
October 30, 2010

Abstrakcja Nikoli - painting by Bożena

Download at Mod The Sims 3 by Bozena


  1. Nice! May I ask for the bed, bedding & both wall patterns? Thanks...

  2. I wonder who this one is stolen from.

  3. "I wonder who this one is stolen from."

    What kind of comment is this? How would s/he steal a painting?

    Franco, the bed and bedding are from Baroque, however the bed does not animate correctly because it is too low.

  4. looks like etch-n-sketch scribble scrabble

  5. I wonder who this one is stolen from.

    I read a little more into the post, and I saw that it was drawn by the person's actual 8-year-old daughter who is suffering from a type of disease... That kind of renders what you said as mean.

  6. The figure drew my disabled daughter. Drew it in a graphics program Paint. I do not wish such accusations without evidence. And how to whore someone does not like to let those stupid comments to keep for you. These are normally libel and slander. How to steal a give evidence. My daughter is seriously ill and do not wish to have any teenagers insulted my daughter.

    Ten rysunek narysowała moja niepełnosprawna córka . Rysowała go w programie graficznym Paint . I nie życzę sobie takich oskarżeń bez dowodów . I jak się kurwa komuś nie podoba to niech takie głupie komentarze zachowa dla Ciebie . To są normalnie oszczerstwa i pomówienia . Jak ukradłam to podaj dowód . Moja córka poważnie choruje i nie życzę sobie żeby jakieś małolaty obrażali moją córke .

  7. "I wonder who this one is stolen from."

    Some of you people are REALLY nasty.

    You get on here and you throw all sorts of shit at creators because you can hide behind a computer screen and don't have to take any responsibility for your actions.

    Why didn't you even go to the creator's page and look? I don't speak Polish but that's what the many translators are for:

    "The author of the drawing is my 8 year old daughter Nikola who is ill from the disease known as psychomotor retardation, and dedicate it to all the sick children to the disease."

    Bozena, you are very brave and generous to share your child's artwork. It's beautiful and what your child is going through brought tears to my eyes. I don't think I would've been able to share something so dear to me just because of the nasty boils on the butt of humanity that frequent this blog and try to make creators feel bad because they can't do anything themselves.

    To the nasty anon: you are a real disgusting piece of work and you need to think before you think you're being cool, witty, or edgy with your attacks on creators on this blog.

  8. Well the back story makes the painting much more likable. And not just because the person's daughter is very ill, it's because it was drawn by a child.
