
May 30, 2010

Fugly lipgloss of doom by Kittehbomb

Download at Kittehbomb's Sims


  1. looks cute, close ups???....

  2. The 2nd model is awesome!!! I'd absolutely download her!)
    And the lipgloss is good, looks natural to me! Thank you!
    P.S. That was a kind of request about the model, she is gorgeous!)))

  3. I agree with BlackSweety I would download her too.

  4. I love the lipstick too already downloaded.

  5. I like the 2nd and last one :)

    I like the gloss, it looks natural and not overly shiney. I have a lot of glosses though so i'll have to think about it

  6. This looks good. It's great to see lipgloss on different shades of sims.

  7. I love it! There can never be too many natural looking lipglosses. Not everyone likes them super shiny.

  8. I see the second hair is Rose Donation 13. Did you share this with the Booty, Kittehbomb? If not, are you planning to do so?

  9. Like I said in several other places, AWESOME JOB. Gogogo!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. And about the hair- Kitteh was not the buyer, thereforebit would be wrong of her to share it. ;)

  12. "Kitteh was not the buyer, therefore she it would be wrong of her to share it. ;)"

    Ah, ok. I'm taking it to mean that you shared it with the Booty or perhaps someone else did? ;) I know they need two copies before the trackers can be cleaned.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. And even if I did I wouldn't be silly enough to say I did on a huge public site, and that I would share it... ;P

    You never know who could be reading this.

  16. Oh.

    Well, I totally understand why she can't share it, since Rose puts trackers in her files and if she shared it, then Rose would be able to tell who the original buyer was and then share his/her info with TSR, VitaSims, etc. etc. as has happened before.

    That's why I was asking about the Booty. They must have two copies to clean the files and then share them safely.

  17. "And even if I did I wouldn't be silly enough to say I did on a huge public site, and that I would share it... ;P

    You never know who could be reading this."

    Haha, good point. It's why I'm anonymous. ;)

  18. Simple and cute. :) I'll probably download it.

    BTW, does anyone know if that afro hair is a retexture? The afro hair I have in my game already has a pattern on the headwrap, which makes CASTing it difficult.

  19. Fugly is the Exaggeration of the awaited response by the crowd of strolling troll of this etablissment. Maybe it's the light or the foggy dust, but the 2nd sim made the pile of wood go from down to up. It's strange, but it happened!

  20. Omg the second sims is beautiful. The lipgloss is awesome looking too

  21. Love the gloss and the models are beautiful!!! Nothing fugly here!! :)

  22. Upload the fugly sims please, the 2nd one is so fugly, that i must have her!! Please the peasants, show a good heart, have mercy with the small man i beg you!

  23. Me gusta, me gusta. I wish Kittehbomb would spend more time on stuff like this than those Neon'd hairs>___<

  24. Where could I get the third sim's afro?

  25. Nouk's Afro Hairband:,16079.0.html

    I love the models shown here, Kittehbomb, are you sharing? They model the lipstick so well. If not, I understand.

  26. The second and third models are so gorgeous. Same for the gloss. :)

  27. please share those sims! #2 and 3 in particular

  28. Excuse me ma'am, I regret to inform you that the lipgloss you indicated to be fugly is actaully quite satisfactory.

  29. KITTEH!!! <3
    I will surely use this lipstick on Epi's self sim!

  30. @Anon: I retextured the headband, I'll upload it.

  31. oh kitteh kitteh! I LOVE YOUR GLOSS <3
