
July 27, 2010

Stylist Bob Hair ~ Both Genders, All Ages by Anubis360

Download at Mod The Sims

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  1. remind of the hair style victoria beckham used to have in the spice girls

  2. its really pretty <3

  3. its really pretty <3

  4. its really pretty <3

  5. Simple, yet decent, like Savio's meshes. Very pretty hair.

  6. OHEMGEE, this would be perfect for my next sim ♥

  7. Can someone retexture these with peggy's textures *g* I don't like the hairline. Beside that it's nice!

  8. I actually dl'ed this before it was posted here,it's a lovely simplistic style.

  9. Anubis, this is *gorgeous*! I really love it. So soft and simple... New favorite hair.

  10. Stunning! These are the hairstyles that work best for me, simple but cute and chic. They're not distracting and they make the face shine. I've been playing with it and it's one of my favourites already.

    Aniways thank you for more great work Anubis, you rock! You should definitely keep on making new meshes.

  11. This is just gorgeous Anubis. You did a fantastic job! Thanks so much <3

  12. Great Nubie :B

    I always lose my patience when i'm in the hairline when i'm trying make my meshes T.T

  13. lovely and simple! Woot :)

  14. Love it, Anubis!

    Keep pushing out more lovely meshes!

    Once you and Savio have produced a few more and practice more, you will far surpass the pay meshers because your meshes will actually be made properly.

  15. Unlike diva bitches like Cazy, Anubis has an open policy and says that you are free to retexture this hair, even though it's his own mesh.

    So there's no excuse for Cazy to act like her meshes are just so great that they shouldn't be touched by anyone but her.

  16. theres no need to bring cazy into this. i know a few artists irl who are very protective over their work, not because they are divas but because its like a child to them. its just a strong feeling of attachment and this irrational idea that their work is part of their identity. not saying cazy is an artist, but that may be where she is coming from. personally i am not comfortable with it because of the collaborative nature of making sim mods, from tools to meshes, etc. theres this unspoken understanding that sharing generally benefits the entire community, not just the freeloaders. she's not a team player, fine. i don't care as long as she doesn't go pay.

  17. "theres no need to bring cazy into this."

    Yes there is, because it shows yet again how selfish and ridiculous she is being. The only people who DON'T want you to touch their original hairs or conversions are PAY creators. So the only difference between Cazy and them is that she isn't pay - yet. But she certainly has their attitude already.

    "i know a few artists irl who are very protective over their work, not because they are divas but because its like a child to them."

    As you said yourself, Cazy isn't an artist. She is someone who makes virtual hairs for a PC game. The difference between people in real life who are artists and create original work is that they actually own the rights to their work - Cazy and no other custom content creator for the Sims 3 owns the rights to their work. EA does because you have to use their format to make your things work. Otherwise they are just going to sit on your computer and be non-functional until you get them in their game.

  18. ^

    Since last week i know that cazy isn't she...Cazy is a guy :p

  19. See! I thought Cazy was a guy at first on one of the other posts of his hairs when I saw Anubis refer to Cazy with a male pronoun! But then I was corrected by a poster who said that Cazy was female. Good to know for sure he's a guy then so I don't keep making the same mistake.

  20. ^ Wow!

    Technically I do consider CC to be "art" or at least work, people put a lot of time into meshing and so I could feel someone being protective of it (but of course we are speaking of conversion's which aren't his work)

    Anyway this is a great hair, thanks Anu

  21. i dont know any guy that is named Stacie lol

  22. ^ Anto is a friend of Cazy...And he said...

  23. It's good for a first (I can't even get conversions to work), but it's not all that impressive of a hair. It looks really weird in the front. Like it doesn't follow the rules of how hair actually works. :P

  24. "It's good for a first (I can't even get conversions to work), but it's not all that impressive of a hair. It looks really weird in the front. Like it doesn't follow the rules of how hair actually works. :P"

    Shivar, you never disappoint in either your arrogance or asshole observations.

