
May 27, 2010

The Element Project - Ice and Electricity by Fawkes

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Gotta say that these are awesome,very well done

  2. Generic crap...

  3. I really like the first sim. The second I could see as being generic

  4. First sim is awesome with all that CC, but if you really look at it, it's just like any other sim out there. Same thing happens with the second sim.

  5. The first sim looks like a million other ~elf/fairy~ sims. The second one looks like Storm from Xmen. If you ignore the pretty shooped backgrounds, there's really nothing special about the sims themselves.

  6. Please point me to sims that even vaguely look like these...... Sure the faces aren't the most unique ones on the planet but they are way more unique than a lot of sims out there.

    So great job! I love this project because they are all so unique and gorgeous!

  7. It's not the creator's fault, it's EA. Once more in-depth skins are created to individualize the sims, then they will be more unique looking.

    Personally, I can see the creator's style and work that is not so generic. Good job.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Pretty cool, I love the eyes of the second one

  10. Simply adding CC doesn't make a sim unique. It's the facial structure that is generic - big eyed, big lipped, slim nosed.

    I'm surprised that so many people are fooled that easily by a photoshopped background and some CC. I thought the commenters here were a much more critical, skeptical lot.

  11. The first (ice) sim is pretty "push sim randomizer" button coated in CC. Boring without CC. I actually like the second (electric) sim. I love her chin and her mouth. If only there was so much emphasis on CC these sims would be more tempting to download.

  12. I mean WASN'T so much empahsis. Sorry, I fat fingered as usual. :)
