
May 27, 2010

New Sims at Mod The Sims


  1. Looks nice! Damocles makes similar sims in style, but all of them are unique. Last one would've been prettier if it didn't make that stupid pose.

  2. the look on the last sim's face is hilarious

  3. talisha is such a ghetto name lmao
    couldn't be called sandra or rebecca eh?

  4. ^I know someone named Talisha. ._.

  5. Nah, I like Talisha and all of it's "ghettoness" :)

  6. Are those just in an all white building? I have to try that with my sims!

  7. I absolutely love the name Talisha, and she is adorable. Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. Hm, I'm not sure what to think of them really. I agree with the last anon on Talisha's nose though :/

  9. ^ No one said anything about her nose o_O

  10. ^^^^^
    "Looks nice! Damocles makes similar sims in style, but all of them are unique. Last one would've been prettier if it didn't make that stupid pose."

    First Anon said that. I don't agree with it, but figured you should know.

  11. d'oh, meant pose haha my bad thanks for pointing out my typo

  12. "Anonymous said...
    talisha is such a ghetto name lmao"

    ghetto: a section of a city, esp. a thickly populated slum area, inhabited predominantly by members of an ethnic or other minority group, often as a result of social or economic restrictions, pressures, or hardships.

    Her name sounds like a section of a city thickly populated-...

    please people... stop using words when you don't know what they mean. Stop just using them how you see fit without thinking over the implications of what you are really saying... *sigh* I get so sick of this crap. Ghetto =/= black culture or other non white culture. and there is NOTHING wrong with Talisha. It's a cute name. Rebecca and Sandra are old timey. Heck Rebecca is in the oldtestiment of the bible for pete's sake. What's wrong with modern names for modern times?

    I like the Talisha sim's "but I don't like taking/wanna take pictures" face LOL

  13. Yes, ghetto = afrocentric or "too black" sounding. It's just something ppl who think everyone should have a European sounding name says. With that being said,
    I hate overly odd ghetto girl names.

  14. My name is Tiyonna (ty-on-uh)
    and I get a lot of love for it and I love it, personally!

    My name is not too ghetto, IMO.

  15. I am a mindcontrolled sheep, my purpose in life is to purchase crap and watch stupid TV shows.
