
April 30, 2010

Renault and Bonus Pack at the Store

This link is working now and the stuff is free

Download at The Sims 3 Store


  1. Get the UK one, guys. The UK one includes the car and charging station, the US one has the Prius from months ago.

    Though it may give you a different one depending on region, you can find either at MATY.

  2. OMG I love tove the car

  3. Thanks Joe for only linking to the GB one. ^^ It'll keep people from downloading the redundant Prius pack.

    And I can't wait for more eco homes to be released covered in Solar panels! XD

  4. Anybody know what it means by "Bonus EV pack"?

    What is an EV pack?

  5. This is awesome. Thanks EA for releasing a great bonus pack!

  6. The Bonus EV pack is everything that comes with the Car, IE solar panels, wind turbines, plants, and charge station. I'm guessing EV is short for Environmental.

  7. Oh. Well that's confusing. I thought they meant "This stuff! Plus a bonus!" but they mean "This car! Plus this stuff!"

    A google search for EV pack actually has two sims 3 results on the first page. It's not a popular term :p so it must mean environmental pack.

  8. Got this off the German site yesterday...very cool and I suppose it could actually be useful since it reduces you sim's bills.

  9. I downloaded this yesterday. I think the items are pretty awesome.

    But is it me or does the "charging station" not work for people? My sim's can't walk through the object.

  10. Sim bills are actually extremely low to begin with, to the point where literally ANY job in the game is enough for a sim to fund their own bills just starting off, assuming they spend all their money on their house.

    There are some bill difficulty mods at MTS that make it so you actually have to pay attention to household value and sim wages or else you'll see the repo man every week, they make the game a lot more game-like and make these objects a lot more useful.

  11. FYI Vincent, Charging station is a community lot item, decorative, and is not in Simlish, but in English, so... It's basically 100% useless, unless you like filling up community lots with fake gas stations. Oh, also it's approximately the size of a 30x30 lot.

  12. ^cooollll? I guess. The Sims website is acting all slow and stupid for me blah

  13. i got the twizy this am, its adorable for the teens, yes the car is called a twizy, renault is usually not that interesting but this is a big exception

  14. very interesting looking car. don't know what im going to use it for yet as iv not even seen it in game. looking forward to it but i don't think ill be planting that decorative charging place in the hood'

  15. I love the windmill and solar panels, they reduce your bills!

  16. At first I was like
    "why do I need this?" but that's really neat that it works just as it would in real life

  17. Windmill... Must.... Download... Windmill....

  18. Shut Up!!! This is so awesome, I just want to build an Eco house now, so excited, I just wish the site would work for me!!!!!!

  19. Yay my link is working, oh and the AutoEvolution site said "EVP" stands for “Electric Vehicle Pack” : )

  20. My sims bills are around £3000 and she actually has a small 3 bed house... Although she has got a tiberium crystal in her front room that put up the bills by about £2000.
    But yes, this is really cool, makes a nice change having a kind-of petrol station, people are always saying they want to have to fill up their sim cars.

  21. I always play with money cheat, i don't care about bills.

  22. Where are the items in Buy mode? I can only find the car and the solar panels.

  23. where is the Charging Station ?

  24. I can't even find the solar panels, only the twizy. Could someone who knows please list where these objects are in Buy or Build Mode? Thanks.

  25. i dl'd this but removed nearly all but the tiny car and the plant w/ the little light on it. just didn't fit into my game
