
August 21, 2010

Peggy Hair 0493 ~ Pooklet'd for all ages, both genders by Anubis360

Download at Anubis Under The Sun

File names:  


Peggy's version here


  1. I have to say that it looks much better now ! ^_^

  2. omg, the tips color almost the whole hair

  3. 1994 Rachel is definitely prettier now.

    As usual, great work!

  4. How are they a troll? It's true. Look at that last picture, on the model with the multicolored hair. The tips do take up a big chunk.

    I don't really have a problem with that, though. I'm not a fan of the mesh, but this retexture is pretty nice! Thanks anyway :)

  5. I... still don't like it. But thanks for the retexture, I am sure many people will love you for that :)

  6. i prefare peggys version no offense anubis but this retxt is crappy lookin deffo wont be downloadin

  7. this looks great. and yeah it seems like the tips take up more hair than usual but that is because this is a really layered cut, so there are more places that the hair ends

  8. "i prefare peggys version no offense anubis but this retxt is crappy lookin deffo wont be downloadin"

    Bitch, please. Who do you think you're fooling? You say this on EVERY.SINGLE.ANUBIS.RETEXTURE and laud Peggy, even though Anubis has to fix her hairs.

    Of course, maybe the fact that your head is constantly up Peggy's ass is obstructing your vision and your intellect. But please, do continue to defend Peggy's borked, gappy meshes.

  9. Mommy had to wash my sheets today because I wet my bed AGAIN last night! :( There were monsters under my bed and I was scared! But I didn't walk in my sleep so Mommy bought me an ice cream cone today!!!!

  10. The Peggy original looks better,sorry,this retexture looks flat and lacks depth.It went from 1994 Rachel to a shoddy wig.

  11. The peggy versions almost never look better, unless of course EVERYONE IN THE WORLD HAS BLACK ROOTS! DUR.

    I wonder why she does that? Her hairs would be nice, but not everyone has black roots. I have brown hair and if I put my hair color on peggy's hairs I would have black roots, which I DON'T!

  12. o noes who let da trollz out u knoe ? stoopid trollz go away ok

  13. All the trolls bitching that Peggy's hair is better should douse themself in gasoline at a bonfire.

  14. o hay like thanx i had to lay da smack down u knoe

  15. "All the trolls bitching that Peggy's hair is better should douse themself in gasoline at a bonfire."

    Who cares? Some people like Peggy's better and some like Anubis's better. It's ok to have different opinions, it's not like their opinions are going to effect your view of it right? No need to get all bent out of shape, the world will still go on.

  16. Who cares? Some people like Peggy's better and some like Anubis's better. It's ok to have different opinions, it's not like their opinions are going to effect your view of it right? No need to get all bent out of shape, the world will still go on.


    "oh no, someone has a differing opinion! The general populace disagrees with it! Therefore, douse yourself in gasoline at a bonfire!"

    Don't you have more important things to worry about? Who CARES if they like the Peggy version better, and why does it offend you so badly?

    Anyway, I like this :) I love how matte the texture looks. It's really rich. Thanks Anubis.

  17. I still really hate this hair........

    Yay Miley is back! XDXDXD

  18. Still not a fan of this hair, but I do appreciate the texture improvement

  19. The textures are gorgeous, but I still don't like the hair.
    And it's ok if people prefer Peggy's version... though saying "no offense" before "it's crappy looking" it's pretty stupid ._.

  20. Lol yeah ^ it's fine to like Peggy's better but to call it crap when obviously many people like it is just rude

  21. Why is everyone stuck on the textures? The point is this hair is TRAGICALLY enabled for males. Argh!

  22. I'd try to talk to Robodl95, but now he's just made himself look stupid. What a shame.

  23. Like the Anon above pointed out,THIS IS ENABLED FOR MALES TOO.I don't care about the textures.The multi gender categories scare me off from 99.99% percent of Peggy's hairstyles.I'm sick of seeing fugly,pudding faced male townies roaming around with this stuff.That is the singular issue at play here.

  24. Robo, you're 15 years old. No one cares about your opinion

  25. Anubis textures looks like plastic!

  26. Gorgeous hair, thanks so much, I love the texture.

  27. "i prefare peggys version no offense anubis but this retxt is crappy lookin deffo wont be downloadin"

    i agree this retexture is crap! oops i told someone my opinion xD

  28. What is Anubis going to do if peggy quits makeing hair

  29. Eh, I think both look like crap. Though Anubis' version is slightly better crap.

  30. Will someone PLEASE separate this hair out into male and female? I tried to open it in CTU and was going to post a link to separate versions if everything turned out OK but CTU refused to open it. It gave a "system out of memory" exception error. I just do NOT want this hair in my males section or random male townies spawned with such a feminine hair.

  31. Peggy's hairs cannot be opened in CTU or TSR, they also cannot be made into a new package using DABOOBS. Her meshes can't be used in milkshake either, the only solution would be to totally convert the hair using the TS2 version, but I'm not sure that even that would work :/

  32. "Anonymous said...
    What is Anubis going to do if peggy quits makeing hair"

    lmfaaooo you know, I never even thought about that. You're right though! Not that I mind, despite everyone's hatred for Peggy she can make some nice meshes every once in a while (:

  33. "Eh, I think both look like crap. Though Anubis' version is slightly better crap."


  34. This looks much better than the original, but I'm going to avoid it because I really don't want it for the guys.
