
April 07, 2010

Some Sims at Sims Exposure

Download at Sim Exposure - Registration required


  1. Because they can, Anon. ;) More guys do it than females, though.

  2. I often make my slim sims have slightly bigger boobs, because I'm not flat-chested. It just seems more realistic to me; I have a lot of variety, because that's realistic too, but a lot of my skinny sims aren't EA-flat.

  3. "More guys do it than females, though."

    I don't think you can prove that assumption.

    Like lastanon, I "enhance" most of my sims, not to an extreme degree but just a little, to make them look more realistic, because many females have, um, boobs. The EA defaults are very small on the more slender sims; I know that many slim women IRL have small breasts, but it doesn't look real to me for all my skinny sims to be flat-chested. It has nothing to do with ZOMGBOOBIESYAY.

    As for these sims, I think they look pretty nice. I love that they are a little more creative than most that we see, even if there isn't a ton of variety in their face shapes. Their names are hilarious, though; makes me think of pulpy novels and fanfic.

  4. Real chics have boobs. Don't understand the debate.

    Great sims
