
May 06, 2010

Samantha Adele by emmzx

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Cool I really wanted her thanks.

  2. I like this sim. She looks so real! : )

  3. aww, she's so cute!

  4. I know this isn't the thread for this, but I'm referring to her last eyeshadow.

    I downloaded it because I loved it, but something about the way she did it caused a strange pale overlay to cover the entire FACE when I chose that eyeshadow. My darker toned Sim ended up having a face and part of her neck that was several tones lighter than the rest of her, so she looked like she had a really bad foundation job.

    Can anyone tell me of any good eyeshadows that DON'T do this? The only other one I have is a free one from Simsimay (I think) over at TSR and I know for a fact it doesn't do that, but I want something better.

  5. ^She has fixed it now I'm pretty sure.

  6. ^^ Plus it wouldn't be too hard to edit it anyway. I'd have just fixed it personally because I like my content to work.

    I like this Sim :)
    She looks so realistic and laid back.

  7. "^^ Plus it wouldn't be too hard to edit it anyway. I'd have just fixed it personally because I like my content to work."

    If you're not familiar with creating custom content, then it could be hard to edit yourself.

    I didn't try editing this one since she fixed it, but I ended up editing Lemonleaf's chinese makeup that came with the dresses because it had the same film/super light mask problem. I had never done it before, so I did a google search and came across a post where emmzx had asked how to fix her eyeshadow. She was told to change the specular. So what I did was open up a default game eyeshadow in TSR Workshop, export the specular for it, then I opened up Lemonleaf's makeup, clicked on "Face Specular" and imported the game specular.

    However, it took me several tries before I got it right. Why? I thought it would be just a matter of changing the .dds file for the specular. When I tried it in-game, ALL that showed up was the specular and my Sim looked demon possessed. I then opened up Lemonleaf's .package in s3pe and found the .DDS for the specular and replaced it with the game specular. I saved it. I placed it in my Mods/Packages folder and even cleared my caches at least twice, but it didn't show up in the game. So I went back to TSR workshop and after some playing around for about an hour, I figured out that my problem had been that I had to export both the face overlay and the mask, and then re-import them because when I had previously checked the project contents window, ONLY the new specular was showing up and not the overlay or the mask. I'd had no clue that when you change something, you have to re-import the other .DDS files for them to show up as well. I thought that they were loaded when you opened the .sims3pack or .package file automatically.

    The point of this long post is that if I upload something, it's up to ME to make sure it works. The people downloading shouldn't have to fix stuff that I did wrong. It's one thing if you just want to change a category, but it's an entirely different thing to have to fix something yourself and like I said, not everyone knows how to do that or wants to take the time or frustration that I went through to do it.

  8. ^BTW, both the face overlay AND the mask were showing up in the textures tab in TSR workshop and when I viewed the .DDS files for them in s3pe, so that's why I didn't know that they actually weren't saved when I exported the .sims3pack or resaved the .package. It was only by checking the project contents window in TSR workshop before exporting again that I saw that the only .DDS listed was the specular change I'd made and not the other textures.

  9. I'm glad that she's uploaded this sim. It's a lovely sim with sweet features that aren't over the top and she'll certainly be finding a home in my game.

  10. Adorable. I think I might tone down the squarish jaw just a tiny bit, but I love her facial structure otherwise. I wish she had given a profile shot though.

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