
June 07, 2010

All Time Travel Clothing Unlocked and Simbot Eyes by Claeric

Download this and more at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher


  1. I knew someone would do this sooner or later! Thanks Claeric.

  2. im afraid to use that damn time machine ever since our sims started popping out with random kids, wtf! nice outfits btw!

  3. Dont you have to try for a baby in them to get kids outa them? :/ I havent used it yet...
    Simbots EYES?

  4. OMFG! That's so awesome! I haven't tried inventing yet, but I don't want to wait for the opportunity to invet a Bot! THANK YOU!

  5. no, any sim can come out with a child they either had in the past ....ALONE, lol basically a pop up appears seeing that your sim saw a couple argue and your sim tells them to appreciate one another or whatever, next thing you know you are stuck with a kid. And if you try for a baby with a sim in the future your kid can appear 3 days later as an elder like in my case

  6. Ack! I was too quick to jump to the gun. It's just the eyes. >_< Still, that's pretty cool. Love the caveman outfit.

    Do any of your mods need to be redownloaded, Claeric? I had a few, but took them out when I patched/installed AMB. And over at MTS, no one's come forward to say otherwise, and I don't think it says on your FDL?

  7. Nah, it's not a buyable simbot. I have no idea how invented simbots work, but I couldnt find an object that functioned as one...

    And I have no idea. I have not tested a single one of my mods with Ambitions, I am currently 100% modless.

  8. I knew you would do something about those eyes, after reading your comments about them at MATY. Good job, will be getting them soon as I get my game.

  9. Hey that's cool, and I recognize my CAS screen. Love what you did with the view.

  10. Actually it is possible to buy the whole simbot using the lifetime achievement of my best friend. But unfortunately your simbot will look like a piece of junk. Rusty, etc. its either 40,000 or 60,000 life points. im not sure
