
July 14, 2010

New Paintings by Bozena

Download at Sims District


  1. Where can all the other stuff in the picture be found, I wonder? I really like that shelf thing.

  2. ^ was wondering the same thing :)

  3. ^ was wondering the same thing :)

  4. I love the way she does the previews) Everyone wants to know where's that stuff from. And yes, me too. The pillows and the shelf are just awesome. And the paintings are cool too, I'm going to dl em.

  5. It says negro! >:O

  6. Pillows are by nanu at TSR.

    As for that word.. they're not English speakers, and it doesn't have the negative connotations as far as I've seen in Spanish.

  7. Isn't Negro Spanish for "black" like Azure is for "blue"?

  8. Look, I'm black and this is nothing to get up in arms about.

    Look at the bottom left corner. You will see that "negro" and all the other words in quotation are in POLISH.

    This is what it says:


    So there is nothing wrong with how it's used. If this were an English speaking person in America who was still throwing around the term "negro" to humiliate blacks, then there would be a problem.

  9. Also, those pillows are from n-a-n-u's Boah Living set:

    It can be found on the Booty. :)

  10. I am on the name, and paid no attention as he chose in it does not know what to say. In Polish it is simply a Negro-dance in the sun. If someone offended that title ro sorry. I did not mean anything racist, simply this is the title and the word is not even know what that means.

    Ja na nazwę nie zwracałam uwagi i jak go wybierałam to nie wiedziałam co znaczy . Na polski to jest to po prostu Negro- taniec w słońcu . Jeżeli kogoś uraziłam tym tytułem ro przepraszam . Nie miałam na myśli coś rasistowskiego , po prostu to jest tytuł a słowo to nawet nie wiedziałam co znaczy .

  11. The shelf and other items are from Vitasims donation set "Costa Tropical Hotel Apartment". You can find it on simscave.
