
August 03, 2010

Get Medieval with the Sims!

We are delighted to announce The Sims™ Medieval, a new game currently in development that places the popular Sims™ characters from The Sims™ game into the Middle Ages and brings players robust, compelling gameplay never seen before in the history of The Sims. For the first time, players can create heroes, venture on quests, build and control a kingdom, and play every Hero Sim ™ character in the land. Creativity will soar as players tell stories like never before full of drama, romance, conflict, and comedy.

The Sims Medieval offers players a chance to build up a medieval kingdom, controlling characters from all walks of life, from Kings and Queens, to Knights and Wizards, Blacksmiths and Bards. It provides a host of storytelling possibilities in the form of quests, from crafting a legendary sword to arranging a royal wedding, to protecting the kingdom from an evil sorcerer, to finding the fountain of youth. Every quest plays out differently depending on which Hero Sim the player is controlling.

Players can choose to customize every new Hero that comes to the kingdom, including selecting their traits and their fatal flaw. Players get close to their characters, not only sending them on epic quests, but also making sure they carry out their daily responsibilities such as healing the sick, trading for exotic goods, or forging armour - what happens to their Sims is up to the player. The time of romance and chivalry is back with The Sims Medieval. More details can be found at Out Spring 2011.

Source -The Sims 3-

thanks, Becky:)


  1. The best thing about this game release, Steve @ TSR got an EA smackdown for publishing info about this game before EA officially did. Even more embarrassing, Steve claimed he got the information from EA in super secret development meetings a year ago, now having to write a retraction stating that he posted pictures from a UK PC magazine. Haha, good times!

    Read Cococut's blog for the news:

  2. hhm, not so excited!

  3. Awesome! Hope there's a tavern there, but I really doubt that they would create one, even if it just served juice.

  4. YES!!!! This is a really cool message! Finally a Medieval-Pack :DDD

  5. I actually really like this idea. I think it could be good :P

    Heh. I'll probably make my Dragon Age character for this. And a Zevran for her.

  6. It sounds like a fun side game. It'll be fun to see what modders (pescado in particular) can rip from it to use for The Sims 3.

    "Fatal Flaws" sound like something that might be interesting for TS3, too...but maybe not, the console games have lots of gimmicky stuff.

  7. I'd like a Medieval EP better. :(

  8. wow! This sounds like a lot of fun!

  9. I'm pretty sure I won't be getting this...

  10. I am incredibly excited about this. Still, I think it's funny that they call the Middle Ages the age of "chivalry and romance." Do they even know that chivalry is a romanticised notion from the Victorian era? Knights in the Middle Ages were like the Italian Mafia in Depression-Era New York. Ah well, fantasy is fantasy ;)

  11. Not my cup of tea, but it looks good.

  12. Retexture please!!!!

  13. i might get if if gets good reviews. doesn't compare to fable 3

  14. Sims 3 Meets Fable O_O ... I might have to play this ..

  15. "Retexture please!!!!"


    In all seriousness, this might be cool. I haven't decided right now whether or not I will buy it. Time will tell. :)

  16. "The best thing about this game release, Steve @ TSR got an EA smackdown for publishing info about this game before EA officially did. Even more embarrassing, Steve claimed he got the information from EA in super secret development meetings a year ago, now having to write a retraction stating that he posted pictures from a UK PC magazine. Haha, good times!

    Read Cococut's blog for the news:"

    HAHAHAHA, why am I not surprised? In addition to hacking sites and accounts of those they deem "pirates," releasing over 600 people's personal info, and getting good sites like GOS shut down, TSR is known for lying and stealing others' work and claiming it as their own. What a moron that guy is.

  17. >:O Get back to work on Late Night!

  18. ">:O Get back to work on Late Night!"

    Late Night is probably already finished. At this stage, they are most likely testing it and working out final bugs.

    In any event, there is more than one developer team at EA and thus attention isn't being taken away from Late Night to work on Sims Medieval.

  19. While every single Sims 2 expansion was being made, The Sims 3 was being worked on. While eveyr single Sims 1 expansion was being made, The Sims 2 and various console games were being worked on. While every single expansion was being made, the one coming after it was being worked on. Game developers don't do one and only one thing at a time, ever.

  20. I think it's a new game completely. It looks amazing. I want to play it. >D I will recreate Hamlet. :DD

  21. Yep someone from EA had either on twitter or facebook, i cant remember which, that they were ready to start working on sims 4 a few months ago! I do believe he was sacked?

  22. LOL TSR...

    "I was invited to a supah secret place and they showed me da game!!!!"

    I lol'd, seriously. Can Steve be any more lame? Not only he stole the info from a magazine but he also scanned the pics and put TSR's logo on them.

