
May 25, 2010

New Mods by Claeric

  • No Fires or Vanishing from Science Experiments - There are lots of possible effects, the best of which are moodlets given by using an object like "Winner" Or "pumped" or etc. If you experiment on your fridge, counter, food processor, stove, dining table, and dining chair, you could boost your sims mood before work by over 100 points just by doing daily stuff.


  1. The zooming mod will come in handy.

  2. If the trolls won´t stop hating on Claeric, I´m sure he will stop uploading and sharing his creations. Many people would be saddened by that. So stfu fucking trolls.

  3. actually nobody would care.. but you
    so you can stfu - kaythanksbye

  4. ^Word.
    Is not like other people can't do the same thing. He just happened to do it first.

  5. Claeric won't stop making things. He likes the attention, negative or not. In fact, I would imagine ignoring him would make him less likely to make things. Of course, unless you were a member of MTS2, you probably wouldn't realize this about Claeric.

  6. Okay.. I actually don´t really care. I don´t know what he did that made you all hate him. But whatever.
    If I were internet bullied I´d want someone to stick up for me too. So that´s why I said something. But maybe you are right and he likes the (negative) attention.

  7. ^ Claeric got banned from MTS2 for hating on people too much. So, noobs and trolls take advantage of that by making up reasons to hate him everywhere he goes. ;)

  8. This guy needs to be off this site. What he did on MTS2 proves he's a bad person. Defending him is just ignorant.
