother-in-law dressed up as the sultan sulking while sucking. I'm so surprised to see you here fully dressed, in your leather outfit charging §50/hour.

  16. Also, everyone compliments my noses. so many people have told me they adore Addelai's nose, and this guy's nose...I have a thing for bigger more prominent noses, the thin and hard-looking kind.

    Tarzan, Addelai, this guy, they've all got a nose like that. :p

  17. Nice sim but not my type.

  18. ^I'm a fan of larger noses on guys. Always have been.

  19. The Hills Have Eyes characters for the Sims? Awesome!

  20. Why are all of you so damn mean?

  21. Aww... in that second pic he looks so innocent. :3

    Those cookie cutter sims are annoying. Anything that's not perfect is ugly apparently. >_>

  22. "Why are all of you so damn mean?"

    Because they can be. We're online, and people take that as a license to say whatever they want to, especially as anons. Don't take it personally.

    I don't like the sim a whole lot, honestly. The nose and chin are nice but I don't like his eyes or mouth. But that's just my opinion and no reason to feel insulted. Eye of the beholder and yadda yadda.

    Other than the eyes, he's more realistic for an "average guy" kind of sim than a lot of them out there, and I like that.

  23. Hey Claeric, I'm the anon that said: LOL, Claeric sure has a way of giving cartoonic charm to sims.

    I tried to mean that as a compliment. I see beauty, not in perfect symmetry and cute little button noses, but in actual character. People claim they want realistic sims, but most people aren't poster boys and girls. Except for the eyes considering I don't know anyone with so large a feature, but I'm talking more about the face structure. It's the nose ridge especially. You said you get that a lot and I'm saying it again.

  24. Awesome sim, Claeric. I'll give him a nice home with lots of sim ladies. ;)

  25. Why are you always so damn mean? If you can be mean to some createors, then we could be mean to you.

  26. Hi Claeric, I don't agree with banning anonymous posting. I'm pretty sure MS3b has said before that he won't ban it because it lets everyone have their opinion easily & he himself also hates registering for different sites and what not.

    As for the Sim, he is interesting!

  27. ^lol right?

    Y U SO MEEN 2 ME!!! bwaaa~
    Karma dear, you should have thought twice before being "mean" to people on MTS, now you know how that feels right?

    I think you are butthurt because no one says your sims are beautiful. He looks retarded and creepy.

  28. ugly! its so sad, he has a face only his creator could love.

  29. Oh come on he's not THAT ugly. He's just quirky. You just hate the creator. XD

  30. His philtrum looks dirty.

  31. Claeric, if you are going to whine every time an Anon on the interwebz says something mean to you, I'm afraid you should probably leave.

    This isn't my taste at all, largely because it doesn't look like something that would ever occur in nature. I like my sims a little more realistic.


  32. Claeric, if you are going to whine every time an Anon on the interwebz says something mean to you

    Except I don't do that.

    But when a whole bunch of people come from nowhere and hide behind anonymous throwing out personal insults and acting as if this sim is somehow violently worse than anything they've ever seen, it gets old, fast.

    I tried to mean that as a compliment.

    I know it was. :D

  33. um at first i wasnt going to comment but i think the creator deserves to know my honest first impression of this shared sim and it's that he's quite ugly and will make ugly sim babies.

    creator should have just kept this one to himself b/c he has that face only his creator could love...

  34. Honestly the Sim is not the best looking but if the creator enjoys its work so be it.

  35. I think people shouldn't *personally* attack the creator -- even if they believe he's personally attacked others/been mean elsewhere. If they don't like the Sim -- fine. But, damn, people. Act like you're old enough to use the internet!

    This Sim isn't to my taste either, because I prefer realism. But I can see how people who like the cartoon-y aesthetic could go for him.

  36. ^Agreed with everything PrettySiren said, about the sim and about the commentary.

    Honest opinions are good, even when they are negative. Jerks who are jerks just because they can be all need to grow up a little. (I'm wondering which ones here are actually from MTS. I have my theories. I really don't care in the slightest, but it's kind of interesting.)

    And seriously, Claeric, don't take the insults personally or respond to them so often. If you're going to, the internet is not a safe place for you.

  37. Meh. Hes nothing special.

  38. The second I saw this yesterday I knew the comments were going to hit the 50 mark. Personally, he is not my type of Sim and I don't think he's cute. He'd add some character to the neighbourhood though.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. You guys are funny) I know nothing about the creator, but i see how people here attack him) Everyone hates Claeric and Peggy on MS3B, but their work is the most commented here))) Kinda contradiction.
    Anyway, this sim is not the best I've seen, of course, but it's not as awful and fugly as you describe) Take it easy, this is just a game)

  41. "The second I saw this yesterday I knew the comments were going to hit the 50 mark"

    So did Clearic. He whined to MS3B not posting this sim and got his way. He knew the comments would be negative. He's an attention whore.

  42. Huh? I didn't whine. I just said I'd appreciate it if he was put up.

  43. "No matter what these resentful idiots say Claeric, I love you :)
    We needed someone like you here.
    Also I like your sim but his profile side makes me not want to download him."

    GTFO. I liked Claeric before it was cool.

    But yeah I don't understand the Claeric bashing either. And Although I love most of your sims (the one in your icon is awesomely different <3) I don't really care for this one much. Although I'm loving his cheek bones

  44. "I didn't whine. I just said I'd appreciate it if he was put up."

    Okay...gonna say this. I <3 you Claeric, this has nothing to do with you alone...

    Fair enough, but I hate it when people do that. Posting in random threads to say "I updated my blog!" is bad enough, but actually requesting features? That's the sort of thing that needs to be EMAILED to MS3B, not posted in threads that have nothing to do with you.

    If MS3B thinks it's good enough to feature, it will be featured. Otherwise, it comes across as...I dunno, vaguely icky.

    The sim looks good. Smaller, less cartoonish eyes would be better. Other than that I like him.

  45. I apologized for it, I think it's a bit odd when people do that, too.

    The only reason I asked was because my last sim got a bunch of people whining that he was ugly and I thought(apparently wrong) that people would think this one was pretty. So I wanted him to get a bit of attention.

  46. Sorry, but personally I don't like him.

  47. Larger noses are an easy way to add life to a face, too. It's hard to make a mouth very distinguishable and sometimes even the eyes, but the nose is prominent and does a lot for facial personality.

    I really hate the cookie-cutter-ish sims, these little flaws are what makes them special. :D

    I agree. I like Jack and the resemblance to Jack Frost is a really neat creative twist.

    BTW did you create the sim pictured in your avatar? Cuz I would like so date him in real life. :-)

  48. How ironic. Tarzan, his avatar and this guy look like cookie-cutters of each other. Long nose long face crackhead sunken face look your sims are not as unique as you think.
