
October 13, 2010

Daughter of the Orient - Paintings by KimKolwiek

Download at Sims District


  1. Hello! All these pictures and I made with a mesh of Pilar (SimControl) ;-)
    Are available in my blog

  2. Kim, are the paintings these are based off of your work or someone elses? I ask because I really like them, and if they are a different artist's work, I'd like to see their site. Need real artwork for my apartment.

  3. Nice paintings. I really like #4.

    Unrelated question, is the blanket on the bed photoshopped in or is it an item? If so, anyone know where I can find it?

  4. I can't think of anything I could use them for, but they're so pretty I want to download them anyway!
    Oh, and above anon, I'm pretty sure it's photoshopped. If you look down at the lower left corner on the last photo, it's overlapping with a pair of shoes.

  5. ^I definitely think you're right about it being photoshopped, but overlapping is easily accomplished with cheats.
