
July 14, 2010

Old Brickwood IV, Worker's House by nivaso

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Another ultra photoshopped one? MTS sure does have trouble following their own creator guidelines.

  2. This one is HARDLY "ultra photoshopped". I'm all for 100% unphotoshopped preview pics, but this just isn't worth whining about.

    And far far more importantly, great work! If anything "ultra" went into this, it's ultra realism! And I love it!

  3. I've downloaded this house. I've looked it over. I don't think these were photo-shopped, I think it has to do with the lighting in Twinbrook. Only thing I noticed that might have been altered, was my game has moar bloom on the white bed upstairs. Which is annoying, but fixable if one dims the lights a bit.

  4. I like this house, and I agree that someone should make a mod that KILLS THE BLOOM IN FIRE! Makes rooms blinding!

  5. ^Agreed. Though using lots of dark colors in decor helps. It's just that that gets boring after a while. :/

  6. Like I said before: can we get an ignore option for Claeric/Shivar/FuzzyCraptasticDishwasher.

  7. I am a moderator over at MTS and these would have been rejected if these photos had excessive photoshopping.