    Clearly, if something doesn't impress Claeric, then it is worthless. All CC creators should consult Claeric before releasing their work.

    Remember this the next time someone comments that YOUR work isn't impressive and is complete shit before you go into one of your "you're all stupid that you don't get how this works!" tantrums.

  25. Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't aware only other people can have opinions, and that the only viable opinion is praise.

    I'm sure anubis would rather have criticism than praise. Praise doesn't help someone make better hairs (Just look at all the generic shit people keep putting out for an example), criticism does.

  26. All you could've said is that you didn't like the hair. But no, you had to go further by saying not only that it isn't impressive but that it defies the rules of how hair works in the front.

    You never understand the difference between CONSTRUCTIVE criticism and being outright insulting. I'm convinced you have some type of personality disorder or you just are completely oblivious to how much of an asshole you are...then again you very well could be doing this on purpose, which you probably are.

  27. The fact that he thinks that this hair "defies the rules of how hair works" is insane, how is this unrealistic and the things that peggy puts out not? And it's a bob style it's supposed to have that helmety feel......

  28. "Praise doesn't help someone make better hairs (Just look at all the generic shit people keep putting out for an example)"

    This is what you don't get. Hair is the absolute hardest thing to mesh for the Sims 3. Your "constructive criticism" about people putting out "generic shit" isn't one bit helpful UNLESS you are going to give them specific pointers in Milkshape or another meshing program in order to MAKE the hairs be non-generic, as you call them. It's not just a matter of someone saying, "you're right, Claeric, I need to make hairs that aren't generic." The reason you see so many "generic" meshes as you call it is because the more complicated ones are extremely hard to do and beginners like Anubis and Savio are not at that stage yet. Peggy, Newsea, and Rose have been doing those complicated meshes ever since Sims 2, so they have years of practice that others do not.

    Think before you shout out your worthless criticism that isn't helpful at all.

  29. Shivar/Claeric, I'm just starting with meshing, and I know it's not a WOAH ZOMG hair, I can't create like that yet.
    And the "praises" help me to keep practicing, because I do know when something it's not right or doesn't look good.
    Oh, don't say I don't want any critic, because I had a thread in the CFF for a long time.

    Thanks everyone! I'm glad you like it ^-^

  30. It is difficult to make bobs look natural because they just don't have a lot of shape to them. They're easier to make as a first try (like square islands in CAW), but you aren't going to get that oomph factor.
    The center part is too mushed together with no scalp showing, so like a wig it looks like the hair is just laying on top of the head instead of coming out of it. I also think the face opening isn't wide enough, but thats more of a personal preference.
    This is still a lovely mesh, amazing for a first release, I can't wait to see how Anubis improves :)

  31. My ex was called Stacy - he was a he, its not a common guy name though!

  32. lol at people white knighting for anubis.

  33. ""It's good for a first (I can't even get conversions to work), but it's not all that impressive of a hair. It looks really weird in the front. Like it doesn't follow the rules of how hair actually works. :P""

    Considering you stated that you had given up on trying to convert hair because it was too difficult, I think you're being a bit too hypocritical. This is an excellent first mesh.

    I love it, and look forward to seeing future meshes, Anubis.

  34. I agree with Shivar.

  35. It is not hypocritical to criticize something when you yourself are not capable of it. to say that is a ridiculous logical fallacy.

    To elaborate on criticism:

    I don't think the front of this hair looks right at all. It ends up looking like all the hair grows from the part, instead of from where hair actually grows. It goes out in the front a bit too far, I think, too.

    And the part, like someone else mentioned, doesn't look like it actually comes from the scalp- more like it's a wig. I also think the part should be either centered or farther off center- the way it is now, it looks like it was mistakenly just a bit off center.

    And this is probably the result of slap-them-on "pooklet" textures, but the layering is pretty bad. If you look at the back, it looks like there's hair on the top of the head that goes allllllllll the way to the bottom of the hair. That means that this person has really long hair in the middle of their head, but shorter hair the lower down their head you go. That's not realistic at all. The hair should be layered down the back, but the texture doesn't show that. The texture just shows one big wave of really, really long hair from the middle of the scalp. It looks weird.

