
June 16, 2010

The Morrison Brothers by Miss Lochness

Download at Sims Style Parade


  1. WTF tiny head, big body.

  2. I'm all nervous cause my sims are up here again, thanks MS3B.

    To Anon above me, his head is small, if you don't like it resize it. That's what CAS is for. If you don't like it at all, then don't download him. Thanks.

  3. "To Anon above me, his head is small, if you don't like it resize it. That's what CAS is for. If you don't like it at all, then don't download him. Thanks."

    You are WAY too defensive about your works. I think your Sims are great and I think the head size looks fine, but your attitude ruins it for me. Just like people who don't like your Sims don't have to download, if you don't want anyone criticizing your work, then you should tell Joe not to feature it on this blog.

    People will leave douchebag comments and others will leave valid criticism. Others will leave nothing but praise. It's a part of life. I don't know any creators here who don't get nasty comments from time to time, so just take it in stride like they do or you're going to end up making yourself a target for idiot anons who like to stalk and harass you from post to post.

  4. Yea, people will always have something to say on here. I like the second the sim a lot, I might dl him

  5. i like the second sim even tho both are good =]

  6. To the Anon above, what you have said is completely valid. You are right that there are trolls everywhere, unfortunately I did not react appropriately to what was said and I'm not exactly pleased with that.

    Thanks to your advice on just taking it in my stride, I think after this debacle, I will be.

  7. The first sim is just ewwww.. don't tale it personally he's just not my taste :p

  8. I like your second Sim Saul. He's cute. I usually don't download other people's Sims, but he's pretty cool looking.
