
July 26, 2010

Rose 101 by Savio

Download at Savio's Stuff

File names: Rose 101_S3_TF-EF_Savio

Rose's version here


  1. DON'T YOU HAVE ANY NEW IDEA 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 RETEXTURES OF PEGGY/ROSE/COOLSIMS/NEWSEA'S HAIRS!!!

  2. Excellent! This is one of my favorite of Rose's hairs. I was bummed that she hadn't put in bone assignments. Thank you, Savio :)

  3. This may not be a retexture, but I really wish Savio would do something of his own, maybe the skill is lacking, eh.

    His retexures are fine though.

  4. What are you talking about? Savio's released two original hairstyles so far.

  5. not a fan of this, nice for somebody else maybe

  6. ^What about you? Where are your super original sims creations?
    Savio is fixing what Rose broke and you complain about that. Try to say "thanks" sometimes, or don't say anything if that word it's not in your vocabulary.

  7. ^Sorry, that comments was for the "lack of skills" anon ^-^'

    And OpenID it's not working anymore for me ¬¬

  8. I think that it's very rude that so many people complain "Nooo not another retexture/conversion/this looks so similar to hair x" Savio does a great job and makes some gorgeous hairs of his own, it is completely different to be able to convert/retexture than it is to be able to mesh a new one! TS3 meant a lot of new creators, people are still learning! Savio has released new hairs, and Anubis is almost there! Think before you criticize other people about things that you aren't even competent in yourself!

    /rant over

  9. That blonde sim is really cute.

  10. actually Savio has plenty of hair creation skills AND his hairs are free unlike Newsea's semi shit hairs. Thats why its disappointing to see the same hairs being recycled and 'improved' over and over....oh well

  11. Everyone who is complaining about this, go download Rose's conversion of it. Maybe you'll like it better. Or maybe you'll see the gaps, transparency issues, giant forehead, and the fact that it doesn't move correctly with the sim. Your choice.

    Savio's conversions of already converted Rose hairs are great, & way better than what Rose, herself, can do.

  12. Totally agree with chadgraphix.

    I am glad that people like Savio and the other creators are taking the time to fix what the pay creators released that was broken. It is CRUCIAL to have bone assignments. I already had previous hairs of Rose that went through the Sim's fucking body/back every single time they moved. It looks horrid. Not to mention all the other issues with Rose and Peggy hairs (remember the horrid 'moving with the eye slider' issues from MOST of Peggy's hairs?)

    Rose is a pay creator. That means that every single hair of hers - regardless of whether it is pay or free - should be made perfectly. If you decide to go pay (which is shitty anyway), you damn well better make sure your hair doesn't have major flaws, like Roses' hairs do.

  13. "Yeah, three original meshes, out of the gazillion other unoriginal stupid shit he's done."

    The only fail!comment around here is yours, since you clearly can't read. Savio converts and fixes hairs that are otherwise broken, such as this one. In addition, three original hairs is a damn good track record. Go troll somewhere else.

  14. As I've said for the 2nd time now people are still learning, there are a lot of new creators out there, people still are just learning the lay of the land and it's natural to start with conversions, the game has only been out for a year and the amount of content we have is astronomical, do you remember TS2 in its first year? lol? New creators need time to learn to mesh

  15. I for one am so glad to see this hair fixed by Savio. I've always liked the "look" of this hair, but it never looked right on my sims. Now I will actually be able to use it, and I am THRILLED!!! I love everything Savio and Anubis do. They make CC hairs useable

  16. Sim with black hair looks like Teresa Giudice from Real Housewives of New Jersey. This looks good. That is all.

  17. Sim with black hair looks like Teresa Giudice from Real Housewives of New Jersey. This looks good. That is all.

  18. The right side of the hair at the front looks a bit weird, sorta floating, so I won't be downloading but as always I appreciate all the time and effort that Savio and all the other creators put in to creating, editing and fixing hairs.

  19. INVALID FILE means rose and possibly her pathetic followers had this deleted.

  20. No, I'm re-uploading it. hehe Just a sec.

  21. New link:

    Just copy-paste into your Mods folder. :)

  22. This is very nice and much appreciated by me and others I'm sure. People who want brand new things should make their own brand new things. Thank you.

  23. Great re texture, but not a fan of the mesh... :P Good job anyway.

  24. Wow such savage comments! It is not necessary to be so nasty when correcting people.
    Thank you for fixing this and for making it look nice.

  25. I really like this! I deleted the Rose´s version a long time ago because it looked so awful in game, so I´m glad there´s a new conversion.

  26. Yes! Another Rose fix! Thank you! :)

    Most of what needs to be said has already been said. I'll just add that Rose's hairs are in desperate need of repair, and I am extremely grateful to anyone who fixes them. Savio is doing an amazing job, and I hope he keeps it up.

    More please, Savio!

  27. I'm finding this hair still has transparency issues at the part in the hair. Especially close to the front of the head, it gets a rather large hole. Other than that, awesome job. Especially with the bone assignments!
