
April 12, 2010

Hairstyle 2 - "Wavy hair" by Lit

Download at Lit Sims3 Stuff

Package and Sims3pack available

File name: Lit_Wavy hair


  1. If the fringe/bangs weren't so short, and the shorter bits of hair were long like the rest of the hair, I'd love it so much more.
    Oh well, someone will probably like it.

  2. I agree. Longer bangs would make this hair perfect! But i still like it.
    Maybe someone can request it @ her?

  3. I like the concept, but I think it needs more work done. The bangs could be a bit longer, and the hair is too stuck to the neck and head. If she were to add a bit more "volume" on the sides it would help.


  4. Great job Lit! Thank you...

  5. A bit too stringy for my liking, but all around it's not such a bad looking hair. :)

  6. I like the shortish bangs. I'm not a fan of the mesh though, it's too stiff. But the idea is really nice :)

  7. Not really for me but its a good hair.
    I think it would be cute in a shorter more cropped version.

  8. Its too shiny and not wavey enough, the shine is obv to create the wavey look though. I just dont like it.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. It's a bit close to the neck, but other then that I think it's cute.

  11. I think that it would look really pretty if the fringe and the bits at the side were longer, but other than that its nice :-)

  12. I don't mind the short bangs, but the style could be freed up some around the neck area. I am not sure, but the texture looks hard, like chiseled from stone or something.

    I do admire the new style, or at least new to me. Great idea, just needs more work.

  13. I don't like the bangs and it looks dirty and like it's glued to the body.

  14. its nice bt looks a bit too stringy in blonde

  15. For me the problem is not how close to the neck, rather that when it splays out under the shoulders after, it doesn't look realistic.
    Otherwise it's nice (except in blonde), but overall at least it's individual unlike most recent hairs...

  16. A little too greasy looking for me, also a bit on the shag/mullet side.

  17. Looks like the Newsea Jelly dance/whatever hair. Texture's kind of greasy, though.

  18. "...What the fuck is this?"

    Wow, thanks anonymous, for your insightful, beautifully-phrased comment! I'm sure everyone really appreciate your feedback.

    Anyway. I have to agree with past comments. Too stringy, too stuck to the head, the bangs are too short, and the texture is just unfortunate. You can see where she tried to create real waves, and instead created the stringy bits you can see on the side of the blonde's head.

    In black, though, I actually kind of like it. It looks fitting for a witch or fantasy-type sim.

  19. There's something I don't care for about the texture. There's the effect of a ridge that goes all the way around her head, and the mirroring thing doesn't help. As for the mesh...what B, Epi and a few others said about it narrowing too much at the neck. In that respect, I think anon is right in saying that it wouldn't look quite so unrealistic if it didn't flare back out at the shoulders.

    It's a nice idea, but I don't think I like the end result all that much.

  20. This is actually really cute. I don't like the bangs, though. It would be better if they were much longer.

    Not a huge fan of that texture either. I might wait until someone retextures this one. :D

    Nice work, overall.

  21. It could be better, but you know what? This game's so short for wavy hairs, that I'm tempted to download just because it IS wavy, and tolerable looking.

    I appreciate the effort.

  22. It looks like someone glued her hair to her neck, for pete's sake!

    Really it would look so much better without the weird texture.

  24. I think the mesh has promise, but I do agree that the texture needs a bit more work.

  25. Ok guys, I tried this out in-game.... wait for the retexture. Trust me. Not only does it look *twice* as stringy, in-game, but it's extremely blocky looking. It looks like a bad wig.

    Again, wait for the retexture.

  26. The short bangs look stupid

  27. I have a new sim

  28. That's the worst highlighting job I've ever seen. Hair does not work this way, people. Light does not flow in this manner. :|

  29. About the style being close to the neck, I just noticed last night that the egyptian hairstyle from WA is made the same way. Maybe that is the base for this style, but I don't like the egyptian style either.

    I like the idea behind this style, just wish some things were different.

  30. Its a very nice attempt to make a wavy hair. I commend the creator for trying this. I do think it has some issue so will wait to download it, but I hope he/she is not too discouraged by the comment here. Most of these people, and some have admitted it on previous posts, cannot make a Sims 3 hair at all. Its easy to be critical when you have no idea how difficult it is to do. I actually do like the style. The short banks are cute and the hairstyle would be great on a artistic young adult. But again, it needs some work on the textures. Thanks though for sharing your work with us!

  31. ^I agree, I think some people on these forums are really rude.

  32. ^But at the same time, a lot of people made legitimate criticisms. Jackasses are jackasses, we won't ever escape them. But just because you don't like something doesn't mean you're bashing it, or bashing the creator.

    I like a lot of LIT's work, but she won't improve if she doesn't hear what people don't like about her work, in addition to what we do like.