    Does that make sense? The texture just makes it look way unnatural.

  36. The texture is gorgeous.... It's alright to give some constructive criticism but I know you, you like the most insane and crazy hairs and constantly complain to people about how there are not enough weird hairs but suddenly you start ranting on about a normal hair that truly looks fine? It's a first mesh he will get a LOT better, I shudder remembering my first retexture & conversion....

  37. This may be semi-OT... but does anyone know of a way to convert hairs to sims3pack? I'd really love to get Anubis's hairs in my game, but since I have a Mac, I have disappearing!hair syndrome when I use .package.

    The hair's really pretty. :] I do agree that it does have its faults, but so does every other hair out there ATM, and I'd still really, really love to have this in my game.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. You guys think everything Shivar/Claeric says is wrong.
    Though he mostly criticizes (SP?) the work of people, and in this case I don't agree with him, he still has the right to say his opinion.

    And, Anubis, I love this hair.
    It's simple, yet pretty.
    I would've liked the front to be longer than the back, but maybe that's just me so don't care too much about it.
    I'd like to see MOAR of your meshes in the future, and I'm sure you'll be one of the best hair creators.

  40. I'm giving criticism. If anubis doesnt like it, he can say so. It's not your place to do so.

    The texture is not gorgeous. The texture is clean, but that does not make it effective or appropriate or gorgeous. The texture makes the hair look ridiculous, as I explained. It is clean, yeah. But that doesn't mean it isn't ridiculous.

  41. Non centered hairline was intentional (I wanted side bangs, but I couldn't get them right) and it doesn't show the scalp to avoid the balding issues that you always criticize.
    This is what I tried to do:

    I'll say it again: it's the first mesh that looks good enough for sharing, don't expect for something perfect.

  42. Shivar, I think you can actually get your hair cut your hair that way. But I might be wrong, because since I tried to cut my hair myself and messed it up I'm afraid to go to the hair stylist xD

  43. For once in my life I have to agree with claeric. The hair is well done, yes, but it looks like a helmet or a wig. It doesn't look natural at all.

    And about the texture... that's more a matter of taste than anything else. I, myself, don't like it. I found it quite dull, but others hate the textures I like, so yeah. Taste.

  44. The problem with Shivar/Claeric is that he doesn't say something good with the bad. When you criticize, first find something good to say about the hair such as: This is your first attempt at a hair mesh! Good job!

    Then go ahead with the criticism but avoid words like bad, shoddy, slapped-on texture. Instead you could have said "I know its difficult to make a bob because of the style, but I think the hairline should be a little different...and then go on to explain why you think it should be different...WITHOUT using loaded words.

    The other problem with Claeric and the one that gets him in trouble is that he never gives up. He baits people and goes on and on and on. I think maybe he just doesn't have much else to do than argue on here and he loves the challenge of the argument.

    Enough about Claeric. :)

    I think this is a lovely attempt at making a bob and I believe Anubis will get better and better as he continues to make such attempts. I can't wait to see what he makes next time!

  45. He said this was good for a first hair. Anyways, I don't care if you all hate Claeric.

    I love Anubis' textures.
    And I love that his highlights are... umm... highlights.
    But it's a matter of taste.

  46. I like this style as it is classic and timeless. I will try it out in my game. Thanks.

  47. The problem with Shivar/Claeric is that he doesn't say something good with the bad. When you criticize, first find something good to say about the hair such as: This is your first attempt at a hair mesh! Good job!

  48. "It is not hypocritical to criticize something when you yourself are not capable of it. "

    Yes, yes it is. Unless, of course, you were straightforward about the fact that you are not a hair mesher and could never create this mesh. Where did you state that?

    "This may be semi-OT... but does anyone know of a way to convert hairs to sims3pack? I'd really love to get Anubis's hairs in my game, but since I have a Mac, I have disappearing!hair syndrome when I use .package."

