
June 14, 2010

One More Slot Package for Beds & Dressers by orangemittens

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Aren't OMSPs an outdated concept? I thought we just figured out how to add slots to any item.

  2. Then go ahead and add slots to a bed (like one of the OMSPs in that upload). I don't see how that's outdated.

  3. Okay Claeric.. now sometimes you make stuff I love, but other times you just make annoying, obnoxious comments. This is one of those times.
    STFU. Thanks.

  4. I'd like to know where the paintings she has on the dressers are.

  5. Claeric how is this outdated? This system works for every bed/dresser in the game instead of adding slots to an individual object

  6. I don't know what's obnoxious about it.

    All I'm saying is now we know how to automatically give lots of slots to any object, so making a bunch of invisible tables to do so is unnecessary and clutters up object catalogs.

  7. "All I'm saying is now we know how to automatically give lots of slots to any object, so making a bunch of invisible tables to do so is unnecessary and clutters up object catalogs."

    I don't often agree with Claeric, but he is 100% right about this. OMSP's are now outdated and unnecessary.

  8. What invisible tables? S3 OMSPs don't use invisible tables, using the mod they are invisible in live mode but visible in B/B. I don't know how adding slots individually to every object in the game could be better than something that works for every object? Not to mention that the new method gives you more freedom of where you place things, even with adding more slots you're still limited

  9. Hi, I'm the creator of the OMSP's. While to some degree it is true that adding slots gives a lot more freedom to placement, as you can see from the pictures, slots don't give the designer complete freedom as OMSP's do.

    Adding slots to objects like beds, which don't already have them, is not possible with the current version of TSRW. So nothing that is made with that tool is going to be able to put slots on a bed. To the best of my knowledge only one person has successfully done so with s3pe and that is cmomoney.

    Given that it's doubtful he's going to go through every object in the game adding slots all over it these are going to be of some use to some people.

    If some people find them valueless they are free to not download them. If most people find them valueless I won't make any more. But since a lot of people seemed to want them I thought it worth while to make a small test set to see what the desire for them would be. Thanks all for your comments on my objects. I do want to make what people will like and use in their game so your comments are very helpful to me :)


  10. Oh, and sorry I didn't say in the post above. The paintings on the dresser will be added at my site Indigo in a short period of time. I hope you will enjoy them :)

  11. "Aren't OMSPs an outdated concept? I thought we just figured out how to add slots to any item."

    What an odd thing to say. Are you going to go through and individually clone and add slots to each object in the base game and EPs? And what about older CC?

    Clearly, this is more realistic and wide-ranging.

  12. Yay, OM you are my hero! I love OMSPs and appreciate this one too!

    Yes slots are being added to items, but not all objects of the game are slotted. Plus you can place an item on the OMSP anywhere you want on the table and not be destinated to where the slot is at. Keep the OMSPs coming!

  13. Oops, table was suppose to be surface. Sorry.

  14. I certainly appreciate these objects! As someone using TS3 to illustrate my stories, things like these come in super handy.

    Now if only we had something like the magitray display from TS2, so I could put sims on the OMSPs, my TS2 story telling would be complete.

  15. Out-dated? If we were already able to place any item anywhere I could agree with you but as it is we cannot. These are useful to me and I'm glad to have them. Cheers!

  16. I find this quite useful for all the reasons mentioned here by the creator. Thank you for making this. Cluttering up my sim's lots is one of my favorites things to do.

  17. Don't listen to the Shouty Vole. It doesn't know what it's talking about, as usual.

    This is a great object and is something I sorely needed.

  18. Claeric said...
    Aren't OMSPs an outdated concept? I thought we just figured out how to add slots to any item.

    Yes we can add slots but you're still restricted in how you use the available slot.

    For clutterholics the OMSP is not obsolete if one uses it with the disablesnappingtoslotsonalt / on code which allows you to drag the OMSP anywhere you want while holding down the alt key and makes it possible to crowd numerous objects very close together.

    That said; feel free not to download them.

  19. I'm a big fan of OMSPs, so feel free to make more, orangemittens! :)

  20. Marisa said...
    I'm a big fan of OMSPs, so feel free to make more, orangemittens! :)

    Me too!
