
June 30, 2010

Venice -buildings complex- by Vampire_aninyosaloh

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. nice work but it doesn't look like venice, sorry.

  2. I think it looks a lot like Venice.

  3. ^I get what Mina is saying.

    It favors Venice by the fact that the building colors are the same and in a row style. However, it's the architecture that is off and the architecture is what makes Venice unique. In that picture you linked, you don't just see a flat wall with some windows and columns. The execution would've been a lot better if they'd actually built the buildings with the Venice style arches/covered walkways, not the windows. The windows make it look solely like a series of any ole TS3 multiple story houses, but in a row.

  4. Instead of saying "It doesn't look like Venice" Mina, maybe offer some constructive criticism? =\

  5. "Instead of saying "It doesn't look like Venice" Mina, maybe offer some constructive criticism? =\"

    Oh, get over yourself. Her comment wasn't rude or anything, it was just her simple opinion. She does not have to validate you by adding anything further to it when all she said was that it didn't look like Venice.

  6. ^She even gave a compliment that said it was nice.

    Some of you won't be happy unless you're getting nothing but pure praise.

  7. Lol, so apparently, you think I'm the creator? I'm not. XD

  8. Lol, so apparently, you think I'm the creator? I'm not. XD

  9. i don't say it's ugly or something else, in my opinion it just doesn't look like venice. btw: i was in venice last summer and i know how venice is looking. i think the houses are to perfect and clean. the colour of the walls doesn't fit and when i was in venice i saw lots of houses with roof terraces..

    sry for my bad english but i'm not from the usa or something english speaking country

  10. It wasn't meant as a dig at you Mina - sorry if it seemed that way.

  11. Vampire_aninyosalohJune 30, 2010 at 7:12 PM

    Actually I based it in Venice's houses. I've been in Venice myself too and I did it as accurate as I could without using custom content, but you know.. it can't be perfect ;) I apreciate the feedback and constructive criticism though ^^

  12. To be honest, you can't make a spitting image of Venice with the Sims, it's not like the title said "Exact Sim replica of Venice". Mina's comment wasn't rude or anything, it was just stupid.

    I might download, not sure if I'd use this.

  13. To the poster above me - Isn't that what you've just done. Yeah. Think about it.

  14. Okay, guys, can well calm down, please? All work needs criticism, and if you don't agree with someone else's, then keep it to yourself.

  15. "To the poster above me - Isn't that what you've just done. Yeah. Think about it."

    If you jump down someone else's throat, people have the right to jump down yours. Mina was not rude and instead of you jumping on her, you could've saved your venom for actual trolls.

    Action vs. reaction. Learn it.

  16. Nobody here jumped down anybody's throat, apart from you.

  17. It boggles my mind how someone can call someone's comment stupid even when they gave the creator a compliment.

    Some of you are really oversensitive.

  18. Vampire_aninyosalohJune 30, 2010 at 7:56 PM

    Lol, my dears, you don't need to fight with each other, I take all the comments well, being them good or bad ^^ They are just opinions, and that's what freedom if for ;)

  19. This is SOOOOO MUCH double-posting from one person pretending to be two (or three) here it's not even funny... in fact it's quite sad. "It looks like Venice; it doesn't look like Venice. I agree. You're stupid. You're rude." Good lord get outside and do something productive with your lives!!

    By the way Vampire, I love it. No matter WHAT people think, this is going to look great in my french town. :)

  20. ^ rofl, that's the problem with anonymous commenters. As far as anyone knows we could all be the same person :P

  21. ^ thanks for that, this just made the thread super creepy lol

  22. I really need to stop talking to myself!

  23. So I think that Mina's comment was rather lacking in the sense that she said it didn't look like Venice without providing any examples as to WHY it didn't, but whatever floats your boat. If the creator doesn't mind, I don't see why anyone else should.

    Anywho, this is nice and I think it would be awesome if someone actually did a world version of Venice rather than just a lot, but I'm not being needy over here lol. Thanks Vampire_aninyosaloh! Love the idea :)

  24. Wow, someone is angry.

  25. Is there anyway to get this without WA?

  26. Vampire_aninyosalohJuly 2, 2010 at 10:27 AM

    Well, most of the furniture, wall and floor patterns, roof and terrain spray I used were from WA, so if you tried it with base game I guess it wouldn't look too good, that if you get it to work. I'm sorry =/
