
August 10, 2010

Newsea Morning Dew Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. Pretty! I'll get it for free at some point, since it's illegal for TSR to charge people for the hair under copyright laws.

  2. Nice, can't wait to arrrrr.... =D

  3. ^it is? i think she's pretty

  4. Lovely! The pulled part kinda reminds me of a Peggy hair, but I definitely like it :)

  5. :O newsea! another good hair! <33

  6. So pretty! I love Newsea's hair... but TSR yuck

  7. looks way too much to a peggy hair that was released for ts2 and even converted for TS3

  8. Can someone tell me where can I find the 3 earlier hairs from newsea for free???
    Thanks in advance...

    PS: sorry for the english...

  9. ^ This happens allllll the time, with near-identical or 100% identical hairs between the two. I'm fairly certain Peggy and Newsea are either the same person, or work together on literally everything. That way they only have to do half the work, for twice the money they rip-off- -er I mean, charge.

  10. I was thinking this hair looked crazy familiar but couldn't figure out why. Either way its totally adorable.

  11. I like it on adults and kids. Why does Newsea feel the need to make every hairstyle for toddlers along with adults and kids?

  12. Fyi Peggy & one of the guys that is Newsea used to work together but they don't anymore... I'm assuming that the hair that everyone is thinking of is this one? now I love Savio but that was one of his first conversions and it doesn't look so great, I prefer this version for a variety of reasons....

  13. not so bad... I won't pay for it tho

  14. Looks like the first one Savio did. But it's cute anyway.

  15. This is really pretty, and unlike some of Newsea's hair the texture isn't dark... I'll be arring it.

  16. I really like this.

  17. This is the link for anonymous looking for Newsea earlier hairs. Here are two of the hairs. Just follow link and dowload sim at the exchange.

  18. "I'm assuming that the hair that everyone is thinking of is this one?"

    Yep, that's the one. I didn't like that Square-head thing though.

    This one is a lot better. Nice job Newsea.

  19. Anon said:
    "Can someone tell me where can I find the 3 earlier hairs from newsea for free???
    Thanks in advance..."

    Here ya go... Enjoy! =D

  20. Thanks a lot to the anon that post the hairs!!!!XD

  21. Very pretty. Looks like they used the same base for the hair from the ballet hair, but removed the hair from the bun. I like that :D Will be watching the exchange for it.

  22. "Looks like they used the same base for the hair from the ballet hair, but removed the hair from the bun"

    Agreed :B

  23. Newsea have a new texture! blonde now go!

  24. I Love Newsea hair so so so much, best hair creators. Thanks to the booty I can have all their hair!

  25. Personally, I think it looks like rotting horse excrement.

  26. payshit.., i gonna dl this at the booty yaaaargh!

  27. The blonde texture still looks green to me :/

  28. Has anyone find this hair on the Sims 3 site yet? :)

  29. When I saw this hair, early this morning, I knew I saw it before. I still have Savio's short curl conversion, I really like it.

    I like this hair also, will have it by tonight. Arr!

  30. "The blonde texture still looks green to me :/"

    You can change that very easily.

  31. he shouldnt have to, this is just another half assed tsr creators job, just like with the last ulker hair the hair will float a mile away from the sims head; newsea is known for shitty textures and bad coloring sections or whatever u call them

  32. The color has nothing to do with the texture, I was just explaining, the reason it looks green is because newsea has the color wheel set to a yellowy green color. It can be fixed by moving it to a different part of the color wheel. Like I said, it's easy to change.

  33. Personally, I think newsea is the best hair creator out there.

    Just look at his work. He literally creates STRANDS of hair, every single detail is worked out to perfection. His graphics are amazing, too. People are just too used to newsea to realize he is like, friggin' talented.

    Oh, and who cares about the texture? Go figure it out yourself, I know how, just not telling anybody because it is amazingly easy.

  34. Actually, the Newsea hairs that I have in-game don't have a greenish color (they do have dark roots and I'm not too fond of the color controls, though), so you can change that yourself.
    And since the color Newsea sets on his models is not the default for the hairstyle, you have to change the color yourself.
    This hair seems to have pretty much clear roots, but I'll have to test it myself.

    I don't think Newsea is strictly the BEST hair creator, but I can't say he's not talented.
    I just hate the fact that he's pay. And T$R :/

  35. how do you ppl think this hair is cute? Look at it! who in the world goes into class or the store with their hair tucked in under like that? NOONE!

  36. Any downloads for the child version? :D

  37. Love it. And I would wear an hairstyle like this. It's cute and romantic. And brave too. Broaden your horizons second anon up.

  38. I like it, hopefully it will be up on GoS soon.

  39. I really like the hair....but not so much the texture. I'm trying to avoid doll like shiny hair in my games....hopefully it'll get retextured.

  40. "I really like the hair....but not so much the texture. I'm trying to avoid doll like shiny hair in my games....hopefully it'll get retextured."

    No one rextetures TSR hair since GOS got shut down by them. If you want a retxture, you gotta do it yourself.

  41. ^^^ Seriously, not retexturing anymore because T$R put GOS down? Does it mean they won that round?
    I wouldn't stop. The arrr! should never give in to T$R!

  42. My question is do creatures decided what content is pay and what isn't or is that decided by owers of TSR?

    The hair is lovely by the way!


    here is a sim with this hair, and the only CC that followed that sim was that hair.

  44. Can someone extract the hair from the sims above? I arr'ed the game so I can't download stuff from the exchange. Or if someone know how to get a serial number to work there I'd appreciate!

  45. I have extracted it and uploaded it here:

    Thanks for Anon that gave a link to a sim with this hair. (on the exchange) :D

  46. here you can download newsea's all donation hairs at last most of them ^_^ :
    just click on name of the hair you want and you download starts for free! IF THIS LINK NOT OPENS , SEARCH THIS ADDRESS ON GOOGLE AND CHOSE THE FIRST RESULT . THAT PROBABLY OPENS .

  47. Thanks Saviooooooo :-)))

  48. Wow you beggers have no life, its so easy if you subcribe in tsr >.> you lowlife


    they have newsea hair for the sims 2 and 3 here and its free, just like it should be!
