
April 22, 2010

The Divas - Barbra Streisand and Christina Aguilera by Audrey

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. the noses on these sims are really bad

  2. yea cause these celebs are known for their small noses right????????

  3. I think the Christina one looks very good. Not really feelin' Babs, though. Partly because all I can think about is her from South Park...

  4. lol the south park version of babs is pretty epic

  5. Love the dress on the last Christina...anyone know where it's at?

  6. haaaaaahaaahaaaaahaaa!

  7. i feel like, sometimes, sim-celebrities tend to reveal how unattractive the celebrity actually is. google christina, she really does look like that. the creator did a good job.

  8. The Barbara Streisand sim looks tons better than the real life one!

  9. "yea cause these celebs are known for their small noses right????????"

    They said they were bad, not that they were larger than the real thing. Learn to read.

  10. I agree with Act. Barbra's eyes aren't quite right but it's a good interpretation. Christina looks accurate.

  11. Thank you all for your comments, good and bad.

    Regarding the noses - I noticed that the Christina nose looked bigger than it really is on the sim, not trying to offer an excuse just explaining that it is the lighting throwing shadows on her nose, making it look bigger than it is. If you go onto MTS, there are the source pictures there and you will see that her nose is pretty true to life. Audrey

  12. SeceSaun, the link to the dress is on MTS.

  13. Honey, I'm sure these were meant as flattering tributes but you need to study your subjects a little more extensively. I can't tell the difference between any of these avatars except for the names you used to distinguish them. Good luck with your future efforts. And PS - it's been decades since Barbra Streisand ever wore any gown that showed here arms. I don't think she likes them and dresses accordingly.

  14. "Honey, I'm sure these were meant as flattering tributes but you need to study your subjects a little more extensively. I can't tell the difference between any of these avatars except for the names you used to distinguish them."

    Ok, then please post YOUR celebrity Sims that you've done since I'm sure you're an expert at them and have studied yours "more extensively." I could tell the Christina Aguilera one right off the mark. I could understand your criticism if she posted Sims that didn't even have the SLIGHTEST resemblance to the celebrity, but given the limitations in CAS, it's a pretty good job.

    I also think the "honey" in your comment to the creator was quite condescending.

  15. "If you go onto MTS, there are the source pictures there and you will see that her nose is pretty true to life"

    L M A O Audrey grow up
