
July 23, 2010

5 Clocks by Demonic

Download at D&M Creations


  1. Love love LOVE those grandfather clocks.

  2. Are any of these functional? Like, do they show time?

  3. Grandfather clocks = win

  4. Yep, looking at the site right now, and they state it is functional.

    I am trying out those grandfather clocks today. Love them!

  5. Awesomely awesome.
    I love the grandfather clocks.

    By the way, LadyFrontbum uploaded a sim:

  6. Spacechupi: Is there a point of spamming somebody making new sim here? Come on, you know better.

    As for this, does the grandfather clock really work?! TS3 DESPERATELY needs a decent grandfather clock! I can't try it at the moment, but I'd love to hear how it looks in motion.

  7. ^ @ Anon, she/he? was not spamming. She posted something relevant to the content. Besides, this helps out MS3B by mentioning new updates. Come on, you should know better. ;)

    OT: Grandfather clock is a bazillion gallons of awesome.

  8. o hay stop pretendin 2 b me stoopid trollz ! theres only 1 superstar miley cyrus wit 2 boobz in yo face u knoe

  9. Not really.
    I could let that go and wait until someone else says it's up or MS3B notices it or I could simply let it not being featured here.

    But you could also ignore my comments if they bother you, and let the sim being posted xD

  10. @The other anon:
    I'm a she xD
    I posted the sim here because it's the last update, but I would've commented about the clock anyways.

    About that - I was going to ask if the death clocks were statues of the grim reaper holding a clock, but I saw the site, nevermind.

  11. Speaking of new Sims, there is a New Asian sim at MTS:

    ^Now THAT is how you make an Asian Sim!

    There is also an Indian Sim available:

    BTW, it's not spam if someone makes ONE post like SpaceChupi did on the top post to let MS3B know that there are new updates.

    It is spamming when you have someone like the Beyonce chick posting their blog link on EVERY.SINGLE.FREAKING.POST.

  12. Oh, that Leah sim is nicely done :D
    There's also this sim on MTS:
    I can't remember if the older sims, Sumi and Nia, were posted here.

  13. I doubt it's necessary to inform MS3B that there's new stuff on MTS. I think it's easy to say that MTS will be checked regularly, posting updates in comments for MTS is just unecessary and rude.

  14. ^ That's correct. Spam is spam, whether it's a ton of repetitive posts that mean nothing, or two posts linking to unrelated custom content by somebody COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than the content you're supposed to be commenting on. I can promise you very few people actually value waste-of-space comments like that here whatsoever.

    It's sad how some people here haven't a clue of proper etiquette as if the internet was invented yesterday. :(

  15. So the grandfather clock does indeed keep track of time? Incredible work.

    And SpaceChupi.... you seem like a nice enough person and all, please ease up the annoying links, k? These comments are set up for talking about the content featured, and for trolls to fight. You know that!

  16. I understand why would someone be bothered by the links, so I'll stick to the downloads from now on xD

  17. The death clock is beyond awesome :) Must have for the graveyard.

    Why on Simtopia did EA not include grandfather clocks with Sims 3 to begin with?
