
May 07, 2010

Raonjena Female Hair 009 ~ Fixed, Converted for children and Retextured by Bon

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File name:



  1. i love anubis :)

  2. Thanks god for once great textures...keep doing conversions with these textures.. ;P

  3. Thanks, feels like christmas with all the new hair lately!!!

  4. Beautiful! I've got a hair on one of my male Sims that could use a serious retexture. It's the low ponytail and I hate the way the sides look and the current texture but LOVE the style. And takers? Pweese... :-)

  5. My god, anubis you are a god. Children! *hyperventilates*

  6. @CeceSaun1: Maybe i can do it for you?
    Post it there if you want me to do it for you.

  7. Serious YAY. I need more long styles for children. Loads of little girls have long hair, but I can't do that in Simland because they would all have the exact same cut..

    Thank you Anubis!

  8. Hey Joe, I have a proposal for you to boycott T$R a little... don't post their uploads anymore. I'm not using Workshop anymore, I just have a couple downloads that I made with that tool, but I'm not longer using it.
    What do you think Joe? Do you accept the deal? (even though it's not a deal :P)

  9. @Anubis: I don't agree with don't post their uploads. Well, yeah, TSR sucks damn hard, but if he doesn't make a post about their hairs, i can't post the link of the hair anymore.

  10. T$R recently changed things so that all the links link back to the main site and not the download, so it's counterproductive anyway.

    And Anubis, I'm happy you've stopped using the workshop.

  11. @Jordy: do it in your blog, it's not fair for Joe. You're putting his blog in risk, even if he doesn't host those hairs, he's sharing the link (same thing happened with GOS)
    We have to do something against them, they have to pay!

  12. Jordy, don't do it for the sake of that. But I remember on Aikea's blog, it said that using workshop can create unnecessary files in there sims3packs = problems.

  13. Jordy tried to post on the above site and it wants me to join bandwidth and I really don't want to go that. Is there a simpler way to do this? Perhaps you can leave me a personal message on my site? You don't have to be a member to do! :-)


  14. what do you do after downloading this? how can you convert the things into the game?

  15. Is it just me or Raonjena's hair is not what they used to be? I guess its harder to make sims 3 hair. It seems all of her hair are very fine/thin hair. The ends are always so wispy for me. :(

    The retexures are nice though. Helps soften the blow. Me <3 Anubis~
