
April 03, 2010

Modified Monotone CAS: "Creation" by Claeric

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher


  1. Not sure if you take request but could you make an all white cas? ALL white? i though the modthesims cas room was decent but i like to switch it up a bit

  2. I never quite got why people were so picky about their CAS rooms. I can't even remember what colour it is off the top of my head... I never really look at it. I'm just more focused on the sim.

    But that being said, I would rather have something plain and fun like this. I'm glad you decided to share it; I really liked the window-with-a-rainbow idea you talked about in the other comments. Thanks!

  3. I thought the whole point of CAS was creating your sims, not looking at the room.

  4. I like it, but it's all just a bit too plain for my taste.

  5. i LOVE it thanks claeric

  6. Wait didn't someone else make this? I could have sworn this was another person's creation, since this is what my CAS looks like and I've had it downloaded for months...

    What are you trying to pull Claeric?

  7. ^It was released a few DAYS ago on MTS (Joninmobile, I think), and as it's says, it's just a MODIFIED creation. He discussed it in that thread, and people sounded interested so here it is. Unclench.

    This looks really cool.

  8. How do you make custom CAS screen The Sims 3?