    I use both a Mac and a PC, and I've been trying to convert .packages to .sims3packs with no success. I think EAxis messed up the Mac launcher at some point, as I can convert them but can't get them to install.

  49. Claeric has abysmally poor social skills and is either unwilling or unable to recognize this and rectify it. Personally, I think he has Aspergers Syndrome.

    In his mind he is just giving criticism and sees nothing wrong with this, but rather that everyone else is the problem. He is completely oblivious to the fact that in functional, positive human interactions tact is as important as content.

    I also don't think he grasps the severity and harshness of how his choice of words come off to other readers. For example:

    "It's good for a first (I can't even get conversions to work), but it's not all that impressive of a hair. It looks really weird in the front. Like it doesn't follow the rules of how hair actually works. :P"

    Imagine we have a see-saw. "It's good for a first" is basically a pebble on one side while "not all that impressive", "really weird" and "doesn't follow the rules of how hair works :P" are 3 large heavy rocks on the other side. It doesn't balance.

    Those first two critical comments are also highly subjective, although stated in a manner that implies they are fact. They are quite an unnecessary opinion that is better left to one's self.

    The 'not following the rules' part would be better criticism if it were phrased in a somewhat more clear and constructive manner, though his subsequent image does clarify his point there a bit.

    He still goes overboard with his criticisms in contrast to his weak half hearted attempts at praise.


  50. Yes, yes it is.

    I am sorry, but no, it isn't.

    Have you NEVER taken issue with something you yourself could not do? You have. I guarantee it. If you were correct, that would mean that anyone who complains when their steak is undercooked at a restaurant is a hypocrite, because they aren't a chef. That's wrong. That is a fallacy. IT has been for hundreds of years.

  51. I don't find hypocritical saying your negative opinion about something that's better than your own. Theirs is bad, yours is worse.
    If I said that I don't think X person is pretty, it's not like it would be hypocritical unless I was prettier than her.

  52. "Have you NEVER taken issue with something you yourself could not do? You have. I guarantee it. If you were correct, that would mean that anyone who complains when their steak is undercooked at a restaurant is a hypocrite, because they aren't a chef. That's wrong. That is a fallacy. IT has been for hundreds of years."

    Claeric, the problem is not that you criticize, it's the WAY you do it. As a poster up above said, you have absolutely no sense of tact or decorum.

    It does Anubis no good to just offer BLIND criticism. And that is exactly the type of criticism you are offering - blind. What good is it to point out all those things and then the person has no way to correct them? If you are not going to give them SPECIFIC instructions or help in a meshing program on actually achieving the things you find errors with, then your criticism is nothing but worthless pontificating just to tear others down and make yourself seem the wiser one, when in reality, you do not have a clue.

    Meshing is ridiculously hard. It's not so easy for someone to snap their fingers and do a hair exactly the way you want. There are all sorts of complexities and errors that can arrive to prevent things that they might've tried to do before.

  53. Ok, look. I'm sorry if it was offensive in some way.

    There are more issues with it, to me, TO ME, BE SURE YOU READ THAT PART, TO ME, than there are positives. I do not try to "weigh" the negatives and positives or make the sides "even". I don't see why I should. I am not going to pad criticism with hand holding, hugs, and cookies. This is not MTS. I am not required to do so. If something is bad, I am going to call it bad and say why.

    This hair is not horrible or even close to bad, but it's not amazing, and it has flaws, and I listed and explained those flaws. This should not be a problem for anyone. And if it is, it should be a problem for anubis, not you.

    And the only thing I meant by "doesnt follow the rules of how hair works" is just that. It doesnt. I explained why. It's what I think, it's true. IT doesn't look like it follows how hair actually works. I honestly don't understand what is wrong with saying that.

    I don't like the hair. I personally think it looks horrible. But that's not helpful at all so I didn't say that. Instead, I listed what exactly is wrong with it, and that the mesh is competent and not messed up or anything ("good for a first"). I don't find anything about it personally appealing, so I can't list what's ok about it. And I don't have to. Criticism isn't some weird two way street where you HAVE to include positives. I don't have any positives to include.