    Oh dear.

  23. I agree with the others who've said it; I wish this was an EP for TS3 instead. Would do WONDERS for the time machine as well... just think of it!

  24. i just pissed myself lol ;D yaaaay wizards!!! which means magic!!!! oh Ea, you always know how to surprise us ;)

  25. ^ Agreed! The graphics looks exactly like it's from TS3 anyway.

    I how long it'll take for modders will crack into the code and bring content from this game into TS3. :)

  26. I how long it'll take for modders will crack into the code and bring content from this game into TS3. :)

    Not long at all when you have amazing modders like Pescado.

  27. Looks FAR more like an EP than a whole new game to me too... I'm shocked they're making this into a separate game, and not in a good way. Just looking at that castle, it's painfully clear that it's using parts from the TS3 store.

    If they're smart (which is up for debate), they'll come up with ways to transfer content between this game and TS3. But dammit, I wish this was a EP instead.

  28. To people wishing this was an EP: How would that work??? Just about everything from the core gameplay to all the tiny stuff would need to be changed! And it would be a waste of an EP because you couldn't use anything it adds in a normal game. Doing it as a seperate game allows them to be a little bit more creative and not be restricted by modern day sims stuff

    This looks like a lot of fun! Can't wait to play


  30. Not really excited for this, but it does look good.

  31. I think it would make a great EP. They would just need to make a new town that was all medieval.

  32. Just looking at that castle, it's painfully clear that it's using parts from the TS3 store.

    You go download that set on MATY and get back to us when you manage something even close to resembling that.

  33. Alright! I can't wait for this to come out! :D Great idea!!!

  34. Honestly I don't think I'll be getting this... But, I have to admit I'm intrigued. I wonder if they're working on some other similar project set in another period..?

  35. Looks really cool! I like that it's a separate game, I'd probably never play/use it if it was an EP. It just doesn't fit in with the rest of the game.

  36. I just jizzed alittle, now i can really make Kahlan and Richard from the Sword of truth series and have them in their own little world <3

  37. I agree with Rob; this would make no sense as an EP because it wouldn't fit in with the time period that is currently set in the Sims 3. Too much of the gameplay would have to be changed in order to make it fit.

  38. People need to remember that clothes and other things from CAS are not just there for Sims we create; but Sims around town in the modern day neighborhoods would be spawned with medieval attire. It would just be out of place to include this as an expansion.

  39. It looks kinda neat. Also, TSR sucks more balls than a lottery machine.

  40. ^ Right! How will the medieval town stay in it's time period? Will sims have transportation that only applies to that time period, ie horses and carriages? New sims generated by the game will need to only use clothes that work for that town. This would require a total re-coding of the game. If it was an EP, I definitely would pass.

    Glad to see something is being done to make those whom love playing medieval time periods happy.

  41. in my silly lil head this would have been a great EP, THE TIME MACHINE EP! Your sim can travel to several places into the past or future...for fucks sake now it's a WHOLE OTHER game, i'm intrigued but if its anything like Sims 3 i'll be bored with it within a month, although i'm glad to see they are expanding....sort of

    As for the neverending TSR Drama, its about damn time ea kicked tsr out of bed. Tired of reading about the shit these asses do.

  42. Nah, I'd just rather play Oblivion instead.

  43. OMG! Awesome! I'm so addicted to The Sims and RPG!

  44. "Anonymous said...
    Retexture please!!!!"

    I lol'd irl.

    Anyway, this looks fun enough to pirate but I'm a little concerned that it's more RPG-oriented than it is open-ended. They'll also probably stick with their usual sugar-coated bullshit instead of having gruesome decapitations and stuff like that.

    The Medieval era wasn't rated T. :/

  45. Spring 2011!? FFS!!
    I love the idea of having a kingdom and being a king or queen

  46. "You go download that set on MATY and get back to us when you manage something even close to resembling that."

    Oh, Shivar. There are numerous downloadable castles people have done as well as the one in that picture. Nobody here needs to make one for you to prove some silly point for you. It's been done.

    Wrong time period my butt, this should've been an EP for the time machine.

  47. So we have..... Dragon Age sans a plot?

  48. I don't know if i'll actually buy this, but its a pretty neat idea since player go through a lot of trouble trying to make thier hoods like this. It would be neat of EA made a variety of games like this like a fantasy one or like an anciet asia one? Oh egypt would be neat too

  49. no build mode=not for me

  50. I think Link will be a little more at home here than in the big city XD

  51. If you check the link a previous anon posted" you can see that there is a priest holding a sermon I think? I wonder if they are going to try to integrate religion into it?

  52. I heard there is no build mode, so you can't build houses in it. It still looks neat, though. I'll probably be retarded enough to get it. LOL.

