
October 10, 2010

Dead Is The New Alive - Gravemarkers plus Bonus Jack O'Lantern by Aikea Guinea

Download at Club Crimsyn


  1. Hahaha very good :) the jackolantern is cwute xD

  2. LOL you guys should look up singlish on YouTube la!

  3. Nyoro~n high school musical is pretty popular in sing. Sing airport is where all the cool kids hang.

  4. This is probably going to get lost in all this sillyness but thanks for more great creations Akiea. Four days in a row of great stuff

  5. Saddly I can't use the cute pumpkins because of my borked misc. decor section :(
    Is there a way to make it work in the sculptures/plants sections ?

  6. ^Seems to me that a better solution would be *fixing* your misc selection. What's wrong with it?

    Aikea, these are great. The jack-o-lantern has so much personality. I love the simple gravemarkers, too. There are times when a big, elaborate concrete slab just isn't appropriate.

  7. where can I download the sim hair? I love punky stuff!

  8. @anon; sure, logically it would be better to fix it. But I just can't find what is making my game to crash in there. It's sure it's some CC but which one and how can I do it without taking out every single item. I just abandonned on fixing it. It's quite better for my gameplay, I don't use as much clutter as I did before, well..

    Seriously is there anyway I can just put it in the sculpture/plants area with a program like s3pe ? or it only depends on the cloned mesh's categorie ?

  9. "It's sure it's some CC but which one and how can I do it without taking out every single item."

    Troubleshooting is a laborious project, but it's not THAT bad. Just take out half at a time until you can narrow it down to a single item. Then again, if you're willing to play with game-crashing CC installed, have at it. Seems foolish and potentially dangerous if you upload stuff, though.

    Whether or not you decide to leave your CC borked, it's a little selfish to request extra work from creators just because you don't want to take the time to fix your own game. They put it in a certain category because that's where they want it, and they can't be expected to change their stuff just for one speshul snoflake such as yourself.

  10. ^That was me, and I'M AN ASS!!! I misread your original post ufailedatlife. I see now that you asked if it could be done, not that the creator do it for you. I'm sorry. *hangs head in shame*

    I still think you should just find the bad CC and remove it, though. ;)

  11. Hehe that's alright. I know I should do it but I'm such lazzzyyyyy to do it.

    I was wondering if it could be only because there's too much stuff in that particular section. I can open the tab, it loads, stuff appears, it is slow but it loads and then POUF, it freezes =S Anyway, I'll do it when I have time ( and especially motivation ) but no worries, I'm not uploading stuff with a game as screwed up as mine XD
