
May 05, 2010

Two New Eyeshadows by Aikea Guinea

Download at Club Crimsyn


  1. Omg that was so quick aikea! They are gorgeous. Look good on the males too! <3

  2. I agree, they do look good on the males. Great for those gothic male sims.

  3. ok -I think I am finally giving in and wanting these "other than EA" eyes that the models are using. The usual questions of "Non-default?" and "Recolorable?" apply along with "WCIF?"

    And frankly, the models themselves intrigue me as I dig the way she creates sims. Are they available?

    Regardless of these two things, the shadow is goin' in! Nice job!!

  4. I am so happy right now.... SO HAPPY....

  5. You'll find those eyes (they are default) on MTS2 - I'm to lazy to provide a link now, but you should find them easily by searching for eyes made by Aikea Guinea.

    The sims aren't available and I don't think they'll ever be.

  6. The defaults are also here on her site:

    Aikea doesn't share her models. The one with purple hair is her self sim.

  7. jonas said...
    ok -I think I am finally giving in and wanting these "other than EA" eyes that the models are using. The usual questions of "Non-default?" and "Recolorable?" apply along with "WCIF?"

    Those are Aikea's eyes, and they are badass. I used the multi-colored version because it gives the sims eyes that weird glow.... and it whitens their teeth and scalera. lol. So it's almost like 3 defaults in one.

  8. Thanks, everyone! I was shocked they looked decent on males, to be perfectly honest.

    I (shockingly) uploaded my self sim here. Details are at the bottom of that post.

  9. Anyone know what to do about non-stop, uncontrollable farting?

  10. ^You're not Claeric, obviously. So stop being his fake.

  11. Of course I'm Claeric. Why would anyone want to pretend to be me? Besides, everyone knows about my outrageous, uncontrollable farting issues.

  12. OMG, how did I miss that on the Xenon? I'm blind! Hah! Awesome!

  13. Thank you AG, these are great

  14. The last sim looks like the leadsinger of the HIM band, don't remember his name, smth like Willy Valo, nevermind))) And the shadows are just awesome, as everything else Aikea does) I dlded everything, thanks!

  15. Thanks for the self sim, Aikea. I hope the other models will be available. You do great work on the faces.

  16. Lovely eyeshadows, Aikea! I loved the matte lipstick you made ages ago too. Good quality stuff.

    Any chance you will release version two of your slave skintone set? :p I'm sure you had a second version in the works... the nostrils look more defined and delicious and I think the skin is paler than the EA default too? If I'm right, I'm sure I'm not the only person that would love you to share it. :)

    Thanks for the eyeshadow anyway. Keep creating! x
