
June 14, 2010

Evangeline Lilly ~ by Flajko

Download at LadyFrontbum


  1. Lol at the 2nd picture.
    This is pretty good, not perfect but still good.
    Nice job Flajko

  2. Beautiful sim, not *quite* Evangeline Lilly, but close.
    I think I'll grab this one =)

  3. looks more like sandra bullock to me

  4. Cute sim, but it doesn't look like Evangeline Lilly

  5. I love Evie, and who ever made this sim did a good job, but hm ... still doesn't look that much like her.

  6. This is a good Evangeline I think, good job :)

  7. She looks a bit like if Evangeline and Sandra Bullock had a kid together. Pretty sim though :)

  8. I think she looks very much like the actress, and I love the caption on the bottom picture :)

  9. It did look like her on the MTS creator forums until she was changed too much. That seems to happen a lot on there. She is a cute sim though.

  10. It's challenging to make a real person with the sims 3 CAS. Blame the limitations of customization. :/
    However, I do think that Evangeline's face is shorter and more petite (maybe her mouth is higher?) You did a good job, though. :]

  11. Have mercy woman and change your sims a bit!

  12. "It did look like her on the MTS creator forums until she was changed too much. That seems to happen a lot on there. She is a cute sim though."

    I've seen this happen more than once. Getting creator input is a good thing, but when you have too much input from several different sources, it conflicts and you get farther away from the intended end result instead of closer to it.

  13. "It did look like her on the MTS creator forums until she was changed too much. That seems to happen a lot on there. She is a cute sim though."

    That's because most of the time you get advice from inexperienced users and they vary too much, to be of any good use. If you are good enough you shouldn't use this forum, it's just for beginners anyways.

  14. hmmm to me she looks like julia roberts but watevs yalls

  15. ohhh !! great :)

  16. Liek. Omg. LFB, this TOTALLY looks like all of your other sims...Liek...I ttly agree with that ya. MILEY CYRUS.

    <3 you

  17. Flajko, at first I didn't see the the resemblance, but now I do. Good job. I totally agree with some of the posters above who say that the more you change it on the Creator Forum according to what people say, the further away from the real person it gets. Audrey

  18. Thanks guys for your compliments(if there are any) but a big "THANK YOU" goes to all of the folks who said that she looks like everything but the Evangeline Lilly!:D You made me laugh! Your behavior just proves my theory that small things like this game can cause people to fight and argue and throw all the nasty words at each other and with them big amount of hatred!
    Why?...No good reason!We're all different and it's only natural to have different opinions,but are those differences worth of fighting,well I say no! You may answer what you like to this thread here,it's the only place that allows this kind of comments,but when you're finished with your argue,and when you feel relief of heavy burden that you just took from your shoulders, ASK YOURSELF : " DO I HAVE SMARTER THINGS TO DO IN LIFE?" I wish you'll have the "YES" answer,but it's likely to be the other one! Pleasant day everyone! ;)
