
May 20, 2010

The Divas - Mariah Carey by Audrey

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Beautiful *_*
    But I think the hair do not look like the realistic hair of Mariah
    But sweet<3

  2. who??? am i supposed to know him?

  3. Definitely pretty, but not at all recognizable as Mariah.

  4. Actually, looks a little more like Shakira.

  5. Haha! Well none of you actually knows what Mariah looks like then, because this sim actually does resemble her quite a lot! You ppl are not Mariah experts. Watch Precious and tell me this still doesn't look like Mariah without makeup to you! Lmao.

  6. I like the sims, but hate the Mariah >_> ...

  7. ^It does resemble her, but not quite a lot. And no need to be Mariah experts as you said. You either know who she is or you don't.

    And why is she so thin?

  8. good eyes, can see its her for sure, but needs darker hair and curvier body

  9. the hair and the curves you can edit in cas
    I didn't see it at first but its definitely her at different angles

  10. definitely mariah! i love mariah

  11. Needs a fatter face, more curves and darker hair, good resemblance in the face though, eyes and nose especially.

  12. I see Shakira after a long night of drinking. I don't see Mariah Carey here at all. =/

  13. this sim looks better than mariah.

  14. It's the philosophy of dark sins which enabled the cost for this achievment. When i can get through this i will definitely ink my soul with the cheap peaches of Nirvana. Always a great pleasure to see success in a very tough manner!

  15. The glorified dog whistle Mariah always sets off my dog when her "music" is on the radio. He starts howling uncontrollably and my house gets surrounded by hissing alley cats in heat.

  16. As ugly as the real... ^^

  17. I think the anon making the bitchy comments saying it looks like Mariah is the creator of this sim lmao.

  18. ^Nah, I think Audrey always signs her name when she posts here.

    I do see a resemblance to Mariah, but if I saw the Sim by herself, I wouldn't know who she was. The one thing that annoys me about Audrey is how she has to come here and "defend" herself against people who post criticism of her celeb Sims. Just because you think your work is great and it got accepted at MTS doesn't mean that it is or that someone couldn't have done a better job. You don't need to come here and try to police comments. The chick who did the Emily Deschanel sim, for instance, is amazingly talented and I think that was her first upload.

    However, I do have to applaud Audrey as some other creators at MTS achieve such a great likeness not by their own CAS skills, but because they use facemasks, and that's cheating to me. Besides, facemasks are makeup so they don't get inherited if you decide to have spawn by that particular sim. At LEAST Audrey doesn't try taking the easy way out by using face masks and she showcases her CAS talents to the best of her abilities.

  19. Facemasks are the tool of the devil's facade. People actually enjoy to be blinded by false pictures which their brain projects into their subconsciousness, fool them and make them believe it's the truth, but it's not. Still the famous ingredients are still prefered by the vast mass of mediocrity and also receives the better amount of the praise which otherwise would land on the Yundyard at the hard workers who work without the gloves of skill.

  20. I can sort of see how it kind of looks like her in the face, but if I just saw a pic without anything saying who it was, I wouldn't recognize her. I think the main thing that threw me was her hair color. Mariah's hair is not piss yellow. If the hair were closer to her real light brown color, and she was dressed in something a little more glamorous, it might be more recognizable.

  21. Face looks like her alot but the hair ruins it. I dont think she has yellow hair..

  22. I think it looks a lot like her facially, but the body isn't right. Mariah Carey has the Jessica Rabbit/Barbie doll cartoonish body, and this sim's body looks kind of normal. The clothes are off too- I don't think Mariah has worn anything remotely like this since the 90s.

  23. Clothing is so secondary you picky little worms, it's all about the face. MTS doesn't seek perfect sims, the sim just has to offer "enough resemblence"

    But still this blog is the right place if you seek critique instead of copy paste praise, but the critique always lacks the constructive part.

    People just say it doesn't look like her, that's not how it's done, sure there are trolls with so much negative energy. Actually spend some time and let the negative thoughts circulate in your grey cells a bit then post a more indepth post, so the creator can get the desired feedback and it also raises the quality of this site.

    I'd say the face is a 89/100, it's a bit too rough around the edges, a small bit too manly, chin maybe a bit smaller. but it's definitely a difficult task, because this woman doesn't know how to NOT smile and that's a pain.

    With these words.. take care comb your hair.

  24. Glamorous? Mariah dresses like a retarded 12 year old hooker.

  25. "he one thing that annoys me about Audrey is how she has to come here and "defend" herself against people who post criticism of her celeb Sims. Just because you think your work is great and it got accepted at MTS doesn't mean that it is or that someone couldn't have done a better job. You don't need to come here and try to police comments."

    I think if you look back at my comments after I have been slaughtered, I am always gracious and thank everyone for their opinion. I also don't think I am great and I know I have a lot of room for improvement.

    The person(s) saying how great she looks above is not me, because they are right I do sign my name. So thank you to those who are saying nice things.

    Yes, I agree her hair looks a bit too yellow, but easily fixed in CAS and you are welcome to change her out of her outfit. She tends to dress quite sluttily, so that was what I was attempting to portray.

    I also posted pics of her in MTS with straighter hair so she doesn't look look quite so much like Shakira (who does have curly hair and does bear a striking resemblance to Mariah).

    I really battled with this sim to get her to a passing resemblance, so I am not too unhappy with the results.

    Face masks? I wouldn't know how to begin to create one. Lol

    Thanks for the comments. I can always rely on the good, the bad and the ugly. LOL. Look forward to Eva Longoria and Teri Hatcher of Desperate Housewives. They are in the upload queue at MTS. I will look forward to your comments.


  26. I think you did a great job Audrey :)

  27. "I think if you look back at my comments after I have been slaughtered, I am always gracious and thank everyone for their opinion. I also don't think I am great and I know I have a lot of room for improvement."

    Most creators' creations have been slaughtered here at one point or another. You suck it up and move on. My point was that you always feel the need to explain yourself and try to argue how much your Sim DOES look like the celeb, as if that is supposed to sway someone's opinion, and that's not necessary. Your work should stand on its own. Other people's has.

    If people said you didn't work hard, that's one thing. Obviously you did. But coming and explaining how hard she is to get right (we already know that making celeb Sims isn't easy) is not going to change the opinion of how much she looks like Mariah. Either she is recognizable on her own or she isn't, just like the Emily Deschanel Sim and Lady Frontbum's Paris sim.

  28. This looks like "old skool mariah" It seems like after the 2000s started she got this weird thing going on with her cheeks/mouth area.

  29. Don't believe the mighty anon, it's a case of incredible displeasure, fooled by the big announcments. Anything real can be described as hard work, but the work itself is either half done or true to the real. A better assumption wuld be to get it up and go for it.

  30. The face is quite good, but I would suggest different hair, clothes, and a more voluptuous body. She's got curves!! :)

  31. "wud" - falling back into bad habits friend...

  32. Doesn't look like her all that much... :/ I hate saying stuff like that but it's the truth...
