
April 22, 2010

Flower Hair for Guys by Claeric

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher

File name: Male Flower Hair


  1. lol i anticipate many 'these are not for REAL men' type of sophisticated debate. thanks its a fun addition but i have no use for it.

  2. why would anyone what a man sim to walk around this hair

  3. I don't get it. Why does that guy have girls hair?

  4. I get the feeling he did this BECAUSE of the girly hair debate.

    Or it's for his self-sim.

  5. No, I did it because the base hair (wihtout the flower) has been available for males for a long time, but I never saw the flower one anywhere.

    I used it for a sim to play with the Fair Folk set.

  6. Claeric feeds off of negativity, that's why he did this.

  7. I think it's cute. :3

  8. i will not give in i will not give in.....gaaah....

  9. Somebody is touched.

  10. I could easily see it as a surfer-dude type hairdo too. If you're facing waves taller than a building, you can put whatever you want in your hair.

  11. Lol, I have no use for it, but I find it amusing. Sometimes, the answer to "Why?" is simply "Because." ;oP

  12. Going to have to agree that this is some pretty clear trolling by Claeric. :/

  13. This is actually useful for faerie and tribal sims!

  14. Maybe's an insane sim. Or an emotionally disturbed French guy (with dyed hair), who's a child molesting artist.

  15. or maybe he's just some silly pothead with a stinking flower in his hair. why did he make it? because it takes all types - that's why!

  16. God you people and your trolling accusations. He converted the hair and I'm sure there's people out there who could use it. He hasn't even said anything malicious in comments either. Thanks Claeric. Your stuff is awesome.

  17. I actually like it. Thanks Claeric. :)

    (BTW, I really wish you weren't banned from MTS2. I loved seeing your posts on there. You gave that site character.)

  18. I seriously laughed out loud at this.

  19. i dont mean this in a bad way at all, thanks for the laughs, you brightened my day :)

  20. (BTW, I really wish you weren't banned from MTS2. I loved seeing your posts on there. You gave that site character.)

    You must be Claeric's boyfriend.

  21. From being on MTS I can say, Claeric is an ass to everyone for no reason. Just how he talks, he acts like he's above everyone and that all of his things are so grand.

    It annoys the piss outta me

  22. (BTW, I really wish you weren't banned from MTS2. I loved seeing your posts on there. You gave that site character.)

    Character? Please he would bitch about everyone there.

    With stuff like:

    Oh, that's good, but it has SOOO many flaws, unlike me *shines perfect teeth*

  23. in the words from saun of the dead...gaaayyy

  24. in the words from saun of the dead...gaaayyy

  25. I'll probably not use this, but thanks for a fun hair. I love your sense of humor, and that you realize this is just a game.

  26. I like it too. I don't think I'd use it, but I can see how someone would. It would be perfect for a castaway-style jungle neighborhood. Hey, when you don't have access to the mall, everyone's gotta get creative with accessories.

  27. Very funny. I like it. But I am glad he was banned from MTS2. More civil there now.

  28. i'd rather see his energy turned elsewhere

  29. HIPPEH! (hear this is cartman's voice)

  30. "Going to have to agree that this is some pretty clear trolling by Claeric. :/"


  31. I can see this being useful for those who like to stage weddings and particularly nice for beach weddings.

  32. LOL Claeric. You make my day. Your haters do to. They always make me feel more awesomer than them because they look so stupid most of the time. May you never run out of genius-juice babe! This make me LOL hard especially after the "real man hair" debate from earlier LOL

  33. Question: the picture shows the hair clipping into the man's shoulders. Is this only with slider hacks, or does it do this with normal sims?

  34. That's just how it looks always. It does that for females, too. It's not really noticable when playing, though.

  35. Finally i can make my own gay dude :')


  36. That something as simple as a flower in someone's hair cna cause you all to be so judgemental is nothing short of disgusting. It's a bit horrifying that so many people could be so immediately closed-minded.

  37. I don't really see it as gay because the guy has a flower in his hair. A man having a flower in his hair does not make him gay. It's the equivalent of the guys I see wearing pink shirts today. Not all of them are gay, they just like wearing pink shirts. Something that someone wears in their hair cannot make them gay. I like the hair actually.

  38. This reminds me of a religious group in the 60's and 70's that gave out flowers, and the ones that had hair wore flowers in them. This will be cool when paired with the egyptian outfit that came with WA. The sim is not bad looking either.

    Peace and love, loving the concept Claeric!

  39. "This reminds me of a religious group in the 60's and 70's that gave out flowers, and the ones that had hair wore flowers in them. This will be cool when paired with the egyptian outfit that came with WA. The sim is not bad looking either.
    Peace and love, loving the concept Claeric!"

    Oh sweetheart, Claeric is about the furthest thing from peace and harmony ever. Dude is a down right trolling, bitching, pretentious prick.

    Please go drink your Kool-Aid now dear, may the next life be kinder to you.

  40. I see no gay guy? I see a person, possibly one who hangs out at the beach, or with the hippies, or those numerous other things that have been said... To be quite honest that Sim doesn't even meet the *stereotype* gay, what IS your problem people?

    I don't know why EA didn't just do this originally, or in Castaway or something...

  41. Quote Clearic: Wtf is with everyone calling this gay?

    I hate to say this but most gay people ACT feminine. Don't ask me why, but if hadn/t realized that before you have been living under a rock

  42. He looks like he either returned from a tropical vacation or a themed frat party.

    Some guys-- y'know who are either secure in their sexual orientation or HEAVEN FORBID, have a sense of humor -- would probably allow some half naked chick to put flowers on them.

    Chicks-- living, non-pixelated, organic chicks-- like to have fun with guys at parties or vacations.

    Oh wait-- trolls don't go outside!!! Forget what I typed.

  43. For christs sake, what a bunch of children, you must have an average age of 12, or there really isn't any excuse. Gay? A child molester? Who cares? Perhaps its just a bloke with a flower in his hair. Thanks for the up Claeric, persoanlly I'm going to use it to stage a sim version of Woodstock, and whether ot not the dude is gay depends on the amount of magic mushrooms ingested I guess ;)

  44. OMG claeric ur so funny, lol. Hey, ya got a smile out of me on this one.
