
June 06, 2010

Ambitious Era by Astorina

Download at Parsimonious


  1. It's nice, but the screenshots reminded me of something they didn't fix in Ambitions. While they DID fix light sources' lighting off-lot correctly, they still haven't fixed the unavoidable, extremely-noticeable seam on walls when looking at two stories.

    Maybe in the NEXT EP? :|

  2. Yeah I thought about that too in the forth picture. It is strange they would fix the ground lighting but not the walls since it's pretty much the same problem.... just on the vertical haha. At least you arent looking at the walls as often.

    Back on topic: the house looks awesome and I especially love that ceiling... thanks to the new ceiling editor.

  3. One temporary fix to the lighting is to use cheats. Hopefully it will fix the lighting completely eventually. The lighting physics in TS3 are terrible

    "testingcheatsenabled true"


    Go into buy mode, look under the new section added, and you'll see light squares. It won't distribute light off of them correctly, but if you place the squares just right, it'll look better.

  4. I really am dissapointed with the double height rooms, dont give the perfect effect I do wish they would fix them as The dramatic ceiling height loses its appeal for me to use it. Glad you all like the lot and Erry you know I love you also! Erhamas Palace might make an appearence soon!

  5. Aww I want Ambitions so badly! Just three more days...

  6. i love the high up walls
