
September 29, 2010

More Late Night Screen Shots and How to Build a Band at GamesRadar

More at GamesRadar

Thanks, 4thefun:)


  1. Wow, you're fast! lol

  2. I am so getting that game. It ships on my birthday so that will be my birthday present to myself

  3. No microphone? lol a band without a singer

  4. There's a piano? Where the heck have I been? I don't remember them saying there was a piano. Pianos and hot tubs, maybe people will stop bitching.

    i like how they say the special effect lights have different shapes. Like in the sims 2, the one just made that star shape and that was it, but from the sounds of it there is a big variety this time (They mention bats and music notes)

  5. I love the bass but not including a singer does seem strange

    I love all the shots, is that a new guitar I see?

  6. Mabye the game devs meant for all bands to be instrumental only. They must have something against vocalists. :P

  7. It would seem that the girl on stage in the top picture is the singer, but I don't see her holding a mic

  8. "It would seem that the girl on stage in the top picture is the singer, but I don't see her holding a mic"

    That's probably just a novelty shot. They already mentioned in the past that there would be no vocalists in the band - it's all instrumental.

    I cannot wait for this expansion pack! One more month to go :D

  9. The "singer" in the shots are just machinima, there is no vocalist because that would require tons and tons of voice recording. They might do it later though,

  10. I can't wait for this to be out! I'm really excited about this EP. I love the garage band shot.

  11. I remember seeing a piano in the trailer. I wonder if they'll have a karaoke machine?

  12. If there is no singing, I doubt there will be karaoke...

  13. This is actually making me want to actually get this when it comes out. I'm one of the ones who says that I'd rather wait for a month or more before I get it, to see what issues pop up and to wait for mods to get updated and such. I really want a Sims band.

    But I already preordered Fable 3 and I only have time for one game at a time (and barely any time for one game right now), so that's that.

  14. Already read it way earlier. But thanks for the slow info

  15. Do they have any 'pre order' deals going on anywhere? Not the stupid one EA is offering.

  16. Gamestop has a pre-order thing going on.

  17. A Rockband without mic? How they will sing? No karaoke? What a cheat of our moneys,lol?

  18. Extremely disappointed by the lack of singer. Couldn't they at least copy the rapping animations or even karaoke animations over from Sims2? Oh well, will be getting it anyway. Looks awesome.

  19. A Rockband without mic?

    What jacked up universe do you live in where a stand up bass, piano, and drums is a "rock band"?

  20. ^ Clearly, you don't listen to enough music to know yourself. There are many.

  21. Claeric/Shivar/WeLoveKanjimari already explained over at MTS why they couldn't include a vocalist/mic:

    Including a Mic is a lot of work. They'd have to record for each voice for each age...meaning if it goes child - elder, there's 30 voices they'd have to record (assuming none of the ages share the same voices, I don't think they do), and they'd have to record each song for each voice...and for different skill levels. That's, like, over a thousand recordings that would have to be done for one object- a few songs, a few levels of skill at singing those songs, and for each pickable voice. And to ask for rap on top of that is yet another couple hundred. And then they have to animate each song.

    This is probably the only reason they didn't do it. It would cost a lot of money and time.

  22. ^They should, at the very least, carry over the karoake animations/songs. Sims should be able to stand with the band and sing those songs whether they fit with the band's music or not. Just for the sake of having a sim who at least LOOKS like a singer.

  23. What about WA? That included singing, 6 songs isn't very much but would be okay, if they can do some singing in WA why not in LN?

  24. ^I'm guessing because they are, to put it simply, lazy.

    I've always wanted a real "city" for my sims, I'm happy this is coming out. It hope this game won't be a bugged disaster like WA though.

  25. *sigh* I wished electric bass so bad, but nooooooo, again that bass..

  26. wow. i didn't know we could have various type bands. i love the second one. cant wait to get this ep

  27. "that's, like, over a thousand recordings that would have to be done for one object- a few songs, a few levels of skill at singing those songs, and for each pickable voice"

    This is ridiculous. But perhaps none of you have ever been inside a professional audio editing studio. It's a simple matter of digital audio editing to change the voices. It's pre-programmable! And likely they have all of the work done ALREADY in order to simply adapt each of the voices to the new songs at various skill levels. They're just lazy and lame.

  28. ^ Agreed. It's sad to see some of you here completely buy into EA's laziness. If you can't have a singer for bands, personally, I'd rather wait until they actually PUT IN THE WORK to do so.

    And LMAO@Shivar's moronic comment about 'there are no bands with stand up basses piano drums and singers'. I was in one MYSELF! :)

  29. Yeah... what's most funny to me is that this is called Sims: Late Night, taking place in a city filled with celebs and glamorous VIP clubs, and while there are bands now, the most attention-grabbing/glamorous spot IN a band (aka THE SINGER) isn't coded in the game.


  30. ^^ lol. Seems like a no-brainer, but still an excellent point!! It really is strange that of all things, they'd give band singers the axe. As far as the "work" involved to pull that off, I'd be perfectly happy with 1 male and 1 female voice for each song. Different samples for various singer skill levels; would be nice, but I don't even care.

    Not too 'difficult to implement' people.

  31. A lot of people here have very good points.

    I think not including a singer was just laziness. It would have taken too much time to do, and they wanted to spend that time doing other things, apparently.

    I'm OK with it, though. I'm just happy we'll finally have other instruments, because when Sims 3 first came out, the music career was a joke considering there was ONLY guitar and no singing. With Late Night, being a musician will be very cool.

  32. "I'd be perfectly happy with 1 male and 1 female voice for each song."

    Yeah, me too. I wouldn't care about having a million different voices for the singers.

  33. love it :DDD

  34. Bands... fantastic addition.

    Lack of singer in said bands... embarrassing.

  35. LLAMA!!!!!111!
    This settles it. I'm buying this just for the llama drums.

  36. are they fitting this into the game? Like will it be like Ambitions, just an add on or will it be a totally separate disk with a city we have to populate?

    I've missed this somewhere and sorry if it's been explained already.

  37. ugh yes this lack of singer had me raging I only just realized when I saw the typically ea staged screen shots in the make a band. This was one of the main things I was looking forward to. I am disappoint ea. A lol at the what ea were smoking anon.

  38. *confused* Isn't the chick in the first pic the singer?

  39. ^Nevermind, I read further.

    Well, that's retarded.
