
May 29, 2010

Anto 77 Converted by Savio - UPDATED

Download at Savio's Stuff

File name: Anto 77_S3_TF-EF_Savio

This hair was fixed so remove the file name above and download it again.

New File name: Anto 77_S3_TF-EF_Savio_v2

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  1. This is amazing, thank you so much for sharing!!

  2. Love it!!!!!!!!

  3. The hair kinda just meets at the center in the back...almost as if it's another part like on the top...making it look like hair from the back is combed from when looking at the back, and hair from the front is combed back when looking at the front...and the ponytail pops out from nowhere because of it. :\

  4. You don't understand women's hairstyles. It looks good.

  5. I may not understand women's hairstyles, but I do understand that ponytails do not magically manifest from nowhere and that strands of hair do not grow out of one part of the head and pop back into another. :\

    It's a sloppy texture, and with anything other than black, it's really really noticable.

  6. I could do my hair like that right now. You just fold it a certain way in back.

  7. Same here, twist it all the way to the side, then ponytail it at the bottom. S'not rocket science.

  8. STFU, Claeric. It's not his fault. He didn't make the hair, he just converted it. You're being ungrateful.

    It looks great, good job Savio.

  9. Thanks guys!

    Especially thanks for complaining about something I didn't really MAKE, Claeric. It's fine to complain about the hair, but be aware that it's not my fault if you dislike it. But the 'sloppy texture' could be my fault (and they are. but you could just go and retexture it, don't ya think?).

    Next time, try to complain about how I converted it, if it's well fitted, the texture, bones assignments, and such.

    Again, thanks guys! :D

  10. finally an original hair again! thanks

  11. SNOTNOSE12YROLDBOYMay 29, 2010 at 9:57 PM

    snot?? hahhheheehhe jenipunch said snot

  12. Bahahaha, I love that Savio told off Claeric! Go Savio!

    Great job on the hair, btw.

  13. I didnt say you did it, I was just saying the texture kinda ruins the hair.

  14. Savio I love the hair...But it has a problem with the bones...2 vertex have a strange way to anime...Look:

    I've checked it in ms3d and this 2 vertex are totally assigned to the head :/

  15. Hm, I thought I had this correctly animated :s Thanks for the Pic tum, Imma fix it right now!!

  16. Fixed! Now all I have to do is generate a new package and upload it.

  17. Savio, is it possible you could redo this conversion so it has just a little bit of float? One thing I always like about your hairs is that the float isn't crazy like Newsea but it's just enough that it doesn't go through their boobs when you're using Delphy's sliders.

    Anubis and Bonbon versions go straight through my Sims' boobs and it looks really messed up.

  18. Done! I don't think there is need to redownload it, cause it's not a major fix, but if you feel like downloading the new version, REMOVE the old file. (the new version will not replace the old hair or anything, so if you don't remove it, you'll have two versions of the very same hair, and that is pointless!)

  19. Ease up on Claeric guys, it was just an opinion. I don't think he was trying to delibrately insult Savio.

  20. hay guyz check out my new song "slutty fat girlz bringin it to ya"

  21. Really nice hair! Thanks for the conversion Savio!

  22. I suggest you go to MTS2 and read some of Claeric's opinions.

  23. Can we please stop with all the Claeric historians? Yes, he said things on MTS that offended some people. We all know this by now, we don't need to be reminded three thousand times. Claeric no longer holds a threat to the utopia that is MTS, move on already.

  24. Great hairstyle and great retexture! Thanks Savio!

  25. Is anything Claeric ever said any worse than what you anons say to him on a daily basis? Stfu already.

  26. No. Claeric is a dick, and he deserves to be treated like this. If he doesn't respect other, then others won't respect him. It's that simple reallyand he doesn't seem to understand that, so we will keep on ridiculing him.

    Nice hair!!!

    but yeah what he said i hate claeric man.

  28. Ok, let me make sure I have this right.

    It's okay to be a dick to someone over the internet, as long as you're anonymous and they were a dick first.

    But if you're a dick and post with a user name, it's not okay to be a dick and you will be harassed in a dickish manner in order to teach you a "lesson".

