
May 13, 2010

Alexis by Loverdag

Download at Loverdag's Weird Sims


  1. The only thing "unique" about this sim is the long nose , slanted eyes, and ~alternative appearance. It looks as if Loverdag thought to him/herself "this looks too much like a pudding, so I'm going to pull this slider more to the left and voila, unique!" Bleh :/

  2. unique, pudding, unique, unique, unique, game, loss of reality, pudding, unique, join in on my misery, unique, you're all sheep, unique, pudding, lol@sim critics, unique, pudding, unique, unique, it's a game, it's not reality, unique, it's a game, unique, unique, unique, get some friends, breathe fresh air, go outside, unique, pudding.

  3. Eeww! LONG NOSE!!!

  4. i actually really like her :(

  5. shes cute where did she get that shirt tho!!?

  6. A favorite drink to consume the wrath of controlled sheeps is a matter of fact to control the weasel of quick endurance. This show here is not the will of the grand lord and it will forget the fact that it's not the tale of the massive failure.
