
October 08, 2010

Antique Keys by Aikea Guinea

Download at Club Crimsyn


  1. Oh yes, I love the hanging key quite a lot!


    New updates at Irink and Astra!

  3. @goopey

    you are not the only one ;)

  4. Yay!! Thank you for converting and sharing. Made my day

  5. Yay! Thanks for these Aikea! :D

  6. ^lol, oh dear.

    I love this set. The keys will look great in the victorian house I'm decorating right now.

    Awesome work as always Aikea, thanks for sharing.

  7. once upon a time
    in a tiny forest
    there lived seven tiny trolls
    who trolled on seven tiny computers
    until one day
    one troll told a tiny secret
    then there were only six

  8. Thank you Aikea for another lovely decor. I have so many uses for the keys.

  9. Bring back Kerby and Alex!!!!!!!!!!!!!October 8, 2010 at 11:30 PM
    Bring back Kerby and Alex who were unfairly banned from!

  10. It's quite funny how the brainless morons at the BBS are so "boycott EA!" when they don't have all the facts. Do you know for a fact that both Kerby and Alexurt1 were unjustly banned? No, you don't. People lie, especially when their reputations are at stake.

    Don't front. You know your asses will be RUNNING to get Late Night when it comes out.

  11. Oh, look! Shivar's hiding under Anonymous again! LOL! Hi, Shivar!

  12. Not Shivar. Just a rational person that doesn't just take someone's word without having all the facts. You should try it sometime instead of being a sheep. I've seen plenty of people lie about all sorts of things on the internet.

    If you could get your head out of your ass, you'd see that the majority of people in the MTS thread agree that all may not be what it seems.

    I guess they are all just Shivar in disguise, huh?

  13. i continue to be confused. my body is changing so fast and i'm experiencing so many new sensations and urges. it's so hard being 12. :| no one ever told me it was gonna be like this.

  14. LOL don't assume anything about me, I don't care about any of it.

  15. Lovely. Perfect in every situation. :P

  16. I have to wonder if all these trolls are just one or two people who are secretly on a crusade to get Joe to tighten the reigns on the posts here.

    I love the keys, especially the hanging ones. Or the sitting ones. Or the hanging ones. Meh, they're both nice.

  17. "Meh" has got to be the most annoying teenage slang "word" ever.

  18. ""Meh" has got to be the most annoying teenage slang "word" ever."

    I'm 27. And I don't use it as a "word," but more as a sound effect.

  19. Guys!!!!! Stop fighting!!!!! :( Please!!!!!! :( I can't handle this fighting EVERY DAY! Why are you doing this to me???? :( Do you want me to get REALLY ANGRY and attack Daddy with a knife again???? I will go to JAIL like Uncle David!!!!! :( Dumb fighting! :(

  20. RIGHT NOW guys!!!

  21. ^ Hey, at least the troll wants people to stop fighting.

    Bring back Kerby and Alex who were unfairly banned from!

  23. Anon, 'fer goodness sake, STOP spamming. No one in here gives a shit about a Facebook fanpage which EA most likely won't notice at all.

  24. lol, Kerby and Alex weren't "unfairly banned." They spent thousands of dollars buying items from the Sims 3 Store and giving them away to other people. That is ridiculously suspicious behaviour. If you're spending thousands of dollars on virtual items, you either have some sort of mental problem, or you're stealing the money/sim points. I would've banned their asses, too.

  25. I don't understand why Alexurt1 was banned, though. She was a rather kind-hearted person, but one thing always boggled me about her. Where the hell did she get that kind of money? Who HAS the money anyway? By the way, who's Kerby?

  26. ^ Maybe she was recently widowed and collected a large life insurance policy or some great aunt died and she inherited her fortune?

  27. @ Little Miss Epic

    Exactly. No one has that kind of money. So EA jumped to the fairly reasonable conclusion that they are stealing simpoints somehow. I don't think they have any concrete proof, but that's why they were banned.

  28. there are plenty of rich people out there outside of your bubbles...

  29. I'm pretty rich. I work as a laparoscopic surgeon but there is no way I'd waste my money at the Sims 3 store.

  30. ^And there are plenty who are not rich on their own but who have rich relatives who did NOT authorize them to use their credit cards to buy Simpoints.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Do you think that truly is the case, sir? No really, I want to know.

  33. Maybe it's a lonely old billionaire woman with no family who's addicted to the game. Or not, we don't really know, do we?

  34. ^ IRL Mrs. Crumplebottom with a heart of gold.

  35. On the internet... some people are not what they say they are. :P Alex could be filthy rich woman with a heart of gold, a hacker who steals from the store or a poor person who steals from her rich relatives.

  36. Has anyone ever flicked their bean to their own sims?

  37. I've actually had several friends (adults) spend Mommy and Daddy's money on certain things without permission.

  38. "On the internet... some people are not what they say they are. :P Alex could be filthy rich woman with a heart of gold, a hacker who steals from the store or a poor person who steals from her rich relatives."

