
August 13, 2010

Plain Jane by mm38

Download at Precious Sims


  1. She's cute. I love her lips and nose. Very different from your other sims.

  2. ^^^I agree. Don't like the hair style, hair color or the blue eyes though.

  3. I think this is the first one that doesn't look like all the others. I actually kind of like this one, but it's nothing I can't do on my own.

  4. Well, there are a few more different sims... But not many.

  5. i like these sims. this one is pretty

  6. Can't she just make Sims to improve instead of posting them so they inevitably get featured? This Sim looks nicer than her others, but it's still generic and boring.

  7. Still looks like something straight out of the Sim bin.

  8. ^Exactly.
    I'm disappointed this was even featured. There is nothing special about this sim. The face looks premade along with the eyes and lips. The only thing that looks like she actually did her self was the nose, which is not even that remarkable. CC doesn't make a sim.

  9. so pretty. if she was fat or ugly everyone would love her.

  10. I will at least give her credit that it doesn't look like 99% of her other Sims, but it still is a very generic Sim that pretty much anyone can create.

  11. She's really pretty. A bit generiic, still, but she's trying to do something different with her sims and I appreciate that.

  12. how does she make the new skin look good? looks like camel shit on my computer

    and I KNOW what camel shit looks like.

  13. oh I like this sim! I love her little pudgy nose! Into my game she goes!

  14. I feel bad that I don't like her stuff, but nothing can be done about that. I've been trying to create "perfect" sims ever since I woke up and stopped making sims like these, and then here she comes just posting ten of them a day and everyone loves them. This isn't the official forums, a little constructive criticism wouldn't hurt...

    For some reason I'm mad xD


  15. While I can appreciate the departure from her normal pre-adolescent face, it's still nothing terribly special. I fully concur that it's still very Maxis default features. Still, a far cry from her normal sims. I don't think Plain Jane is quite the right name for this sim. She's certainly more attractive than most of her gallery, in that she looks like an adult, or at the very least, someone I wouldn't get arrested for ogling. This would be a great base for Precious to work from when creating future sims.

    Might I suggest working from photo reference? I'm trying to improve my sims from working from celebrity and model faces. While none of them are yet good enough to upload, I can see a dramatic improvement from my first sims. It really helps with creating unique and believable facial structures while still remaining attractive. Looking at something really helps me keep facial anatomy in mind when creating.

  16. "everyone loves them"

    What the FUCK have you been smoking?

  17. atleast plain jane, dont look like the standar sims she makes, but its not like new today, its over a week old if not more. Its the best sims she has and she wants us anon to like her sims so she most likely asked to get this on the blog here to get us not to hate her much and to show she is not a one way sims creator.

    To bad she is not going the right way tho, because she is back to her normal habits with weird sims after she made this one.
    Also wanna point out at the other sims never gets their face raised higher, and are kinda kramed together.
    Good try mm38 but useless becasue you are back to old patterns after this, showes that it was a lucky strike rather than improvment.

  18. Precious sims doesn't put any effort into it. We don't even see pictures of all the clothes. It's just CC crap.

  19. I LOOOVE how you people have the nerve to sit on your asses and bash someone else's work while you HAVEN'T DONE SHIT yourselves! Love your gaul. When was the last time you created and uploaded? I'm guessing not. It's okay to be a constructive critic, but brash and rude isn't the way to do it. With that said.....

    I actually like this sim. I think she's cute. Nuff said...downloading I will go!

  20. ^ Actually you're the troll. I'm certain every single insulting post here is ALL by one person, who truly has no life, no friends, and due to this you're just a bitter, angry fat-ass who bitches pointless crap online all day and night (it's not too late to get help!).

    This does NOT look anything like the identically-puddingful sims that come out of the sims bin. In FACT, she's fairly unique, and IMO, pretty cute.