  53. Chivalry is from the middle ages. Look it up and read about it. Chaucer in the 14th century made it popular by writing stories about the legend of King Arthur. This is not a Victorian invention but much much earlier. Google it, please.

  54. SO GLAD they're doing this and not a medieval EP. We get more necessary stuff (i.e. weather, fun stuff, maybe pets) and the medieval junkies get their fill. I meet even get this as a fun side thing.

  55. Looks pretty cool :)

    This also made my inner nerd come out...for some reason the old guy in the last pic reminds me of Obi-wan from Star Wars :/

  56. This is not an EP, but another game, right? As in, instead of Sims4, they made sims medieval? right?

  57. At first i was like O.O \o/ , Then i was like T3T ... I really hate EA for this it looks nice but i really wish this could have been an EP

  58. "As in, instead of Sims4, they made sims medieval? right?"

    Not quite. Sims Medieval is a completely separate game from the Sims series. It is independent of any development that has already started on Sims 4.

  59. "So we have..... Dragon Age sans a plot?"

    Oh, you silly Wardentards, acting like your silly game invented medieval RPGs.

  60. I wish they could make a Final Fantasy game for sims!

  61. looks stupid. who wants to play sims in raggedy old settings and raggedy old clothes. my sims are too good for this

  62. Dont think I'll get this. I am satisfied with fable and oblivion for my RPG needs. I'd prefer to save my money for expansions packs and sims 4.

  63. lol I can't wait for this to come out! I wonder if CC will be able to work with this?

  64. seems a bit ridicoulous if it was an EP but I suppose it gives a chance if it is an independant game. Looks interesting but I guess now there won't be a magic EP for the sims :(

  65. sims fucking 4! they haven't even finshed the sims 3 series yet and you already want to buy the sims 4?
    God wait until the series has finshed yet or maybe you'd rather throw the sims 3 away now and buy thr sims 4! you would if you could, you wouldn't you?

  66. "I wish they could make a Final Fantasy game for sims!"

    Keep wishing douche, that is the most shittiest idea I've heard.

  67. CHILVARY I SAY CHIVALRY! I can't wait for this! I do agree it would be nice as an EP, but I'm so buying this shiz when it comes out in '11.


    A bloody MEDIEVAL EP? what is this i don't even

  69. It sounds interesting, but i think they will dumb it down so it's not too hard for kids. I wait until i see some real gameplay, before that i stay sceptical and think it will be a dumbed down kidsgame with no depth and primitive and monotone quests.

  70. My god the amount stupidity in this thread is astronomical! This is a SEPARATE GAME much like Castaway, it is not replacing TS4 or an EP!

    It's even bolded and in red!

  71. "Looks interesting but I guess now there won't be a magic EP for the sims :("

    why do you say that?

  72. i like the night one coming out better

  73. "sims fucking 4! they haven't even finshed the sims 3 series yet and you already want to buy the sims 4?
    God wait until the series has finshed yet or maybe you'd rather throw the sims 3 away now and buy thr sims 4! you would if you could, you wouldn't you?"

    Um, where did anyone say they were ready to trash Sims 3 and buy Sims 4? People said that the developer teams are already working on Sims 4. You think they wait until they have the second to last or very last expansion and THEN start development? Nope, it takes years and years to perfect a game, especially one as complicated as this.

  74. I will happily pirate this game :)

  75. lawlz oh noez a nu EP... wai cant i haz magick n stuffz o well

  76. the one who must not be namedAugust 4, 2010 at 11:58 AM

    I actually think this is going to be better than night life its different and a good new idea

  77. im getting it! looks great just a bit worried that having 2 seperate games (both as big as the sims 3) might kinda overload my laptop x

  78. Not a fan. Won't get it. Basta!


  80. "Oh, you silly Wardentards, acting like your silly game invented medieval RPGs."

    Ooh, thanks for the blind ASSumption Troll-lock Holmes.

  81. I hope you can make the faces of Sims look better than the ones on the webpage... maybe I'm just spoiled by all the custom stuff we have in Sims 3.

  82. how is this connected to the sims 3, it is not an ep nor a sp.

  83. I would buy it if it were an EP as i LOVE the idea. But since it isnt, then nty.

  84. Meh. Cool idea but I'm not really interested in playing it myself.

  85. Meh. Cool idea but I'm not really interested in playing it myself.

  86. it would be great as a stuff pack.. not a expansion imo..
    This type of MIX doesn't appeal to me at all.. for this I play wow or l2

  87. Urteter nuytre:

  88. Btw it isnt a expasnion pack for those who think it tiss! It looks awesome, I would like to be King or Queen of a town xD Also yhoo can kill annoying sims! WHOOOOOOOOOOOP!
