
July 06, 2010

The Northman Sisters by Miss Lochness

Download at Sim Style Parade


  1. Wow! What a wonderful job! All are perfect! Congrats!

  2. Beautiful. They are some of the most realistic Sims I've ever seen. They're so realistic that I can't download them because they won't look right in my game!

  3. Thank you so much guys :) I'm glad you like them. Thank LadyFrontbum for making the awesome skintone :D

  4. whoaaa gorgeous sims!!

  5. The first one looks like a Sim you've already made before but the last two look unique. I really think the second one is beautiful.

  6. They are beautiful.

  7. They are beautiful and very unique looking! If only you could download the sims you love without having to download other mods and such!! This is talent indeed.

  8. oh my god... they are truly beautiful! thank you so much!

  9. Very beauties, but crash to desktop, maybe because the hair. These are not free, only for Peggy's members.At least Annabelle and Lydia.

  10. ^The Peggy hairs can be found on the Booty and at SimsCave...

    Hairs, not even high poly hairs, shouldn't be crashing your game. If they are, then your system doesn't meet the requirements for Sims 3 anyway. You don't have to have a $2000 computer to play this game, but there are too many people who have lower end systems that aren't suited to run this game and then wonder why they have so many problems. The Sims 3 and its expansions are filled with enough bugs and glitches on their own, so you don't need to make things harder for yourself AND increase the wear and tear on your computer unnecessarily by trying to play a game on it that wasn't intended for it.

  11. Crashes my game too but only when I loaded the 2nd sister, the other 2 load just fine into CAS. I'll try taking out all her custom content and reloading it back in one item at a time to check what it is.

  12. Why don't you use Delphy's CUSTARD to open up the .sims3packs to check what is inside them? Make sure that dumb doll of Rebecah's from TSR isn't inside.

  13. Thanks for the lovely comments guys :)

    I've rechecked the sims again, they aren't crashing for me. However, I have all the CC already installed and have for a while now. I got everything from the Booty. Danterossetti, if you figure out what is making them crash, then please let me know, so I can put a little note or something up for everybody else who may have the same problem. :)

  14. grillcheesesammichJuly 7, 2010 at 10:47 PM

    No crashes here. Thanks for these lovely sims.