    Exactly. She could be completely innocent or she could be a liar who was using her relatives' credit cards for unauthorized purposes because she wanted to seek popularity and get people to like her by trying to buy friends on the internet. Same with Kerby.

    I can't count the number of liars I've come across on the internet. Some of them were pretty damn good, too. Just because someone says they do this or they do that, it doesn't mean it's true.

  39. ^ Like Himikosims3 aka RD?

  40. Some really rich people don't know the value of money. They just spend it whenever and however they want.

  41. Who IS Himikosims3? Can someone please fill me in? :P

  42. ^ I do that on amazon sometimes but I always end up telling them anyways. But I wouldn't waste their money on fucking virtual shit.

    I've seen several kids leave comments on Newsea hairs or other pay items at TSR and say stuff like, "I just charged a subscription on my Mom's credit card to get this! Haha!" Plenty of people abuse credit card privileges.

    ^ Like Himikosims3 aka RD?

    Himiko is Repulsive Desire? Is that what you are trying to say? Their writing styles do not seem alike.

  43. ^ ANYONE can change their writing styles on the internet. I could type in 1337 under Anonymous and no one would recognise me.

  44. Come, Little Miss Epic. Join us in the dark side. You exhibit excellent troll potential.

  45. Keep in mind people, more than one person was banned for spending all this money. I think it's pretty damn unlikely that there are multiple lonely billionaires who have nothing better to do with their riches than buy Sims shit for kids on the EA forums.

    Either way... if they were stealing, they deserved to get banned. And if they're innocent, EA did them a favor. Alex alone spent almost $10,000, and there are so many better things that could be done with that money.

  46. Himikosims3 was a girl who got torn to shreds when some of her sims were posted on here. People said they looked like burn victims but she insisted they were ~*~*~JAPANESE~*~*~. It was really quite funny. Anyways, she's faded into obscurity and DELETED EVERYTHING, derp.

  47. "Come, Little Miss Epic. Join us in the dark side. You exhibit excellent troll potential."
    Is that a compliment? lol

  48. ^ Um duh, the power of manipulating people is an excellent asset. Own it.

  49. ^ I already am leaning to the dark side.

  50. Girl gots skill, you gotta admit.

  51. You know, I bet the Anon who foolishly clicked on the link's room had a lot of people.

  52. ^ I bet he had a good wank afterwards.

  53. Sorry to double post, but Anon, how would you know Himiko's RD? She could be aaaaaaaaaanyyyyyyyooooone... even me! (but I'm not her)

  54. ^ Eh, I was just joking around. I know RD is not Himiko 'cause RD's graphics are better quality than himiko's and not only that RD doesn't seem the Japan obsessed type.

    Though, you never know~

  55. ^ Indeed, you never know.

    AND HAY GUESS WHAT? Tons of people are boycotting EA because of their ban of the gifters :P

  56. Alexurt claims she is a "successful business owner" but her entire style of writing wreaks of an 18 or 20 year old blowing her parents' hard-earned money and bragging about it on the internet.

    I don't know any business owners who sound like this:

    2) @Srikandi... I have enough to give to whatever I want virtual or not..and btw... I donate lots to charity...and im a successful business owner

    and to make it clear to you all... if you look at the BOYCOTT page (which i did not create)...i have plenty pictures proving what I buy.. EA CASH CARDS in mass... so please stop with the crap that I was fraudulently using CC's..I have a Centurion (American Express Black Card for you 10 years olds)... no need for a piddly if you want to assume you know... get the facts...otherwise...stfu

  57. ^ Goodness gracious. If she's the owner of a "successful company", one of the key aspects in companies is respect (no shit, Sherlock). She behaves - no, not even like a twelve - she's a foetus. I hope this isn't her and just some troll.

  58. ^ also her use of elipsus' was quite laughable. What the fuck was that about?

  59. ^ Yeah. And what's with the "piddly Visa"? I think our darling little Alexurt1 has gone bananas.

    Screw boycotting EA, boycott Alexurt!

  60. Hilarious! moar fight! It's the only thing keeping me interested in the sims community now.

  61. EA sure knows how to exploit people with their sim point system. $10000 just from one person.. jeebus EA must be rolling in cash. And all those addicted players acting like they will die without gifters. SO many 12s and whiners in the forum *headbang*. I bet EA secretly hates their fans and wishes they could just ban everybody lol.

  62. ^ Sometimes fans can get a little annoying. I don't have any, but...

  63. I wish I had such a fortune that I could afford to spend $10,000 on some game. oO (Not that I'd do it. Pure insanity.)

    The keys look awesome.

  64. ^ Exactly; who in their right mind would spend tens of thousands on one game which costs forty bucks? After all, listen to Transformers: it's more than meets the eye...

  65. *there's more than meets the eye... sorry. damn sleepy, lol.

  66. Need to ask Alexurt1 if she owns any of the purchases to the store. The way I understand it, if you are banned, all purchases are wiped from your account. So if you lose the originals, due to computer failure or losing game files, you cannot get it back.

    No one buys anything for the virtual games anymore, they are just money to pay rent. Tsk!