  29. Hmmm, I'll have to try this one out in game before deciding if I like it. From these images, it's really hard to tell.

  30. Really, I don't see the point of all the Claeric talk. People talk so much shit about him, but it doesn't seem to bother him. It's a waste of time. Go play sims and quit wasting your time talking about someone who don't really give a shit about what you say.....
    Anyway- Nice hair. I'm gonna try it in my game.

  31. Nice! Im going to try this in game :0)

    BTW pretty sim Savio, can i have her? :D

  32. I'm so sick of brainwashed MTS morons. More like shitopia, live the guy alone, he's an awesome creator and that's all that matters.

    Savio, you're a fine artist, but if you can't respond properly to polite, constructive criticism then you can't handle releasing your stuff publically. It was a perfectly nice and calm opinion.

  33. Ok, I'm sorry, I didn't want to sound mean or anything. I may have overreacted a lil. hehe

    I just wanted to let Claeric know that the mesh is not actually my 'fault'. Right after reading Cleric's post, it seemed like I was the one who made the mesh. I just convert things. If he had talked about how it was converted, like the texture (which he thinks looks sloppy), bone assignments, it would be just fine. I do accept constructive criticism, but what can I do if what he is complaining about is not actually MINE? Again, I ain't the one who meshed it.

    But it's fine, that is an opinion.

    I'm sorry again. :3

  34. I love this conversion, thanks!!!

  35. This looks great, Savio. I would download but I'm scared of the polys.

  36. Claeric just say shit about the hair for the sake of it, like he always does about other creations that aren't his. This has nothing to do with MTS.

    And I really like side ponytails so I'm going to give this one a try. And the texture looks fine to me.

  37. I have no problem with the texture (I really can't see the problem Claeric has with it in this particular case) and no problem with the ponytail (as was already described by Jeni and the anon above her how that particular style works).

    But, the hairline is all sorts of funky and kind've.... has a balding look. Right up there at the part in the hair and where it meets the face. I realize this is not the fault of Anubis. This is a fault on the part of the creator of the original mesh. But, that's why I won't be downloading it. Everything else looks fine to me :D

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This is pretty!!! Texture looks good to me too. Good job Savio!!!

  40. Yeah, the hairline looks sorta weird in this particular hair. I wasn't able to fix it though, 'cause there is one texture attached to all the planes of the head. If I edit it, the sides will look pretty weird. :/ Sorry 'bout that.

    And.. Anubis? lol

  41. Isn't Claeric a female? If not, I must have been mistaken.

  42. It's seriously sad that Savio feels the need to explain himself, about this hair CONVERSION, just because Claeric felt like being an asshole. Again. :/ Sure, the mesh is not the best, but is that Savio's fault? No, that's the original creators. Is the texture the best? Well, no, not in my opinion, but that doesn't mean I'm going to shit on someone else for liking it, when I don't.

    And LOL @ whoever said Claeric was a fantastic creator. Clearly, the antlers and bad-ass belly shirt were ground breaking creations. xD Seriously, everything he's done could very easily be done by someone else. What he does it NOT difficult to do, and has little to no merit in the game itself.

  43. Sávio said...
    Hm, I thought I had this correctly animated :s Thanks for the Pic tum, Imma fix it right now!!

    And we can what? Expect an apology to claeric any minute now?

  44. What? Claeric was talking about the mesh itself (it was like, 'hair growing up of nowhere' and blablabla - I could not understand much), not how it was converted. He didn't say anything about the bones, but how it was meshed. (which is NOT my fault at all)

    Don't expect an apology here. I already said that I may have overreacted a bit, and said I was sorry for that. Nuff said. :)

  45. Oh for the love of.... *bonks self on head* Sorry, Savio x) You both are awesome. So sometimes I just mix and match names. No offense to either meant ;)

  46. Good on you, Savio, for standing your ground. I couldn't care less what Claeric did at MTS, but in his posts here he is frequently insulting others, calling them twats, cunts, "braindead sack of shit" and all other things when no one was saying ANYTHING to him in the first place. If you're rude to others, people have a reason to be rude right back.

  47. And once again, congratulations everyone on turning a nice hair by Savio into the Claeric thread.

  48. This is cool, thanks!) Looks so good to me!
