
July 30, 2010

Imperium Romanum - New World by Freynan

Download at Sims3.Net

Thanks, Robodl95:)


  1. The roads are appropriate for the theme, though they wiggle a bit more than necessary. I also wish there were more of them. There also needs to be a city center.

    It's very pretty, regardless. The colosseum is impressive.

  2. looks really nice! I like roman buildings :]

  3. Weren't Roman streets straight? And then the roads to other cities and the tiny streets were irregular?
    This is quite interesting regardless.

  4. Holy shit. That Colosseum is amazing. Despite the probable historical inaccuracies and the massive toll this will have on my system, I MUST HAVE THIS.

  5. Interesting. I´ll give it a try.

  6. looks very interesting... but in the first pic, what the hell is it in the upper left corner?!

  7. I love this. It looks beautifully done.

  8. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! You don't know how long I've waited for something like this :D :D :D

  9. No, all Roman roads were incredible straight. You still drive on them in parts of Europe and Britain. They might go up and down like crazy but they are perfectly straight and were also paved. I like this world, but the roads are completely wrong.

    I have a BA in history and am working on my MA right now. For reference see Faulkner's Empire of Eagles, or pretty much any Roman history book you like :D

  10.'s a game.....remember...a game. Creative licence can be a fun thing, just like a game is.

  11. That colliseum looks awesome. It must have been really hard too. I tried making the colliseum once, and it sucked :(

  12. It's very nice but the roads... they do need to be straight to feel Roman. Game or not, it's just too hard to overlook a detail that they were well known for. I really like it otherwise.

  13. I meant, the cities sure did have a straight template with squares and such, but the roads that weren't specially made by them still wouldn't be straight, and this might be either the old roads that connected cities that they wouldn't bother to remake or the tiny streets that weren't oficially in the city's structure. At least that's what you guess, because they couldn't keep control of all roads.
    At least that's what I meant, it just wasn't well explained.
    I also remember that the East-West roads were called Decumanus, being the Decumanus Maximus the most important of them, and that the North-South ones were the Cardos. Or vice versa? LMAO.
    We took those lesson a few years ago.

  14. I like it, but it seems there is no real roads.. Does it mean that our sim won"t be able to go to work or to call for a firefighter or a police man? In that case, I won"t download it. It 's a pity because this world is terrific, but things have to be playable if we don"t want to have bugs and crisis behind our computers

  15. "it seems there is no real roads.. Does it mean that our sim won"t be able to go to work or to call for a firefighter or a police man?"
    they ar real roads. The cars drive along them

  16. I need togas, does anyone know where to get some?
