
September 20, 2010

New Sim by Chicago

Download at Chicago Sims


  1. I really like the unique body shape she has. :o

  2. It's not unique in real life, it's called sloppy and fat.

  3. unique is unique and unique are unique and omg unique, unique, unique. unique = fat.

  4. She's chubby, and she's adorable.

  5. ^ Agreed.

    She might not be "normal" weight (normal is different for everyone, really), but I wouldn't call her fat. I think she's cute.

  6. She is too freakin cute Chi! I adore her. I think once I get a desktop I'm definitely going to have to raid your site for sims to populate my towns with.

  7. If that's considered a normal body type in this society, I fear for future generations. They're going to be mistaken for jelly rolls.

  8. ^.^ Thank you Andrea, Fender, Precious, RD, and Anons, I'm glad you like her.

    To the 1st Anon ~ Where do you live honestly? My sim has some meat on her bones and there are every day women who have the same...Look up and see us women for what we are, all shapes and sizes.

  9. You're talking to the first anon as if you know they are male, when they may not be.

    My opinion is similar, and I am female. I am also tired of hearing slogans like, "Real clothing for REAL women." Which seems to mean, "If you're small, you're fake" which is really annoying to me. Its not like finding clothing if you're petite is any easier than if you're larger. Certainly doesn't work that way for me.

  10. I didn't apply a gender to that Anon at all, obviously the person was "Anonymous".

    Please don't take my words out of context either. You must have missed the "all shapes and sizes" part. I couldn't tell you what a real woman was by the way her body is shaped..that's like saying if the apple is red and shiny then it doesn't have a worm.

  11. This sim is in no way 'fat'. Some people are just so used to the ultra skinny sims, that they forget that those sims aren't normal. They are very skinny and do not represent the average person.

    And this sims is adorable, in an every-day geeky kind of way. :)

  12. How did the creator get a picture of me in order to make this Sim??? Is this my self-Sim??? ARE THEY STALKING ME??!?!!?

  13. I like her, I think she's cute.

    Although I do agree with the annoyance of "real clothing for real women". There's people of all shapes and sizes and the only body type that shouldn't be considered "real" is Heidi Montag.

  14. She's not fat at all, she has boobs and often people with bigger boobs can look chubbier than those who don't have.
    She has a very natural body shape, I like how her boobs are bigger but don't look inflated or super high like balloons or those hollywood women (big boobs and smal waist). They weigh, do they go down. That's normal and I like it!

  15. Shes not fat, just ugly.

  16. Chicago you sims are so cute are the available for download ? especially the black family i just love them !

  17. ^Anon ~ ^.^ Thank you! The family isn't for download, but there is a version of my sim-self in my studio along with my other sims.

  18. this looks like a random from the sim bin w/ cc on

  19. She looks great to me Chicago!

    For all the "Ewww, she's fat" people: depending on where in the world you live, this body type is average. Like in The States, the average female is a size 12. So stop with the weight issues, they don't need to exist in a game. If you don't like her, don't download her and STFU!

  20. ^
    It may be 'average', but it's still hideous and unhealthy.

  21. ^ That is a matter of opinion. I can honestly say most people do not believe a size 12 is "hideous" or "unhealthy". I also heard the average in the US is more like 14 - 16 which is also not that horrible. People can be perfectly healthy at that size.

    And what if someone is obese? So what? People do come in all sizes. I have nothing against the ridiculously skinny (who many would also argue are unhealthy and unattractive.) Everybody is different.

    Stop judging people by what is on the outside. It's shallow and just plain sad.

  22. I think it's incredibly funny to see the US troll itself. YOU'RE THE FATTEST NATION ON EARTH!!! Most US citizens wish they could get down to the weight of this sim. Quit pretending you're all skinny, because vacationing to the US is like going on safari. LOL

  23. This obsession with people's weight is ridiculous. Try focussing on the size of your IQ instead. (And by reading some of these comments, I must say good luck with that. You'll need it.)

  24. Oh and I love the sim. She's friggin adorable. <3

    (Sorry I was distracted by insanity.)

  25. but it's still hideous and unhealthy.
    It's not hideous to everyone. Some of us prefer a woman with some nice curves to cup with our hands.
    And it's not unhealthy. Chubby women live longer; LERN 2 SCIENCE.
    This sim isn't at a weight that would impact her health, and I know it'll blow the minds of people who don't want to consider it, but overweight people can also be fit. Some bodies are just meant to carry extra padding.
    Some people are naturally very pixie like, and that can be very beautiful too, some people are naturally softer and rounder, and that can be beautiful.
    What isn't beautiful is this stupid attitude that only people YOU find attractive are ok, or only people who look like you are real or healthy.
    Trust me, the chubby sim here would have no problem getting dates, assuming she's not a shallow, annoying jerk.

  26. Awwboo and Fender and Anon ~ Thank you for your comments and for standing up. Some of these people really don't have any sense.

  27. Don't call the very skinny "ridiculously" skinny and we'll be even.

  28. Chicago, (love the name, my hometown) the sim is perfect and love the curves. I lost all the greatness of curves and beauty when I got sick. Lost too much weight and now I do look sickly, at least to me. I am too tall to be this thin.

    I think I have pixel envy. :D

  29. I agree with Fender, this Sim is very cute and has a very natural shape :)

  30. She looks like a monkey with those ears.

    I mean just look at her...

    this is why you dont have incest sex.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Don't call the very skinny "ridiculously" skinny and we'll be even.

    Good point. I didn't mean to offend, but I can see how it would. My apologies. I was just highly annoyed at all the insulting fat comments. Nobody should be judged for their size whatever that may be :)

  32. I like her :) She's different, and not just because of her body which you all seem to be obsessing about. >.< In my opinion, calling someone too skinny is just like calling someone too fat because both are not the "Ideal".
