
June 12, 2010

Raon 31 for Teen - Elder Males by Savio

Download at Savio's Stuff

File name: Raon 31_S3_TM-EM_Savio


  1. We already have too many other idiotic styles just like this.

  2. I know MS3B doesn't update with Heiret's stuff anymore, but in case anyone is interested, Heiret updated with a "chin to neckline" CAS slider.

  3. Oh, and here's a link to her blog:

  4. Dude, you so need to add an onBlur window.close on these comment things.

  5. OMG! This slider the anon mentioned is a MUST-HAVE!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! IF I KNEW YOU I WOULD KISS YOU RIGHT NOW!

  6. That something we have needed since the game came out. I am freaking out, I love that slider. ;-;

  7. Why doesn't MS3B post Heiret's stuff anymore? Did something bad happen?

  8. I loved this hair!

    But I think it need some retexture. Anubis!? Please!? :D

  9. "Why doesn't MS3B post Heiret's stuff anymore? Did something bad happen?"

    If I remember correctly, Heiret complained about MS3B on her blog, so Joe just decided to stop posting her stuff in order to avoid any trouble.

  10. Omg, what were they saying? Was it because people were smack talking her/him and they didn't like it?

  11. ^ Sorry, I don't really know any of the details, since I can't read Korean...

  12. I'm gonna have to investigate myself.

  13. I have this by zezemic, but, am gonna try this new one, thanks!!!

  14. Someone please convert this hair..

  15. Not sure the link worked.. I try again..

  16. OH YES YES YES! I agree with Claeric; this is something that was needed from the start!

    Downloading that slider now, it's a must have!

  17. first time i saw savios conversion that doesnt have dark roots.

  18. Besides the huge block of hair at the front, the ends clip his neck. You can see it on the ginger picture.

  19. The rose's rihanna (Her name is right?) is up at simscave :p

  20. Wait!That girl is Rihanna?

    I don't know hehehehe

  21. That hair went uploaded on the booty just yesterday, that's why today it's on the Cave.. :-/

  22. I love this hair, and it is different than some of the other styles I've seen. I've seen too many of the korean boyband bowl cut styles already D: I like how this one kinda looks like messy bedhair

  23. "That hair went uploaded on the booty just yesterday, that's why today it's on the Cave.. :-/"

    Exactly. Real nice to wait until it's up on the booty and THEN post it at the Cave like you fucking bought it yourself. And I'm sure that person didn't buy it or they would've posted it at the Cave before it showed up at the Booty.

    I say this because I am one of the ones who bought that Rose hair and donated it to the Booty (I say "one of" because I know Pescado needs two copies before he can clean it). I thought about posting it several times at the Cave, but what held me back is what I saw happen to Janira, Epi, and others who had spent their money to provide Cave items and then the power hungry mods banned them.

    I sent it to the Booty because I wanted it to be available to everyone, but I just think it's lame that someone waited for it to be on the booty first and THEN posted it to the Cave. It's unnecessary because the file doesn't have danger of being removed or reported if it's on the Booty.

  24. ^BTW, I don't mind it being shared other places. If someone had downloaded that hair from the Booty and reuploaded it here on a post or on a million other sites, I wouldn't have cared. But it seems to me that that person did it because she somehow wanted to get all the thanks and praise herself...kinda like trying to build up street cred since she is a newbie there. I can't put my finger on it, but something about it seems deceptive...

  25. Wow, that's really shitty that someone would try and take all the credit for Janira and Anon's kindness.

    Nice hair, Savio. Thanks.

  26. It's a nice hair Sav! And the clipping hair could be there because the sim it's really muscular? I'm used to that problem in male hairs :P

    I have a new hair up :)

    Hope you like it! ^-^

  27. Love that hair, Anubis!

    And Savio, good job on this hair! It looks wonderful!

  28. Nubie, yeah, that sim is really strong. lol No morph = clipping issues :/

    I like that hair! So cute! hehe

    oh, new hair @ my blog too. :3 It's Raon btw hehe (people love Raon's hairs lol)

  29. ^Thanks Sav for doing that hair again, my version is full of transparency issues that I didn't know how to fix back then. You're awesome ^-^

  30. Oh, it's ok Nubie lol

    and nope, you're awesome :D

  31. LOL, Savio, I was going to ask if that was the hair that Anubis did awhile back, but like Anubis said, I remember it had some transparency issues. The scalp gap was really noticeable when you zoomed out some.

    BTW, thanks Savio and Anubis for all your hard work! I always get so excited when I see new hairs from either Anubis, Savio, or Tum Tum because I know they are going to be good...unlike Peggy who makes borked crap.

  32. o noes i wuz sittin here eatin lunch n then i realized i already ate lunch u knoe

  33. Thanx 4 the slidr linq guise.

    war is more postz?

  34. I dled the hair and the bump in front really kills it. It's still kinda nice though

  35. Thanks for the Heiret's Blog links guys,I'm going to test out these sliders now.I always hated the "double chin" look in the game.

  36. Me, too!

    I wish MS3B would post a link, though so other people could see and download. This slider was buried in this post and not everyone will open this post up in the first place.

  37. Holy crap, thanks for mentioning that slider! <3
