
June 25, 2010

Plink by Shivar

Download at Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher



  2. Hm. I thought we downloaded something or criticized it (constructively) because of if we liked it or not, rather than whether we like the creator or not.

  3. fun character! i like the thought that goes into his backstory.

  4. It's really strange how every sim claeric makes looks like they haven't bathed in months.

  5. I love him. =)

    Awesome, Shivar.

  6. Wow! I'm a long time-lurker, first-time poster, but this situation is always the same with Shivar's posted creations.

    You know the saying, don't you?: Many enemies bring much honor.

    I also think it's cool, how Shiv' handles the trolls. Kudos to j00!

  7. I love you Shivar! <3

    WTF.. who gave you the permission to change your nickname, CLAERIC??!!!!

  8. "You know the saying, don't you?: Many enemies bring much honor."

    Many enemies bring death at the end. Life is not lord of the rings or some other samurai shit.

  9. Death in Internetz by the blah-people xD Oh, yeah, that's scary.

    Didn't know Mussolini was involved with Tolkien or Bushido.

    Just out of the curiosity, why do you hate Shivar so much? (Claeric is a much better nickname btw.)

  10. I have the same question,why does this guy have so many enemies? I guess I don't read enough forums

  11. Try to make more unique sims next time. Your sims have very similar faces. They are all sunken-jawed, long faced, big nosed, limp-haired males.

  12. haven't bathed in months.

    lol wut

    this guy looks like he bathes every half hour

    Your sims have very similar faces. They are all sunken-jawed, long faced, big nosed, limp-haired males.

    I like low jaws, long faces, big noses, and limp hair. So that's the kind of sims I make :p Though this one is loosely based on a general idea of how a character (Link from Zelda) looks- and he typically, when he's older, has a pretty pointy face.

  13. I kinda like him and his big nose. :)

  14. "Anonymous said...
    You trolls do know that Claeric/Shivar/Shouty Vole gets off on negative attention right? You're not 'pwning' him when you post this shit. You're just feeding his already massive and undeserved ego. But hey, if that's your thing, keep at it. Just one big revolving circle jerk."

    This should be a required-reading post for every Shivar post. Hot damn. Ily anon.

  15. right, i don't see why you anons always attack him. yeah he's posted asshole comments to people but at least he's blunt about what he says, i mean what's in the past is in the past LET IT GO ALREADY. all you're doing is making yourselves look like pathetic idiots who have nothing better to do than troll this blog and gang up on him do you not get that? i'd personally be rather flattered if i was him actually.

  16. I like the shirt! Where can I find it?

  17. CeceSaun, I think it's a store shirt. ;D

  18. ^Thanks Anon! :)

  19. somehow he reminds me of a teletubby... but he looks really cool in the second picture XD

  20. "LET IT GO ALREADY. all you're doing is making yourselves look like pathetic idiots who have nothing better to do than troll this blog and gang up on him do you not get that? i'd personally be rather flattered if i was him actually."

    ..I dunno, it worked on chasdesigns when he used to do the same crap as Claeric - now he pretty much behaves himself.. Trolls have their place in the internet hive, they provide a form of intangible stability...
