
June 21, 2010

Newsea Ballet Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. I.Love.It. *-*
    But it's TSR... I must resist... >-<

  2. Anubis can you convert this? I know newsea's hairs have been looking like shit recently as soon as you exit cas. Wouldnt pay for one of their hairs if my life depended on it.

  3. TSR has put trackers in their files now, if you do get it, be sure to decrapify it. I know someone usually downloads it and then shares it so others don't have to go there.

  4. i dont mean convert i mean retexture. oops

  5. I just love the adult sim....she is soooooo pretty!!!! If newsea do an upload with the that sim...and the hair is just expetacular....

  6. Yeah I don't think TSR realized theres easier ways to get these for free now >_>

    This is one of the first hairs I actually like by newsea. The previous ones always disappointed me

  7. It looks like it sits too tall on the head, making for a very elongated head. But the hairstyle is pretty other than that. The adult sim is very pretty :)

  8. I really like this one. To me newsea always seem to make the hairs more natural than peggy. To bad its pay item. :(

  9. "TSR has put trackers in their files now, if you do get it, be sure to decrapify it. I know someone usually downloads it and then shares it so others don't have to go there."

    Do as Shivar says. However, if you decrapify files, do NOT under any circumstances share them with the public. Pescado has warned about this himself. If you share decrapified files, share them with those who have decrapified their own content and saved games...somewhere like MATY. But if you're sharing generally, you need to share only original, unmodified files like Pescado has said.

    However, the trackers don't matter if you are extracting this hair from the Exchange. The original person(s) that the hair came from will get caught but TSR can't do anything about the users getting it from the Exchange.

  10. "i dont mean convert i mean retexture. oops"

    Anubis has already said he doesn't do TSR hairs...and I don't blame him. It's not worth the drama or the hacking TSR does just to satisfy someone's instant gratification. Newsea's textures are fine.

  11. What anon said about me. I don't want to deal with this people at all.

  12. ^If you find it, post the link here so it can be extracted! :-D

  13. I guess it's just me, but the scalp looks awkward... something isn't right.

  14. I love so many of newseas hairs... I would love to retexture this goregous hair....../sigh

  15. Maybe this that's a typo. Newsea did THIS? It's really cute and it doesn't give the sim that 'water head' effect. WTF's going on here?

    No way!

    It's insanely cute. I can't get over this. Sure, I'm game for stealing it.

  16. It's lovely. And of course The Sims Resource has to charge money for it, even though it's illegal for them to charge because of copyright laws. TSR sucks. Newsea is awesome, though.

  17. Yes, it's a great hair.... TO STEAL!!! Paying for cc... lol.

    Don't worry people, because it need not be retextured first. A safe free version of this will be up on MATY or elsewhere very soon. Then we can all enjoy this for FREE, retexture it, etc etc!

  18. Oh my god, im completely in love with this hair.
    Im waiting for in at the exchange too :DDD

  19. I love it, but yeah no custom-creator is supposed to charge for anything they make for this game in the first place. So much for having a passion to contribute for the modding community; it's all about the money for some.

    I look forward to seeing this for free, and I'll be grateful to the 'Robin Hood' who is nice enough to help.

  20. "A safe free version of this will be up on MATY or elsewhere very soon."

    I've never seen TSR items at MATY, only EA store items.

    But yes! Please someone extract this hair from the Exchange and post it here!

  21. Ballet Get it while its hot!!

  22. "I've never seen TSR items at MATY, only EA store items."

    I'm assuming they meant PMBD. Many people confuse the two sites, since they are both run by Pescado.

  23. I love the hair, but does anyone else think its weird in the darker colour on the child, looks like she receding!

  24. Thank you so much, person who uploaded!

  25. i really like this one...damn TSR

  26. i love this but i cant download it from TSR cause it aint free. Ugh

  27. Thanks Anon uploader :DD

    This looks different in game to the screens, for example....
    You cant actually achieve the hair colour in the second pic, this is the lightest it will come out on my game without it looking grey, and im on full settings:!/photo.php?pid=4493440&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=330169491747&aid=-1&id=597223239

  28. ^Did you try using the custom color wheel to achieve that color? I like to use Firefox's "color picker" add-on. If you have it, you can use it on one of the Newsea pics uploaded here or on TSR, get the hex code and just type it in.

