
September 02, 2010

Peggy 469 retexture by Robodl95

Download at Look it's a Plumbob Over my Head

File names:

Robodl95_Peggy 496_Adult
Robodl95_Peggy 496_Child
Robodl95_Peggy 496_Toddler

Peggy's version here


  1. The retexture looks great. Unfortunately I still can't stand the style.

  2. That's alright, I don't like the mesh much either so I don't expect you to..... I know some people really wanted this

    And sorry for the pic quality I think they came out really bad for some reason :/

  3. It looked okay until I saw the control. Sorry, but it isn't to my taste at all. The roots and tips hardly blend at all, and as for the highlights, I can't even tell one way or the other because it's not very different from the main color of the hair.

  4. thanks for taking your time, but even with a retexture the hair looks awful

  5. Do those Sims look like a walrus family or is the hair I really can't tell.

  6. I feel like this style would be good on your scene queens

  7. It actually looks okay, but Robodl95's children look kind of hung over... I'm jsut saying.

  8. The texture is great, I prefer you textures than anubis. But as the other said, the hair is kinda ugly so I wont be downloading.

    Great job.

  9. This hair is fugly ugly. Even a retexure doesn't help it. Why would anyone want to make such a hidious style?

  10. Thanks Robod but ofcourse the style isn't that great... but you did very well! Keep it up :)

  11. unfortunately the mesh is still a big mess, TY anyway!

  12. Maybe next time don't use any hot/electric/neon colors for the background. I love this retexture and will probably dl the hair now even though I think the style is weird. But this background is hurting my eyes

  13. Very nice retexture, it's too bad the style is ugly.

  14. If it didnt curve in and look gay and was straight instead that would be similar to my hair. Ugh.