    I don't see anubis getting bent out of shape so I don't know why anyone else is. :\ I honestly think it's name association. It's by Anubis, therefore everyone must come to arms and defend it. It's me pointing out issues with it, therefore I must be stabbed. If this was a newsea hair or a peggy hair or a cazy hair nobody would care at all if I listed problems with it.

    That is your problem, not mine.

  54. "He still goes overboard with his criticisms in contrast to his weak half hearted attempts at praise."

    I agree with this and everything else you said. Claeric knows exactly what he is doing, yet he hides behind the facade of "constructive criticism" in order to be as cutting as possible in his remarks to other creators. Then he tries to hide behind statements of "You don't have to be better at something to offer criticism." No, you don't, but if you know you cannot do something, then you need to be more tactful in your criticism because you really have no clue how hard it is to accomplish certain things.

    His compliment isn't really a compliment, it's a backhanded one. It's like saying, "You look good... for a FAT woman who is at least 30 pounds overweight and who has clothes that slightly don't fit. But that shirt DOES make you look slightly better."

  55. "I don't see anubis getting bent out of shape so I don't know why anyone else is. :\ I honestly think it's name association. It's by Anubis, therefore everyone must come to arms and defend it. It's me pointing out issues with it, therefore I must be stabbed. If this was a newsea hair or a peggy hair or a cazy hair nobody would care at all if I listed problems with it."

    For someone who likes to call others out on logical fallacies, you just made a BIG one here yourself. Unless you are inside everyone's head, you have no clue whether or not they are just saying this because they are Anubis fans and Cazy/Peggy/Rose/Newsea haters or not. You are not some omniscient being who knows what everyone else is thinking.

    But still, keep talking out of your ass and trying to make yourself look smarter and more informed than everyone else. This is why you are hated at MATY and constantly attacked for not knowing what you are talking about.

  56. "Have you NEVER taken issue with something you yourself could not do? You have. I guarantee it. "

    Except you failed to read my entire comment. I stated that it's only hypocritical if you intentionally neglect to mention that you, yourself, are not a hair mesher.

    You criticized someone else's work while misleading them about your own expertise in the area. No one is saying you can't point out flaws, but yes, the way you chose to go about it is hypocritical.

  57. I didn't find Shivar's comment negative or hypocritical.. just someone offering criticism, which is something we all need every now and then.

    Good job, Anubis. :)

  58. "I don't like the hair. I personally think it looks horrible. But that's not helpful at all so I didn't say that. Instead, I listed what exactly is wrong with it, and that the mesh is competent and not messed up or anything ("good for a first"). I don't find anything about it personally appealing, so I can't list what's ok about it. And I don't have to. Criticism isn't some weird two way street where you HAVE to include positives. I don't have any positives to include."

    This right here is where you go OVERBOARD. You only say these types of things to be as nasty as you possibly can and hit as below the belt as you can. All you had to say was that you didn't like it. It's as simple as that. Then you could've moved on. But instead, you write several paragraphs talking about how much you hate the hair, you don't find any positives about it, and saying it is horrible. And yes, you DID say that and your pathetic attempt at using it as an example to say "but that's not helpful at all so I didn't say it" is just nothing more than a backhanded way of getting a really nasty comment in there anyway.

    We get it. You don't like the fucking hair. Fair enough. But you seem to get some sick pleasure out of being ridiculously nasty to other creators and like other posters said, this does indicate a personality disorder or at the very least that you think you are better than others and just don't give a shit. Your attitude WILL catch up to you one day, unless you are completely different in person and just hide behind a computer screen to shout your vitriol at people day in and day out. And in that case, it makes you a coward.

  59. "I don't like the hair. I personally think it looks horrible. But that's not helpful at all so I didn't say that"

    Oh, but you just did, Blanche. You just did. You know exactly what you are doing.

  60. @Claeric: I don't know Anubis and have no need to defend him. I am only responding to what's wrong with statements like the ones YOU MAKE ALL THE TIME, which is why you are not welcome in several places and have a terrible reputation in others.