  29. ^Wait, I forgot the color wheel only uses numerical RGB values. It's CAST that allows you to put in the hex code. But you can still use the color picker to get the RGB values.

  30. Anon said...

    "Ballet Get it while its hot!!"

    Thnak you very very very much :B

  31. Ohh never thought of that, thanks!
    But still, i was trying the lightest (non brassy) colours with that sims hair, they just dont seem to look nice and light like in the pics, normally if i put that hair colour on hairs retextured by Anubis they look like in the second newsea pic... But this with this one its no dice. Although i didnt try it in live mode sooo.....

  32. "Ballet Get it while its hot!!"

    Its hot, that you´re uploading this :D

  33. got it! thanks anon!

  34. wait to arrrr and decrapify, sigh... an actual Newsea hair I like.

  35. Thanks alot Anon, and much appreciated for the .package format. Woohoo, a descent hair that looks cute.

  36. ok has anyone found a sim on the exchange with this hair yet? Thanks for the package, but i still prefer simpack format...

    i'll keep looking for those who also prefer it

  37. It's good that this hair isn't in .sims3pack. With that dumb doll going around that attaches itself to Sims, lots, worlds, patterns, etc. on the Exchange, it's not worth the risk.

  38. am i blind? where is the link? i know i said i would show a link but i havent found any sims on the exchange with this hair yet.....ok...

  39. Oh I like this! XD u know I have almost all the hair of newsea,peggy,ulker,rose,xmsims and raonsims XD yeah I do like them all but some I like when they r retexture hehe :D ANY WAYS,today im in the mood of (lazy) to enter to my blog so im new in here and is't me Adriana XD I know u don't know me but soon u will XD.....

  40. ^^ I don't want to know you because you don't use spaces after your comas and you are too lazy to type out the whole words "you" and "are".

  41. i love the adult sim she's so pretty :D and the hair looks really great i usually don't like her stuff

  42. God I love this. *shakes a fist*
    Blasted tsr.

  43. NOT Newsea Hair Ballet Hair
    Picture does not correspond to the Sim

  44. Where are those adult female eyebrows from?

  45. those look like rose sims or subaxi eye brows

  46. NOT Newsea Hair Ballet Hair
    Picture does not correspond to the Sim

    ok... so whos hair is it ?! Oo"

  47. Thanks bunches for the upload!

  48. talk about seriously misleading, i didnt read the full comment so i just wasted 15 minutes lol, what a fucking bitch to put a picture like that but then upload a sim without that hair, shes hiding it.
    NOT Newsea Hair Ballet Hair
    Picture does not correspond to the Sim

  49. anyone knows where to get thoses eyebrows,lipstick and eyes ...and perhaps skintone xD?

  50. I hate it in such a way in err to be led, this Sim downloaded and he not the hair and all the other one as in the 1st photo, sowas must be prevented, it become photos made and do not correspond not to the truth, only that the windshield frame section to be pulled. Is not first time, which one is clean-put. Sim is not of me, it today in the Exchange found and many on it will clean-fall in hope to get the hair from Newsea to

  51. NOT Newsea Hair Ballet Hair
    Picture does not correspond to the Sim
    this sim with NewSea-SIMS3-hair-yu038-nana-f, i see no hair of picture

    af accessory hair band by twilight
    Eyes 01 by steadyaccess
    Moonlight Eyeshadows
    [Tifa] Lip_N5

    i have downloaded :-( and with multi-installer not installed

  52. I thought it looked nice in the game. But I did not try various colors.

  53. ^^^^ That hilarious, you need to stop using translators - LOL

  54. Here is a sim with the ACTUAL newsea ballet hair. sans doll. I checked personally using the simpack cleaner.

  55. Wow, just use the link that was posted. No need to waste time with exchange bullshit.

  56. it's pretty but it does sit way up high on the head in game. havent seen it on kids yet

  57. here's another sim with the hair i'm going to upload my own custom sim with this hair in a few hours.

    thats how we can spread a good hair around >=-D

  58. and another by the same creator

  59. For the 2nd link i want to apologize i just found out that dreaded baby doll attached it self to it, so if you download the hair from that 2nd sim you have to get in your launcher and delete the baby doll manually. otherwise the first link was fine, just not the 2nd. from the last 3 things posted.