  21. She's ADORABLE!!!! And lol@the loser getting all riled up about nothing. I'm downloading her now!!

  22. Thanks guys! Didnt know my sim was posted today.I havent been online much.And Thanks Joe! And everyone enjoy!

  23. Wow! So many harsh posts here. I think this sim is really pretty and not pudding looking. Good job!!

  24. Thanks! I appreciate all the nice comments.

  25. I'm not a troll, you idiot. And I am not a loser, you are. This is crap, even MS3B knows it. I am just giving constructive criticism.
    Just so you know, my sims get a lot of recommendations and downloads and I know how to make CC.
    First of all, PP's sims are very boring and nothing special. They put me to sleep with the boring background. This is one is kinda of cute but still nothing special. She doesn't even change the color of the clothes,hair or makeup sometimes. She knows it's crap because she doesn't even play with them and just takes screenshots in CaS. The only thing I admire about her is that she has played since The Sims 1. You would just think she knows how to make better sims.

  26. Forgot to mention, the blog design is really ugly and that I also admire that she is a Christian. :)

  27. Plain she is not - if she was in a bar she would be getting bought drinks. I don't understand the agro on here at all. it's like age old fights that everyone has forgotten the point of.

  28. Even the creator thinks she's plain. If you saw her at a bar, then I'd be more then a little concerned for your sanity seeing how she is a SIM. A poorly made one.

  29. ..Very hard to make a good realistic looking sim with this game - even with extra sliders / CC / & masks included. Even those who have managed to create something half decent can't really make something that sticks out from the rest of the crowd - unless you're aiming for complete fugliness

  30. Haha dramanerds.

    "CC doesn't make a sim."

    In this case, it almost does. I definitely see why people call this sim plain, at least for a sim...I agree with the anon who said if she was real she'd be very pretty. The simplicity of her features is exactly what would make her a good model (my first thought was "the CC looks great on her").

    Meh, I like her. She's not super unique but she's a lot prettier than any bin sims I noticed, and I love her coloring.

  31. "I also admire that she is a Christian. :)"


    Why would you admire someone for their religion? You know you can be religious too, right? All you have to do is become exceptionally gullible and abandon the starkly terrifying reality that everything is all a random coincidence. Or not. Whatever works for you.

    Existentialism just rocked your world, baby.

  32. ^ Sits back and waits for someone to incorrectly interpret that statement as anti-religion.

  33. You know Precious Sims creatorperson, if you weren't spamming the blog with your attempts of getting your sims featured, you'd get 10% of the bashing.

    The sim in itself I find cute, at least it's different. Now if you stop your juvenile posts, you'll be in the right way.

  34. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...

    Why would you admire someone for their religion? You know you can be religious too, right? All you have to do is become exceptionally gullible and abandon the starkly terrifying reality that everything is all a random coincidence. Or not. Whatever works for you.

    Existentialism just rocked your world, baby.
    I am a Christian already, haha.

  35. "I LOOOVE how you people have the nerve to sit on your asses and bash someone else's work while you HAVEN'T DONE SHIT yourselves!"

    In the sims, you make sims, here, she made a sim, we've done this before.

    "Love your gaul. When was the last time you created and uploaded? I'm guessing not."

    A couple of months back, I made some hair and uploaded it.

    "It's okay to be a constructive critic, but brash and rude isn't the way to do it."

    I agree, it's not the best way to change someone's style, but that hair was bashed to no end, I didn't go "OMG IT'S GREAT YOU'RE ALL WRONG I'M GONNA CONTINUE THROWING OUT ALL THIS OKAY BUT NOT GREAT STUFF AT YOU NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY", I agreed, and I'm still improving those skills, hence why I haven't uploaded hair recently. In the time, I've managed to make highlights look good, so by stopping and learning some more, I can now create more professional things.

    "I actually like this sim."

    So do I.

    "Nuff said...downloading I will go!"

    I'm not going to download, she looks like the sims I make on a daily basis. You know, that thing you do in the sims... make sims.

  36. "I am a Christian already, haha."

    Which makes it even stranger that you would "admire" someone's Christianity. I'm not sure you understood the point of the post you were responding to.

    Maybe it was just a poorly turned phrase in the first place.

  37. Which makes it even stranger that you would "admire" someone's Christianity. I'm not sure you understood the point of the post you were responding to.

    Maybe it was just a poorly turned phrase in the first place.
    What? o.o
    I don't think you got my point and I did understand the post, good for that person.

  38. She's not plin jane at all.
    She's so cute looking from the photo.

    I don't dl her yet to play in the game so I don't know if she's as cute in the game as in photo.

  39. "I don't think you got my point and I did understand the post, good for that person."

    Based on your responses, you definitely did NOT understand what they were saying.
