
August 01, 2010

Man's Anto Hair 46 (BoA) ~ Fixed and Pooklet'd by Anbuis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File name: ManAntoHair46_byAnubis360

Man-V's version here


  1. Neat! Loving the cornrows.

  2. This was Alicia Keys hairstyle in her "if i can't have you" (?) video.

    This will be good for spunky, urban sims.

  3. :D BoA hair
    I'm glad she's coming back

  4. Omg it's perfect for a sim I'm creating!

  5. I think that it'd be good on some sims but I think that it looks horrible on Anubis's models and probably most of my sims :P

    It would be a really pretty hair if you skipped the cornrows.....

    Sorry it's just not my taste :)

  6. It's nice having something different, and it looks well done, but the bald parts annoy me a bit :c

  7. Totally agree, it's different and well done but strange looking on the wrong sim.....

  8. This is too cool. Thanks Anubis.

  9. Too bad the gap between bangs and cornrows makes it look odd...

  10. Robodl, it's not Anubis fault that your female sims look like Woll Smoth.

  11. I never blamed Anubis......

  12. Lol. I have a pretty Afro-American sim this will suit perfectly.

  13. Okay Robodl we get it. Your sims won't look right with this, how many ways you wanna say it?

  14. I don't really care if it won't look good in most sims, because I'm sure I'll find some that will.
    But I don't really like the gaps between the cornrows and the actual hair.
    I know it's not Anubis fault, and I think I'll download it anyways, so thanks for the retexture/fix, Nubie :D

  15. Real cornrows have gaps where you can see the scalp, especially on someone with thin hair. My hair does the same thing when it's in cornrows if they're tight enough.

  16. I don't wanna sound like a bitch but oh well... Nothing is going to look right on your models Robodl.

  17. THANK YOU SO MUCH for fixing this
    Anubis!! I requested it and didnt expect you to do it so quick!!!! Thank you! lol :D

  18. FYI if anyone wondered the original had HUGE gaps between the rows and it gave sims a face overlay so it could ONLY be used on white sims without looking bizarre, Anubis did an excellent job with this!

  19. Krystan, I don't know if this is what you're referring to, but I don't mean the gaps between the cornrows themselves, I'm fine with those. I mean that space between the place where the cornrows start and the fringe. There should be some hair growing up.

    And, Anonymous above, that you don't like something doesn't mean is hideous.

  20. I've seen this style a couple times before (like someone else mentioned, the singer BoA) Call me strange, but I think it's kinda neat. But yea, it won't look good on every sim.

  21. "And, Anonymous above, that you don't like something doesn't mean is hideous."

    I'm sorry, from now on I'll put a disclaimer after every single negative comment saying that it's just my opinion and if you disagree with it you won't necessarily burn in hell.

  22. This is a nice african-american hair. Some odd gaps, but that's just the original mesher's faults. It's a good style.

  23. Oh. Sarcasm. I see.
    Do whatever you want, I'm not the one that is going to call you a troll.

  24. Thank you, Anubis!

    We NEED more ethnic hairs and I am glad someone took the time to do one. There are a million straight styles out there already and I've been told that the ethnic hairs are harder to convert anyway, so I'm thankful Anubis could make it look THIS good.

  25. Thank you(:
    I have the original and the overlay was terrible.
    This is one of my favorite hairs. (:

  26. Wow! I wasn't expecting this!

    Still, it's a breath of fresh air from the rest of the long, flowy hairs. It's a shame about the light skinned overlay on the original. Hairstyles should be usable on sims of all colors! Including the green/blue/red ones......

  27. I am not sure this is really an ethnic hair but it is very nice. Natural curls are difficult to do so a nice alternative. I would like to see some of Nouk's braids converted.

  28. Yes, you can see scalp in actual cornrows. This is true. The gap at the bang line is a bit wonky but the hair itself looks spot on to me. Very well done!

  29. This is really unique, and the texture looks goooood ;)

    My favorite hair-retexturing wolf in te whole world - Anubis. :D

  30. Thank you for re-texturing Anubis! Looks tons better!!!!

  31. It looks good until I got to the looks like a lawn mower went through it. <.< Sorry.

  32. i dont call having straight hair and only part of the hair "ethnic", i want some actual decent curls! and theres only so much you can fix with this hair, the right side was a flaw from the ts2 hair creator that you guys have no converted onto ts3

  33. I love it Anubis! I didnt like this hair before,now it is worth downloading Thanks!

  34. I always liked this style, I had the original but deleted it because of the issue. Thanks for fixing this

  35. Love Boa, glad to see this hair retextured. Thanks Anubis.

  36. looks too bald at the edges by the ear. i dont really like that. needs one more braid right there

  37. The Anon above me can go to hell. Here's a thought, if you're that mentally weak to let a complaint bother you, then don't read comments.

    And before you say it in predictable "knee-jerk fashion", there haven't really been many complaints about straight hairs, as most just skip them or download them quietly.

  38. i'd prefer it if either there were no cornrows or they were on both sides...

  39. ITC: People who don't know how cornrows work.

    They're supposed to gap. They are supposed to add contrast. I like that there is a slow increase in ethnic/urban styles that aren't in the punk rawk variety. Good hair, Anubis.

  40. I used this in game and it is VERY cute. Love it.

  41. BoA? This is kinda like her 'Energetic' hair but the braids on the side were braided into a "B" kinda. I like that hair style on hair (um or any hairstyle on her, She's such a cutie).

  42. Oh I want this for my punk males!!

  43. The spaces are what makes this cool, it's like a shaved cornrow. Perfect for punk rocker types, please go beg for males also! :)

  44. The link isn't working. *pouts*

  45. I found the direct link again :D
