
August 20, 2010

Night Dreams ~ Top for Women by Anubis360

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I was wondering when this was going to get approved. It looks really good, especially with three recolorable areas.

  2. Everthime Anubis makes clothes i feel a deep primordial urge to get up from my computer chair and dance around like a twit.

  3. Eh, this looks really blurry close up. Plus it looks odd with the sash stopping at the seam. Then there's the fact that the top parts are just painted on... Nice attempt, but no thanks.

  4. See, Poppy, this is how it's done. It IS possible to make high quality, good-looking clothing without photoskinning. So next time, come up with another excuse as to why your clothes look like shit.

  5. Oh Anubis. This is absolutely gorgeous.

  6. Why can't people just give comments about creations without trashing other creators?

    Anubis makes nice clothing. This is a nice shirt, but there's no reason to talk shit about Poppy. If you don't like her shit, don't download it. No need to be a total cockface.

  7. i don't really like the style of this top but i do love the texture. nice to see something different from all the photoskinned crap

  8. Anubis did an amazing job. He really should make clothing more often. Really! He could be one of the best clothing creators out there!

  9. All of his stuff --gorgeous!

  10. GORGEOUS! My god I love Anubis!!!!!!!!

  11. No,No,No,No,No,No.

  12. "Anubis did an amazing job. He really should make clothing more often. Really! He could be one of the best clothing creators out there!"

    don't get too excited, the angry anubis haters might come out for you

  13. Where does he get his ideas ? over at mts on Da girls club

  14. It's very pretty. Great job, Anubis!

  15. Where did the middle hair from the first picture come from?

  16. Anubis should make more sexy clothes, he definitely has the talent to create this stuff. But the question is if Anubis is too prude to create stuff like this.

  17. Yay! I love all Anubis's clothes!

    To 2nd anon above, it's an anto hair that was retextured by Anubis (can't remember who converted it sorry!)

  18. Pretty Nubie!

    Anyway when your retex the peggy hair in the first pic here you said that you will not have any use for it...Hahahahahaha

    I think you found one hahahahaha XD

  19. This is very pretty. No bells and whistles, just lovely. TY

  20. @Anon: I'm curious, what do you mean by sexy? Because I don't have any problems with making suggestive clothes! lol

  21. "Eh, this looks really blurry close up. Plus it looks odd with the sash stopping at the seam. Then there's the fact that the top parts are just painted on... Nice attempt, but no thanks."

    Uh, what? Because this definitely doesn't look blurry in my game. Are you sure you have your graphics set to high?

  22. "Plus it looks odd with the sash stopping at the seam."

    What's wrong with that? I have a couple of tops that have the sash that way. Nothing is odd about that.

    Nice tops, will hope they work for formal. If not, I can change it in CTU.

  23. ^Yup, they work for formal :)
    I did also it for teens, wich is something new for me xD (and very very unusual) Will be up in my blog soon ^-^

  24. This looks similar to a top that All About Style made very early on. I love this too!

  25. It does look a bit blurry. Still nice though.

  26. @anubis That's great, then you would have no troubles creating them. What i mean with sexy clothes, a few suggestions..
    - sexy shortsleeved tops, with cleavage visible, or with visible bra (2nd colorchannel)
    - No flat boobs, the boobs are seperated from the clothing, so it looks more natural.
    - a proper hotpants, which i vision as mix between the boys slip and the short sportpants

    So that's about it ;) Maybe you wanna pick up these ideas, looking forward to your next creations.

  27. Nice textures! Unfortunately, I have way too many tanktops in my game to download yet another one.

  28. to the anonymous who wants "sexy clothes": there are plenty of creators who make clothes like that for sims. Anubis is one of the rare creators who makes clothes I could actually see myself wearing in real life!

  29. I love your clothes, Anubis. :) This is very nice indeed.

    However I do have to agree that it is totally unnecessary to trash Poppy. I love her clothes as well, and I do hope she continues to create. People here have been ridiculously cruel to her.

  30. I love these! I knew it was Anubis without even looking at the name because of the style- normal comfortable cute and REAL. Loving these and going to go download RIGHT NOW

  31. Poppy doesn't seem to photoskin, her clothes look more like EA basegame clothes. Do you mean Liana?

  32. You're always great Anubis, keep up the good work !!!
