
May 19, 2010

New Sims at Mod The Sims


  1. ^ I don't see what's so great about her, she looks like any other tiny-nosed full-lipped big-eyed Sim out there. Except with piercings, I guess.

  2. Rachel looks like Naomi from MGS4.

  3. I agree with the 3rd anon


  5. I love the Rachel sim.

  6. I love the Rachel sim too! Her eyes are the tits. :)

  7. You know i'm not really starting here, it's just the fact that icecream is so good that a Zebra would kiss a cat, while attempting a backflip to the local museum. Reducing the fact that the white power is lower than ever, i can admit that it's a friggin epic fail to be part of this story which will never reach the level of the new signed contract.

    It's because Prince Charles never leaves his bathroom while sipping on his coffee and smoking a Cigar while attemping to raid the local soapshop for ingredients he will never use in the nature park for elephants.

    Hell even Obama jumps off the junkyard once in a while and knows he's gonna fail so hard that Princess Friga is gonna do all kind of saughty stuff with him and then Hulk Hogan knows that it's time to go away and let Redneck finish the job.

    It has to be said, spread the word.

  8. ^i so agree w/ you. someone had to say it tell it like it is. people don't even pay attention anymore and are missing what's really going on that's important. they are so lame. i will spread the word

  9. HAHAHA...."collection of action figures".....Love it! I know someone like this!! Thanks for the laugh!

  10. " ..Senseless bs... Drop dead."

    ^^ You must know that feeding is not allowed don't you? You must be new to the internet young one.

    Btw nice sims :)

  11. I think the first Sim is realistic with glasses, but without she isn't that special.

    Mortifer is good but not my cup of tea I guess

    Irene is a little manly for me but shes unique

  12. A false alignment has been set, i can say this is welcome to hear. 1,2,3 it doesn't matter in a matter of seconds it's mine and the enjoyment has no borders.

  13. "3rd anon above me: Nope, have been on the internet for a LONG time. I'm just sick and tired of these stupid troll assholes trying to be funny around here. Just trying to make them at least cry. ;)"

    You have the false predictions for the mindset of these beings. Wasted Energy is not gonna help the green land of happyness, instead it will feed the greed and the sins of the little man. The Internet is a platform of oportunity a place where you can rant the wood off the blanket, it's worse than you think, but feeding is the worst solution. Tears might be a known endresult of suffering, but tears can also be fake or not there at all and will leave you in a world of hate and pain.