    You never take responsibility for your own words and their harshness, but rather it is always someone else's problem, however if a number of people are consistently interpreting your words in a negative manner then it's probably time for a reality check on your part instead of just saying 'Sorry, it's your problem'.

    It's not good enough to say "sorry if it was offensive in some way". Words matter and you need to start thinking about what you say before you hit send.

    It's okay to say 'I think this object could be improved by doing x'. It is, however, COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY and off-putting to say things like "it's not all that impressive", "it's not amazing" "it's really weird" etc. You don't have to and should not post every thought that comes into your head. Such things are perhaps implied in giving a critique and it is not necessary to say them. Furthermore, it is indelicate to do so.

  61. "It's me pointing out issues with it, therefore I must be stabbed. If this was a newsea hair or a peggy hair or a cazy hair nobody would care at all if I listed problems with it."

    Oh, smell you and your victimization complex. You want to talk about hypocrisy? Let's go. You ARE a major hypocrite. You are not nearly as harsh when it's something you like or consider "non-generic" or stellar. Take for instance that Gorgon hair that was posted a few days ago. You were all over that thread talking about how great the hair was since it wasn't traditional and calling people stupid multiple times. That hair, while great in its concept, was not free of flaws. So why didn't you spend your time nitpicking all the things on that hair to the extent that you have done Anubis's hair? Because you're a hypocrite and you are much nicer when it's something YOU approve of, even if flawed.

    Yep, you are a hypocrite and the fact that you fail to see this is nothing but denial and hubris.

  62. Bla bla bla. You whiny little bastards complain and bitch about everything that there is, like how Claeric makes a reasonable post, people only focus on his past and flame him with any chance, this comment thread is about the hair, but some moron decides to bring in Cazy, AGAIN.

    What are you guys going to argue about next? Whine about how people are focusing too much on the models, or flame somebody just because they criticized the littlest of all things?

  63. Honey, learn to read. Saying that the hair is "horrible" and that you don't find any positives about the hair when clearly there are some (even if a positive is that it has correct mesh comments and doesn't have huge gaps/transparency issues) is not constructive criticism. It's flat-out rudeness and you know it.

  64. Ha, Claeric! You did use the word good in a comment! I stand corrected.

    But since you obviously are capable of saying something nice, why don't you always do it? Then you can give your opinion of what you don't like. It is possible to find something good in almost everything, even if its just the effort of the creator.

    But I notice that even in your rebuttals you are unable to keep away from the loaded words.

    Aspergers might make sense but I have known folks with Aspergers and they are not usually so confrontational. I just think this is a young man who needs attention, negative or not. But what do I know. Maybe he just enjoys the banter.

  65. "But since you obviously are capable of saying something nice, why don't you always do it?"

    Because he loves the drama. He thrives on it. He loves being inflammatory because it allows him to pull the victim card (notice how he claimed he was "stabbed") when people call him out on his bullshit.

  66. Claeric/Shivar whateves, QUIT FEEDING THE IDIOTS!

    You weren't an ass about the hair you said your piece. Both constructive criticism and praise are good!!

    I agree that this hair is a bit off, and unnatural looking, looks kinda like a poofy bob, yet the texture is straight so it kinda looks big like their heads are oddly shaped. But at the same time it's a nice normal hair and it's awesome that Anubis is meshing and this is great for a first post.

    Keep practicing Anubis! This hair isn't perfect but it's really good, because I know how hard meshing is!

    Quit feeding the dumbasses and trolls. This is why I don't log in to comment. I don't feel like being flamed by all these asshats with nothing else to do all day but sit on this blog and try to argue with people with valid points.

