
August 30, 2010

Birthmark "Six Pack" Collection by Arnica

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I don't know what I would do with these... I would feel bad putting them on my sims! They're huge! If colored differently they could be could for horror sims though

  2. "I don't know what I would do with these... I would feel bad putting them on my sims! They're huge! If colored differently they could be could for horror sims though"

    Have you ever seen a real birthmark Robodl?

    A lot of them are massive and they add character, not "horror".

    Sorry we can't all be perfect with glowing and flawless skin like you Robodl, but I'd take my imperfections over your ignorance every day.

    The whole horror comment is really offensive you jackass.

  3. Sometimes a flaw brings out the beauty in a face as well. One of the birthmarks reminds me of one a character in a mini-series my sister was watching recently had. She was pretty, but in a strange way, and the birthmark added to, rather than took away from her looks.

  4. Robodl95 got pwned. (and I lol'd!)

  5. This is a really cool idea. I have never seen any birthmarks before on a sim.

  6. It's fairly rare to see a birth mark that covers 1/2 of someones face. I'm not saying that it's not a great idea but it would be nice to have some less extreme ones also.

  7. Plus they also cut back on Sim originality. It's like tattoos for TS3, how many people in real life do you see having identical tattoos? The birthmarks are unique for one or two Sims, but they're not totally practical for everyday use.

  8. Usually a mark like the larger ones would actually be burn scars, not birthmarks. You rarely see ANY birthmarks in any situation this large. That said, it happens. -Zaz

  9. I like this. It's different.

  10. This is nothing. I wanna see some birthmarks that cover the whole body. Now we're talkin.

  11. I have a birthmark, quite a huge one, but I agree with Robodl and I wouldn't put it on a sim either. There are so many better ways to make a sim unique. And idk, most of these look like something got spilled.

  12. may you could try putting on different parts of the body? thats where it is for mine anyway. also, you are missing a gorbachev.

  13. I'm not sure. I like the originality and yes, this does occur irl and not always on the face. Not sure if I would put one on my sims to be honest...just reminds me on melanoma and kinda makes me sad

  14. "Usually a mark like the larger ones would actually be burn scars, not birthmarks. You rarely see ANY birthmarks in any situation this large. That said, it happens. -Zaz"

    Orly sweetheart?

    My ten year old sister has a port-wine stain that covers from her lower right eye and traces down to her chin.

    Last time I checked, no one burned her.

    And yes, it is more common then your precious brain might think.

  15. "It's fairly rare to see a birth mark that covers 1/2 of someones face. I'm not saying that it's not a great idea but it would be nice to have some less extreme ones also."

    I don't see any birthmarks in this pack that covers half the face.

    Perhaps you should retake a simple math course and learn what half is.

  16. I like this, only to use on a couple of sims, though.

    I have seen only a few people with large birthmarks on their faces, for some it compliments their looks. I had a crush on a guy in high school with a birthmark on his face, something like the first one, and it didn't make him seem self conscience. :D

  17. This would be great for making an ugly sim I hate. Yes, not everyone is perfect, most of them think their flaws are beauty marks, but they can't keep lying to themselves. These are definitely ugly, anyone who would think otherwise has been through hours of brainwashing by their mothers telling them they are beautiful.

  18. I had a friend in college that had a large port wine stain on his face. He was a cute guy and very sweet. I have not seen many people with them but if you consider that I have only met a small fraction of people in the world (as have you) even meeting one or two people with a large facial birthmark shows you they are more common than you think. And you do not have to give one to every sim in your hood!

    Some of the remarks here have been terribly insensitive. I will hope that these are just really immature people and not the norm. Think before you speak. You know nothing about the people who read your remarks. Do you really mean to insult people?

  19. the first four are ok and look pretty realstic, but the last two are not doing it for me. Birthmarks that big resemble burn marks
    or like LisaMaria said, melanoma. And that hits a little close for me since my grandma dealt with melanoma

  20. Came her for Gorbachev birthmark, left disappointed.

    The two largest really just look like smears to me and not at all like birth marks. The rest of them are great! I would not use these for every day, but I will still download them. I have LFB's "burned" skin and I only use it on a single sim, but she's interesting and has an amazing storyline!

  21. ^^^ Agree with you 100%, Rhiannon. :)

    These are interesting and definitely unique. I knew someone once who had a rather large birthmake on their face. I don't think it's that uncommon. I have a tiny one on my leg.

  22. People with ginormous birthmarks are "special people". They can be equated to amputees or people with cancer. My sympathy goes out to all of them. In fact, it makes me want to create a charity for people with birthmarks.

  23. Ew, even if I did have a giant ugly birthmark on my face, I'd cover it with some SERIOUS make-up. I've NEVER seen people with HUGE birth marks such as these. The only normal one is the second on on the top. All the others look like they got into some bad car accident and are scared now.

  24. I have lots of friends with huge birthmarks. One has one big oval on her neck. Another has a birth mark that covers almost half of her leg, and lastly I have a friend his birthmark covers half of his face. They are NOT that rare.

  25. I haven't seen people with birthmarks this big...

    I have a very very small one, in the shape of ‰ on my hand in a light pink. Anyone else I know with birthmarks have them quite small. Definitely not as big as the last three.

  26. i dont usually comment on this blog but some of these comments are really disgusting. are you really that shallow to judge someone by a mark on their face? that is ridiculous. also, just because you haven't seen someone with a birthmark like this, doesn't mean they don't exist! a friend of mine has one like the 1st picture. while i agree that i would like to see some smaller birthmarks i also think this is a brilliant idea and can be used to make some unique sims :)
