
June 06, 2010

Clone Babies by Jill The Ripper

Download these Sims and more at Jill The Ripper's Journal


  1. These are great, very unique. I really like Sarah in particular.

  2. I'm pretty sure Dominique is a female name, the feminization of Dominic. Just saying.

  3. I guess I should also mention that most of the names were given by the game. Dominique's feminine name is addressed in the journal. I also played him gay with Kristofer.

  4. Dominique in french is unisex :)

    JILL !!!!1!111!! <3

  5. JILL!!!!


    Yay clone babies!

  6. Booboo! <333

    I guess he's french? lol

    Epi! <333

  7. Yay Jill! <3
    I am so glad to see them here. :)
    (but where is Cerberus Jr?)
    I wish the Knox' Kids (hey Epi! :)were featured here too.

  8. Thanks NewOne! <333

    I think Joe picked what he liked. It's all good. I'm not complaining. There are a lot of sims on that page.

    I love the Knox kids! I made them over a while ago. I need to use them in my game one of these days.

  9. wow they are so cute!
    I love kris's shirt. I need one in RL lol

  10. "I think Joe picked what he liked. It's all good. I'm not complaining. There are a lot of sims on that page."

    I see. It's just weird to see Sarah without her brother. I felt like something was missing here.

    "I love the Knox kids! I made them over a while ago. I need to use them in my game one of these days."

    Well you know what, I LOVE them too! (Of course I do! They're so special to me just like your 'Clone Babies')
    That will be really cool if either you or Epi crossbreed them (yeah, I have to use that term :) together and see how their offsprings look like.

  11. Haha we'll be mad scientists. What do you say Jill? We'll make an army out of NewOne's simmies.

    NewOne, I hope you like big families. ;)

  12. Haha, rad! I'm in! Now that Ambitions has borked my Clone world, I'll need a new idea for bringing them all back anyway!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I think I'm going to swipe Krista for Savi and Kristofer for Qualina. =)

  15. Wow they are all pretty fine for game-made sims. I like the last girl the most I think.

  16. Yeah, thanks to your skins, LFB. ;)