  67. For pete's sake everyone YOU are the hipocrites. If you read other comments on other hairs there are loads giving critisismand pointing out tiny flaws there are even comments that just say "eww this is horrible" at least Claeric is acctually saying what he thinks is wrong with this hair rather than "eww this is horrible"

    However Claeric there is no need to keep going on and on. If someone says you are a hipocrite just ignore them. A reaction is exactly what they want and just makes an arguement

    anyway, I love this hair and I think that it is gorgeous :D congrats anubis

  68. but for my last comment that I just posted. itdoesnt apply to teh person above me^

  69. I feel sorry for Anubis people might start associating him with these torlls as people like to play te labelling game
    I should knoww
    anyway Anubis I love the hair thanks :D
    and I can't wait to see what you produce in the future

  70. Anubis, this is absolutely gorgeous! I love it, but I do agree, it is slightly unnatural. You were definitely on the right track with this, from what you were aiming at. I just think the uneveness of the volume [our left, very voluptuous] but it does look fabulous.

    I think you should try something a little longer, kinda inbetween this hair, and a hair to the shoulders. We don't have very many of those. I don't thing >.> xD

  71. "For pete's sake everyone YOU are the hipocrites."

    Hmm. Is that anything like a hypocrite?

  72. ""For pete's sake everyone YOU are the hipocrites."

    Hmm. Is that anything like a hypocrite?"
    so.. I can't spell
    who cares

  73. I was reading the comments on Ulker's last hair, and I'm really happy that most of you are sincere and kind at the same time! ^-^
    I'll promise, my hairs will be better and better ;)

  74. Shivar says...

    " If you look at the back, it looks like there's hair on the top of the head that goes allllllllll the way to the bottom of the hair. That means that this person has really long hair in the middle of their head, but shorter hair the lower down their head you go. That's not realistic at all. The hair should be layered down the back, but the texture doesn't show that."

    How is that not realistic? Not everyone has layers cut into their hair. Some people have hair where the hair on the top of their head goes all the way down...making the individual strands underneath shorter than the strands on top. That is a basic haircut, where you bring all the hair down and have it cut at the same line. Layers aren't for everyone.

  75. "so.. I can't spell who cares"

    If you don't care what you have to say, why should we?

  76. I don't think it's that unnatural. My old bob kind of floated away from my face like that, but it was razored really thin, so it wasn't as heavy as yours and had more variation in texture/asymmetry.

  77. Claeric/Shivar: A traditional bob haircut does not have many layers and in fact is NOT tapered (shorter and shorter strands as you progress from the top of the head to the nape of the neck). Thus the hairs on top ARE long while those underneath are short. This is what makes it a bob.

    Good job Anubis.

  78. As someone who had a bob haircut nearly every summer up until she turned 16... ^ is true. This actually looks a lot like my hair back then. If it looks unnatural, it's only because hair would eventually slide back from the face as you moved, and Sims hair never moves. So it's no less natural than any other hair out there.

  79. Merely beating a dead horse here, people really seem to misunderstand what constructive criticism is. It's not kissing someone's ass while politely telling them what they can improve in their work. It's simply offering a critique with advice more specific than "this sux." Claeric was perfectly within the bounds of civility to say the sides framing the face look unnatural. That is actually offering specific area to improve upon, even if it wasn't phrased politely.

    For the record, I love the hair. It's simple, and despite being a first attempt, is on par with or better than the basegame meshes. Plus, it's a unisex style that doesn't look ridiculous on males. I look forward to seeing more!

  80. I agree, this is a great hair for a first. :) I think you do have potential to be one of the best hair creators out there. :D

  81. I hesitate to get involved, but I will just add that I prefer when people give constructive criticism rather than behave like rude little school children. Calling complete strangers names, referring to Sims 3 creations as "shit" or "crap", or making insulting and even disgusting jokes is not the least bit constructive. It is simply the behavior of young bratty kids or very immature teens/adults with absolutely no social skills. I will not point fingers at any one individual in particular, but so much of it goes on here it can be a very sad thing to watch. I personally come here to see the Sims 3 content and give my opinion. I read the comments to see what others are saying about that same content. I could certainly live without the eye-rolling display of elementary school taunting and teasing.

  82. [color=#2288bb]Interesting post! thank you for sharing this information. really got under my
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